I'm an iOS developer with some experience and this question is really interesting to me. I saw a lot of different resources and materials on this topic, but nevertheless I'm still confused. What is the best architecture for an iOS networked application? I mean basic abstract framework, patterns, which will fit every networking application whether it is a small app which only have a few server requests or a complex REST client. Apple recommends to use MVC as a basic architectural approach for all iOS applications, but neither MVC nor the more modern MVVM patterns explain where to put network logic code and how to organize it in general. Do I need to develop something like MVCS(S for Service) and in this Service layer put all API requests and other networking logic, which in perspective may be really complex? After doing some research I found two basic approaches for this. Here it was recommended to create a separate class for every network request to web-service API (like LoginRequest class or PostCommentRequest class and so on) which all inherits from the base request abstract class AbstractBaseRequest and in addition to create some global network manager which encapsulates common networking code and other preferences (it may be AFNetworking customisation or RestKit tuning, if the we have complex object mappings and persistence, or even an own network communication implementation with standard API). But this approach seems an overhead for me. Another approach is to have some singleton API dispatcher or manager class as in the first approach, but not to create classes for every request and instead to encapsulate every request as an instance public method of this manager class like: fetchContacts, loginUser methods, etc. So, what is the best and correct way? Are there other interesting approaches I don't know yet? And should I create another layer for all this networking stuff like Service, or NetworkProvider layer or whatever on top of my MVC architecture, or this layer should be integrated (injected) into existing MVC layers e.g. Model? I know there exists beautiful approaches, or how then such mobile monsters like Facebook client or LinkedIn client deal with exponentially growing complexity of networking logic? I know there are no exact and formal answer to the problem. The goal of this question is to collect the most interesting approaches from experienced iOS developers. The best suggested approach will be marked as accepted and awarded with a reputation bounty, others will be upvoted. It is mostly a theoretical and research question. I want to understand basic, abstract and correct architectural approach for networking applications in iOS. I hope for detailed explanation from experienced developers.
我认为目前中型项目使用MVVM架构,大型项目使用VIPER架构 并努力实现
面向协议编程 软件设计模式 S.O.L.D原则 泛型编程 不要重复自己(DRY)
import Foundation
enum DataResponseError: Error {
case network
case decoding
var reason: String {
switch self {
case .network:
return "An error occurred while fetching data"
case .decoding:
return "An error occurred while decoding data"
extension HTTPURLResponse {
var hasSuccessStatusCode: Bool {
return 200...299 ~= statusCode
enum Result<T, U: Error> {
case success(T)
case failure(U)
protocol NHDataProvider {
func fetchRemote<Model: Codable>(_ val: Model.Type, url: URL, completion: @escaping (Result<Codable, DataResponseError>) -> Void)
final class NHClientHTTPNetworking : NHDataProvider {
let session: URLSession
init(session: URLSession = URLSession.shared) {
self.session = session
func fetchRemote<Model: Codable>(_ val: Model.Type, url: URL,
completion: @escaping (Result<Codable, DataResponseError>) -> Void) {
let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)
session.dataTask(with: urlRequest, completionHandler: { data, response, error in
let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse,
let data = data
else {
guard let decodedResponse = try? JSONDecoder().decode(Model.self, from: data) else {
你会发现这里是GitHub MVVM架构与rest API Swift项目
在移动软件工程中,应用最广泛的是Clean Architecture + MVVM和Redux模式。
Clean Architecture + MVVM由3层组成: 域、表示、数据层。 表示层和数据存储库层依赖于域层:
Presentation Layer -> Domain Layer <- Data Repositories Layer
Presentation Layer (MVVM) = ViewModels + Views
Domain Layer = Entities + Use Cases + Repositories Interfaces
Data Repositories Layer = Repositories Implementations + API (Network) + Persistence DB
在本文中,将对Clean Architecture + MVVM进行更详细的描述 https://tech.olx.com/clean-architecture-and-mvvm-on-ios-c9d167d9f5b3
typealias OpertaionCallback = (success: Bool, result: AnyObject?) -> ()
class Foursquare{
var authorizationCallback: OperationCallback?
var operationQueue: NSOperationQueue
var callbackQueue: dispatch_queue_t?
operationQueue = NSOperationQueue()
operationQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = 7;
callbackQueue = dispatch_get_main_queue();
func checkIn(venueID: String, shout: String, callback: OperationCallback) -> NSOperation {
let parameters: Dictionary <String, String> = [
return self.sendRequest("checkins/add", parameters: parameters, httpMethod: "POST", callback: callback)
func sendRequest(path: String, parameters: Dictionary <String, String>, httpMethod: String, callback:OperationCallback) -> NSOperation{
let url = self.constructURL(path, parameters: parameters)
var request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: url)
request.HTTPMethod = httpMethod
let operation = Operation(request: request, callbackBlock: callback, callbackQueue: self.callbackQueue!)
