I'm an iOS developer with some experience and this question is really interesting to me. I saw a lot of different resources and materials on this topic, but nevertheless I'm still confused. What is the best architecture for an iOS networked application? I mean basic abstract framework, patterns, which will fit every networking application whether it is a small app which only have a few server requests or a complex REST client. Apple recommends to use MVC as a basic architectural approach for all iOS applications, but neither MVC nor the more modern MVVM patterns explain where to put network logic code and how to organize it in general. Do I need to develop something like MVCS(S for Service) and in this Service layer put all API requests and other networking logic, which in perspective may be really complex? After doing some research I found two basic approaches for this. Here it was recommended to create a separate class for every network request to web-service API (like LoginRequest class or PostCommentRequest class and so on) which all inherits from the base request abstract class AbstractBaseRequest and in addition to create some global network manager which encapsulates common networking code and other preferences (it may be AFNetworking customisation or RestKit tuning, if the we have complex object mappings and persistence, or even an own network communication implementation with standard API). But this approach seems an overhead for me. Another approach is to have some singleton API dispatcher or manager class as in the first approach, but not to create classes for every request and instead to encapsulate every request as an instance public method of this manager class like: fetchContacts, loginUser methods, etc. So, what is the best and correct way? Are there other interesting approaches I don't know yet? And should I create another layer for all this networking stuff like Service, or NetworkProvider layer or whatever on top of my MVC architecture, or this layer should be integrated (injected) into existing MVC layers e.g. Model? I know there exists beautiful approaches, or how then such mobile monsters like Facebook client or LinkedIn client deal with exponentially growing complexity of networking logic? I know there are no exact and formal answer to the problem. The goal of this question is to collect the most interesting approaches from experienced iOS developers. The best suggested approach will be marked as accepted and awarded with a reputation bounty, others will be upvoted. It is mostly a theoretical and research question. I want to understand basic, abstract and correct architectural approach for networking applications in iOS. I hope for detailed explanation from experienced developers.
Your view controllers controlling one or more views Data model class - It really depends upon how many real distinct entities you are dealing with, and how they are related. For example, if you have an array of items to be displayed in four different representations (list, chart, graph etc), you will have one data model class for list of items, one more for an item. The list of item class will be shared by four view controllers - all children of a tab bar controller or a nav controller. Data model classes will come handy in not only displaying data, but also serializing them wherein each of them can expose their own serialization format through JSON / XML / CSV (or anything else) export methods. It is important to understand that you also need API request builder classes that map directly with your REST API endpoints. Let's say you have an API that logs the user in - so your Login API builder class will create POST JSON payload for login api. In another example, an API request builder class for list of catalog items API will create GET query string for corresponding api and fire the REST GET query. These API request builder classes will usually receive data from view controllers and also pass the same data back to view controllers for UI update / other operations. View controllers will then decide how to update Data Model objects with that data. Finally, the heart of the REST client - API data fetcher class which is oblivious to all sorts of API requests your app makes. This class will more likely be a singleton, but as others pointed out, it doesn't have to be a singleton. Note that the link is just a typical implementation and does not take into consideration scenarios like session, cookies etc, but it is enough to get you going without using any 3rd party frameworks.
