这方面的例子是AMF (ActionScript Message Format)远程处理的实现,通过网络传输本机操作脚本对象。
In earlier version of Java, reflection was very slow, and so serializaing large object graphs (e.g. in client-server RMI applications) was a bit of a performance problem. To handle this situation, the interface was provided, which is like but with custom-written mechanisms to perform the marshalling and unmarshalling functions (you need to implement readExternal and writeExternal methods on your class). This gives you the means to get around the reflection performance bottleneck.
此外,内置的Java序列化机制并不是唯一的,您可以获得第三方替代机制,例如JBoss serialization,它要快得多,并且是默认的替代机制。
Externalizable一个很大的缺点是你必须自己维护这个逻辑——如果你在你的类中添加、删除或改变一个字段,你必须改变你的writeExternal/ readeexternal方法来解释它。
总之,Externalizable是Java 1.1时代的遗留物。真的没有必要了。
For Serialization there is no need of default constructor of that class because Object because JVM construct the same with help of Reflection API. In case of Externalization contructor with no arg is required, because the control is in hand of programmar and later on assign the deserialized data to object via setters. In serialization if user want to skip certain properties to be serialized then has to mark that properties as transient, vice versa is not required for Externalization. When backward compatiblity support is expected for any class then it is recommended to go with Externalizable. Serialization supports defaultObject persisting and if object structure is broken then it will cause issue while deserializing.
Marker interface: Serializable is marker interface without any methods. Externalizable interface contains two methods: writeExternal() and readExternal(). Serialization process: Default Serialization process will be kicked-in for classes implementing Serializable interface. Programmer defined Serialization process will be kicked-in for classes implementing Externalizable interface. Maintenance: Incompatible changes may break serialisation. Backward Compatibility and Control: If you have to support multiple versions, you can have full control with Externalizable interface. You can support different versions of your object. If you implement Externalizable, it's your responsibility to serialize super class public No-arg constructor: Serializable uses reflection to construct object and does not require no arg constructor. But Externalizable demands public no-arg constructor.
更多细节请参考Hitesh Garg的博客。
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