int main()
char *a = malloc(1024);
/* Do some arbitrary stuff with 'a' (no alloc functions) */
return 0;
Second, let's say I have a program that acts a bit like a shell. Users can declare variables like aaa = 123 and those are stored in some dynamic data structure for later use. Clearly, it seems obvious that you'd use some solution that will calls some *alloc function (hashmap, linked list, something like that). For this kind of program, it doesn't make sense to ever free after calling malloc because these variables must be present at all times during the program's execution and there's no good way (that I can see) to implement this with statically allocated space. Is it bad design to have a bunch of memory that's allocated but only freed as part of the process ending? If so, what's the alternative?
All desktop and server environments simply release the entire memory space on exit(). They are unaware of program-internal data structures such as heaps.
Almost all free() implementations do not ever return memory to the operating system anyway.
More importantly, it's a waste of time when done right before exit(). At exit, memory pages and swap space are simply released. By contrast, a series of free() calls will burn CPU time and can result in disk paging operations, cache misses, and cache evictions.
关于未来代码重用的可能性,为毫无意义的操作的确定性辩护:这是一个考虑,但可以说这不是敏捷的方式。YAGNI !
一旦我确定我已经完成了每个分配的块,我通常会释放它。今天,我的程序的入口点可能是main(int argc, char *argv[]),但明天它可能是foo_entry_point(char **args, struct foo *f),并类型为函数指针。
用户输入'unset a'
char *t;
for (i=0; i < 255; i++) {
t = strdup(foo->name);
如果这发生在fork / daemonizing(理论上永远运行)之前,那么您的程序已经泄漏了255次大小不确定的t。
真的,当你去做其他事情的时候,要善待那些不得不维护你的东西的可怜人。递给他们“valgrind clean”:)