我只添加了一些代码来自动设置映射。 我为我的模型定义了基类(不是协议,因为有很多代码来检查一些方法是否被实现,模型本身的代码更少):
@interface MappableEntity : NSObject
+ (NSArray*)pathPatterns;
+ (NSArray*)keyPathes;
+ (NSArray*)fieldsArrayForMapping;
+ (NSDictionary*)fieldsDictionaryForMapping;
+ (NSArray*)relationships;
@implementation MappableEntity
+(NSArray*)pathPatterns {
return @[];
+(NSArray*)keyPathes {
return nil;
+(NSArray*)fieldsArrayForMapping {
return @[];
+(NSDictionary*)fieldsDictionaryForMapping {
return @{};
+(NSArray*)relationships {
return @[];
@interface RelationshipObject : NSObject
@property (nonatomic,copy) NSString* source;
@property (nonatomic,copy) NSString* destination;
@property (nonatomic) Class mappingClass;
+(RelationshipObject*)relationshipWithKey:(NSString*)key andMappingClass:(Class)mappingClass;
+(RelationshipObject*)relationshipWithSource:(NSString*)source destination:(NSString*)destination andMappingClass:(Class)mappingClass;
@implementation RelationshipObject
+(RelationshipObject*)relationshipWithKey:(NSString*)key andMappingClass:(Class)mappingClass {
RelationshipObject* object = [[RelationshipObject alloc] init];
object.source = key;
object.destination = key;
object.mappingClass = mappingClass;
return object;
+(RelationshipObject*)relationshipWithSource:(NSString*)source destination:(NSString*)destination andMappingClass:(Class)mappingClass {
RelationshipObject* object = [[RelationshipObject alloc] init];
object.source = source;
object.destination = destination;
object.mappingClass = mappingClass;
return object;
@interface ObjectMappingInitializer : NSObject
@interface ObjectMappingInitializer (Private)
+ (NSArray*)mappableClasses;
@implementation ObjectMappingInitializer
+(void)initializeRKObjectManagerMapping:(RKObjectManager*)objectManager {
NSMutableDictionary *mappingObjects = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// Creating mappings for classes
for (Class mappableClass in [self mappableClasses]) {
RKObjectMapping *newMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:mappableClass];
[newMapping addAttributeMappingsFromArray:[mappableClass fieldsArrayForMapping]];
[newMapping addAttributeMappingsFromDictionary:[mappableClass fieldsDictionaryForMapping]];
[mappingObjects setObject:newMapping forKey:[mappableClass description]];
// Creating relations for mappings
for (Class mappableClass in [self mappableClasses]) {
RKObjectMapping *mapping = [mappingObjects objectForKey:[mappableClass description]];
for (RelationshipObject *relation in [mappableClass relationships]) {
[mapping addPropertyMapping:[RKRelationshipMapping relationshipMappingFromKeyPath:relation.source toKeyPath:relation.destination withMapping:[mappingObjects objectForKey:[relation.mappingClass description]]]];
// Creating response descriptors with mappings
for (Class mappableClass in [self mappableClasses]) {
for (NSString* pathPattern in [mappableClass pathPatterns]) {
if ([mappableClass keyPathes]) {
for (NSString* keyPath in [mappableClass keyPathes]) {
[objectManager addResponseDescriptor:[RKResponseDescriptor responseDescriptorWithMapping:[mappingObjects objectForKey:[mappableClass description]] method:RKRequestMethodAny pathPattern:pathPattern keyPath:keyPath statusCodes:RKStatusCodeIndexSetForClass(RKStatusCodeClassSuccessful)]];
} else {
[objectManager addResponseDescriptor:[RKResponseDescriptor responseDescriptorWithMapping:[mappingObjects objectForKey:[mappableClass description]] method:RKRequestMethodAny pathPattern:pathPattern keyPath:nil statusCodes:RKStatusCodeIndexSetForClass(RKStatusCodeClassSuccessful)]];
// Error Mapping
RKObjectMapping *errorMapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[Error class]];
[errorMapping addAttributeMappingsFromArray:[Error fieldsArrayForMapping]];
for (NSString *pathPattern in Error.pathPatterns) {
[[RKObjectManager sharedManager] addResponseDescriptor:[RKResponseDescriptor responseDescriptorWithMapping:errorMapping method:RKRequestMethodAny pathPattern:pathPattern keyPath:nil statusCodes:RKStatusCodeIndexSetForClass(RKStatusCodeClassClientError)]];
@implementation ObjectMappingInitializer (Private)
+ (NSArray*)mappableClasses {
return @[
[FruiosPaginationResults class],
[FruioItem class],
[Pagination class],
[ContactInfo class],
[Credentials class],
[User class]
@interface User : MappableEntity
@property (nonatomic) long userId;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *username;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *email;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *password;
@property (nonatomic, copy) NSString *token;
- (instancetype)initWithUsername:(NSString*)username email:(NSString*)email password:(NSString*)password;
- (NSDictionary*)registrationData;
@implementation User
- (instancetype)initWithUsername:(NSString*)username email:(NSString*)email password:(NSString*)password {
if (self = [super init]) {
self.username = username;
self.email = email;
self.password = password;
return self;
- (NSDictionary*)registrationData {
return @{
@"username": self.username,
@"email": self.email,
@"password": self.password
+ (NSArray*)pathPatterns {
return @[
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/api/%@/users/register", APIVersionString],
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/api/%@/users/login", APIVersionString]
+ (NSArray*)fieldsArrayForMapping {
return @[ @"username", @"email", @"password", @"token" ];
+ (NSDictionary*)fieldsDictionaryForMapping {
return @{ @"id": @"userId" };
typedef void(^SuccessCallback)();
typedef void(^SuccessCallbackWithObjects)(NSArray *objects);
typedef void(^ErrorCallback)(NSError *error);
typedef void(^ProgressBlock)(float progress);
@interface LoginAPI : NSObject
- (void)loginWithCredentials:(Credentials*)credentials onSuccess:(SuccessCallbackWithObjects)onSuccess onError:(ErrorCallback)onError;
@implementation LoginAPI
- (void)loginWithCredentials:(Credentials*)credentials onSuccess:(SuccessCallbackWithObjects)onSuccess onError:(ErrorCallback)onError {
[[RKObjectManager sharedManager] postObject:nil path:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"/api/%@/users/login", APIVersionString] parameters:[credentials credentialsData] success:^(RKObjectRequestOperation *operation, RKMappingResult *mappingResult) {
} failure:^(RKObjectRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error) {
@implementation SomeViewController {
LoginAPI *_loginAPI;
// ...