return operation
func constructURL(path: String, parameters: Dictionary <String, String>) -> NSURL {
var parametersString = kFSBaseURL+path
var firstItem = true
for key in parameters.keys {
let string = parameters[key]
let mark = (firstItem ? "?" : "&")
parametersString += "\(mark)\(key)=\(string)"
firstItem = false
return NSURL(string: parametersString.stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding))
class Operation: NSOperation {
var callbackBlock: OpertaionCallback
var request: NSURLRequest
var callbackQueue: dispatch_queue_t
init(request: NSURLRequest, callbackBlock: OpertaionCallback, callbackQueue: dispatch_queue_t) {
self.request = request
self.callbackBlock = callbackBlock
self.callbackQueue = callbackQueue
override func main() {
var error: NSError?
var result: AnyObject?
var response: NSURLResponse?
var recievedData: NSData? = NSURLConnection.sendSynchronousRequest(self.request, returningResponse: &response, error: &error)
if self.cancelled {return}
if recievedData{
result = NSJSONSerialization.JSONObjectWithData(recievedData, options: nil, error: &error)
if result != nil {
if result!.isKindOfClass(NSClassFromString("NSError")){
error = result as? NSError
if self.cancelled {return}
dispatch_async(self.callbackQueue, {
if (error) {
self.callbackBlock(success: false, result: error!);
} else {
self.callbackBlock(success: true, result: result!);
override var concurrent:Bool {get {return true}}
我们根据具体情况使用几种方法。对于大多数事情来说,AFNetworking是最简单和最健壮的方法,因为你可以设置标题,上传多部分数据,使用GET, POST, PUT和DELETE,还有一堆附加的UIKit类别,允许你从url设置图像。在一个有很多调用的复杂应用程序中,我们有时会将其抽象为我们自己的方便方法,就像这样:
-(void)makeRequestToUrl:(NSURL *)url withParameters:(NSDictionary *)parameters success:(void (^)(id responseObject))success failure:(void (^)(AFHTTPRequestOperation *operation, NSError *error))failure;
To my mind all software architecture is driven by need. If this is for learning or personal purposes, then decide the primary goal and have that drive the architecture. If this is a work for hire, then the business need is paramount. The trick is to not let shiny things distract you from the real needs. I find this hard to do. There are always new shiny things appearing in this business and lots of them are not useful, but you can't always tell that up front. Focus on the need and be willing to abandon bad choices if you can.
For example, I recently did a quick prototype of a photo sharing app for a local business. Since the business need was to do something quick and dirty, the architecture ended up being some iOS code to pop up a camera and some network code attached to a Send Button that uploaded the image to a S3 store and wrote to a SimpleDB domain. The code was trivial and the cost minimal and the client has an scalable photo collection accessible over the web with REST calls. Cheap and dumb, the app had lots of flaws and would lock the UI on occasion, but it would be a waste to do more for a prototype and it allows them to deploy to their staff and generate thousands of test images easily without performance or scalability concerns. Crappy architecture, but it fit the need and cost perfectly.
Another project involved implementing a local secure database which synchronizes with the company system in the background when the network is available. I created a background synchronizer that used RestKit as it seemed to have everything I needed. But I had to write so much custom code for RestKit to deal with idiosyncratic JSON that I could have done it all quicker by writing my own JSON to CoreData transformations. However, the customer wanted to bring this app in house and I felt that RestKit would be similar to the frameworks that they used on other platforms. I waiting to see if that was a good decision.
Again, the issue to me is to focus on the need and let that determine the architecture. I try like hell to avoid using third party packages as they bring costs that only appears after the app has been in the field for a while. I try to avoid making class hierarchies as they rarely pay off. If I can write something in a reasonable period of time instead of adopting a package that doesn't fit perfectly, then I do it. My code is well structured for debugging and appropriately commented, but third party packages rarely are. With that said, I find AF Networking too useful to ignore and well structured, well commented, and maintained and I use it a lot! RestKit covers a lot of common cases, but I feel like I've been in a fight when I use it, and most of the data sources I encounter are full of quirks and issues that are best handled with custom code. In my last few apps I just use the built in JSON converters and write a few utility methods.
One pattern I always use is to get the network calls off the main thread. The last 4-5 apps I've done set up a background timer task using dispatch_source_create that wakes up every so often and does network tasks as needed. You need to do some thread safety work and make sure that UI modifying code gets sent to the main thread. It also helps to do your onboarding/initialization in such a way that the user doesn't feel burdened or delayed. So far this has been working rather well. I suggest looking into these things.
Finally, I think that as we work more and as the OS evolves, we tend to develop better solutions. It has taken me years to get over my belief that I have to follow patterns and designs that other people claim are mandatory. If I am working in a context where that is part of the local religion, ahem, I mean the departmental best engineering practices, then I follow the customs to the letter, that's what they are paying me for. But I rarely find that following older designs and patterns is the optimal solution. I always try to look at the solution through the prism of the business needs and build the architecture to match it and keep things as simple as they can be. When I feel like there isn't enough there, but everything works correctly, then I'm on the right track.
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