An Object becomes eligible for Garbage collection or GC if its not reachable from any live threads or any static refrences in other words you can say that an object becomes eligible for garbage collection if its all references are null. Cyclic dependencies are not counted as reference so if Object A has reference of object B and object B has reference of Object A and they don't have any other live reference then both Objects A and B will be eligible for Garbage collection. Generally an object becomes eligible for garbage collection in Java on following cases:
该对象的所有引用显式设置为空,例如object = null 对象在块内创建,一旦控件退出该块,引用就会离开作用域。 父对象设置为空,如果一个对象持有另一个对象的引用,并且当您将容器对象的引用设置为空时,子对象或包含对象自动符合垃圾收集的条件。 如果一个对象只有通过WeakHashMap的活动引用,那么它就有资格进行垃圾收集。
在最近与终结器方法搏斗之后(为了在测试期间处理连接池),我不得不说终结器缺少很多东西。使用VisualVM来观察以及使用弱引用来跟踪实际的交互,我发现以下事情在Java 8环境中是正确的(Oracle JDK, Ubuntu 15):
Finalize is not called immediately the Finalizer (GC part) individually owns the reference elusively The default Garbage Collector pools unreachable objects Finalize is called in bulk pointing to an implementation detail that there is a certain phase the garbage collector frees the resources. Calling System.gc() often does not result in objects being finalized more often, it just results in the Finalizer getting aware of an unreachable object more rapidly Creating a thread dump almost always result in triggering the finalizer due to high heap overhead during performing the heap dump or some other internal mechanism Finalization seams to be bound by either memory requirements (free up more memory) or by the list of objects being marked for finalization growing of a certain internal limit. So if you have a lot of objects getting finalized the finalization phase will be triggered more often and earlier when compared with only a few There were circumstances a System.gc() triggered a finalize directly but only if the reference was a local and short living. This might be generation related.
Sometimes when it is destroyed, an object must make an action. For example, if an object has a non-java resource such as a file handle or a font, you can verify that these resources are released before destroying an object. To manage such situations, java offers a mechanism called "finalizing". By finalizing it, you can define specific actions that occur when an object is about to be removed from the garbage collector. To add a finalizer to a class simply define the finalize() method. Java execution time calls this method whenever it is about to delete an object of that class. Within the finalize method() you specify actions to be performed before destroying an object. The garbage collector is periodically searched for objects that no longer refer to any running state or indirectly any other object with reference. Before an asset is released, the Java runtime calls the finalize() method on the object. The finalize() method has the following general form:
protected void finalize(){
// This is where the finalization code is entered
使用protected关键字,finalize()类之外的代码可以阻止对finalize()的访问。 务必要理解finalize()是在垃圾收集之前调用的。例如,当对象离开作用域时,它不会被调用。这意味着您无法知道finalize()何时或是否将执行。因此,程序必须提供其他方法来释放系统资源或对象使用的其他资源。不应该依赖finalize()来实现程序的正常运行。
Java finalize()方法不是析构函数,不应用于处理应用程序所依赖的逻辑。Java规范声明,不能保证在应用程序的生存期内调用finalize方法。
MyClass myObj;
try {
myObj = new MyClass();
// ...
} finally {
if (null != myObj) {
public class TestClass {
public TestClass() {
public void display() {
public void finalize() {
public class TestGarbageCollection {
public static void main(String[] args) {
while (true) {
TestClass s = new TestClass();
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