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
_loginAPI = [[LoginAPI alloc] init];
// ...
// ...
- (IBAction)signIn:(id)sender {
[_loginAPI loginWithCredentials:_credentials onSuccess:^(NSArray *objects) {
// Success Block
} onError:^(NSError *error) {
// Error Block
// ...
User* newUser = [User createInManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext];
[newUser postOnSuccess:^(...) { ... } onFailure:^(...) { ... }];
在NSManagedObject + Extensions.m:
+ (instancetype)createInContext:(NSManagedObjectContext*)context
NSAssert(context.persistentStoreCoordinator.managedObjectModel.entitiesByName[[self entityName]] != nil, @"Entity with name %@ not found in model. Is your class name the same as your entity name?", [self entityName]);
return [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:[self entityName] inManagedObjectContext:context];
在NSManagedObject + Networking.m:
- (void)getOnSuccess:(RESTSuccess)onSuccess onFailure:(RESTFailure)onFailure blockInput:(BOOL)blockInput
[[RKObjectManager sharedManager] getObject:self path:nil parameters:nil success:onSuccess failure:onFailure];
[self handleInputBlocking:blockInput];
我们根据具体情况使用几种方法。对于大多数事情来说,AFNetworking是最简单和最健壮的方法,因为你可以设置标题,上传多部分数据,使用GET, POST, PUT和DELETE,还有一堆附加的UIKit类别,允许你从url设置图像。在一个有很多调用的复杂应用程序中,我们有时会将其抽象为我们自己的方便方法,就像这样:
-(void)makeRequestToUrl:(NSURL *)url withParameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters success:(void (^)(id responseObject))success failure:(void (^)(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error))failure;
组装 模型 服务 存储 经理 协调员 用户界面 基础设施
服务层声明了用于与外部系统交互的服务,以便发送或接收在域模型中表示的数据。因此,通常我们有用于与服务器api(每个实体)通信的服务、消息传递服务(如PubNub)、存储服务(如Amazon S3)等。基本上,服务包装SDK(例如PubNub SDK)提供的对象或实现它们自己的通信逻辑。对于一般的网络,我们使用AFNetworking库。
存储层的目的是组织设备上的本地数据存储。为此我们使用Core Data或Realm(两者都有优缺点,使用哪个取决于具体的规格)。对于CoreData设置,我们使用MDMCoreData库和一堆类-存储-(类似于服务),它们为每个实体提供对本地存储的访问。对于Realm,我们只是使用类似的存储来访问本地存储。
凭据管理器及其不同的实现(keychain, NSDefaults,…) 当前会话管理器,知道如何保持和提供当前用户会话 捕获管道,提供对媒体设备的访问(视频录制,音频,拍照) BLE管理器,提供对蓝牙服务和外围设备的访问 地理位置管理器 ...
验证消息(模型层) 本地保存消息(消息存储) 上传消息附件(amazon s3服务) 更新消息状态和附件url并在本地保存消息(消息存储) 将消息序列化为JSON格式(模型层) 向PubNub发布消息(PubNub服务) 更新消息状态和属性并将其保存在本地(消息存储)
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