有没有一种方法可以在不启动Android Studio的情况下运行模拟器。也许是从命令行。我知道这个功能在旧版本中是可用的,但从那以后就消失了。但也许有人已经知道怎么做了?
你可以制作一个批处理文件,这将直接打开模拟器,而不需要打开Android Studio。如果你使用的是Windows:
Open Notepad New file Copy the next lines into your file: cd /d C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools emulator @[YOUR_EMULATOR_DEVICE_NAME] Notes: Replace [YOUR_EMULATOR_DEVICE_NAME] with the device name you created in emulator To get the device name go to: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\tools Run cmd and type: emulator -list-avds Copy the device name and paste it in the batch file Save the file as emulator.bat and close Now double click on emulator.bat and you got the emulator running!
1.Download and extract the SDK. 2.Open a terminal and navigate to the “tools” directory. 3.Launch the “android” tool (./android if you are currently in the tools directory). 4.Tick off the “SDK Platform” for each version of Android that you’d like to use in your emulator. 5.Click the “Install N Packages” button. 6.Click each package and tick off “Accept License” (legally, I’m probably required to tell you that this step may take several hours as you read each license ;). 7.Done with those licenses? Great. Click “Install”. Wait for the SDK manager to finish installing your packages, then you can close it. 8.Back in your terminal, still in the tools directory, enter ./android avd which will launch the Android Virtual Device Manager. 9.Click “New” and fill out the form to build the device you’d like to emulate. In the “Target” dropdown, you’ll see the SDK Platforms that you installed earlier. If the version you need is missing, you need to go back and install it. Click OK when you’re done. 10.Click on the device that you just created and click the “Start” button, tweak any options that you need on the Launch Options window, and click “Launch”.
### TODO! Set the correct path to your `emulator` command
set avds to paragraphs of (do shell script "~/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator -list-avds")
set avd to (choose from list avds with prompt "Please select an AVD to start" default items "None" OK button name {"Start"} cancel button name {"Cancel"})
do shell script "~/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator -avd " & avd & " -no-boot-anim > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
为了从终端运行脚本,让它可执行(例如chmod +x android_launcher.sh),并在顶部添加以下shebang行:
首先,导航到你的android sdk,可能在C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\AppData\Local\ android \ sdk \tools\ 然后右键单击模拟器.exe,然后单击创建快捷方式。 新的闪亮的快捷方式被创建,可能带有一个预定义的名称。 右键单击快捷方式,并在目标字段(我的电脑是西班牙语)添加一个额外的参数,前面有一个@(看看下面的图片)
在Mac / Linux <avd > > 在Windows 模拟器。exe -avd <avdName>
如果你正在使用API 24,你可以从列表中获得模拟器的名称 Android列表avds 如果你正在使用API 25,那么你将在工具\bin中获得avdmanager Avdmanager列出avds