





bool IsPositive(int number)
    if (number > 0)
        return true;
        return false;




int i = 5;
string s = "Hello World";



表达式是产生一个值的任何东西:2 + 2 语句是程序执行的基本“块”之一。


返回右边子表达式的值。 将右边子表达式的值复制到左边的变量中。

下面是一段ANSI C语法的摘录。你可以看到C语言没有很多不同种类的语句……程序中的大多数语句都是表达式语句,即结尾带有分号的表达式。

    : labeled_statement
    | compound_statement
    | expression_statement
    | selection_statement
    | iteration_statement
    | jump_statement

    : ';'
    | expression ';'





1 + 2 * 4 * foo.bar()     //Expression
foo.voidFunc(1);          //Statement


表达式:求值为某个值的东西。例如:1 + 2 / x 语句:执行某些操作的代码行。例如:GOTO 100


1 + 2 / X


X = 1 + 2 / X

FORTRAN没有我们今天所知道的语法——这个想法和巴克斯-诺尔表单(BNF)一起被发明出来,作为algolo -60定义的一部分。在这一点上,语义上的区别(“有一个值”和“做某事”)被庄严地体现在语法中:一种短语是表达式,另一种是语句,解析器可以区分它们。

后来语言的设计者模糊了这种区别:他们允许语法表达式做事情,允许有值的语法语句。 现存最早的流行语言例子是C语言。C语言的设计者意识到,如果允许你求一个表达式的值,然后放弃结果,那也没有什么害处。在C语言中,每个语法表达式都可以通过在后面加上分号而变成语句:

1 + 2 / x;


1 + 2 / callfunc(12);



callfunc(x = 2);

这将计算表达式x = 2(将2的值赋给x),然后将该2传递给函数callfunc。

这种表达式和语句的模糊出现在所有的C语言衍生物(C、c++、c#和Java)中,它们仍然有一些语句(如while),但允许几乎任何表达式用作语句(在c#中,只有赋值、调用、自增和自减表达式可以用作语句;参见Scott Wisniewski的回答)。


if (E) S1; else S2;


E ? E1 : E2

有时人们希望复制不存在的内容:例如,在标准C中,只有语句可以声明一个新的局部变量——但是这种能力非常有用,可以使用 GNU C编译器提供了一个GNU扩展,允许表达式声明局部变量。

Designers of other languages didn't like this kind of duplication, and they saw early on that if expressions can have side effects as well as values, then the syntactic distinction between statements and expressions is not all that useful—so they got rid of it. Haskell, Icon, Lisp, and ML are all languages that don't have syntactic statements—they only have expressions. Even the class structured looping and conditional forms are considered expressions, and they have values—but not very interesting ones.





Expressions can be unvaluated operands. Values are never produced from them. Subexpressions in non-strict evaluations can be definitely unevaluated. Most C-like languages have the so-called short-circuit evaluation rules to conditionally skip some subexpression evaluations not change the final result in spite of the side effects. C and some C-like languages have the notion of unevaluated operand which may be even normatively defined in the language specification. Such constructs are used to avoid the evaluations definitely, so the remained context information (e.g. types or alignment requirements) can be statically distinguished without changing the behavior after the program translation. For example, an expression used as the operand of the sizeof operator is never evaluated. Statements have nothing to do with line constructs. They can do something more than expressions, depending on the language specifications. Modern Fortran, as the direct descendant of the old FORTRAN, has concepts of executable statements and nonexecutable statements. Similarly, C++ defines declarations as the top-level subcategory of a translation unit. A declaration in C++ is a statement. (This is not true in C.) There are also expression-statements like Fortran's executable statements. To the interest of the comparison with expressions, only the "executable" statements matter. But you can't ignore the fact that statements are already generalized to be constructs forming the translation units in such imperative languages. So, as you can see, the definitions of the category vary a lot. The (probably) only remained common property preserved among these languages is that statements are expected to be interpreted in the lexical order (for most users, left-to-right and top-to-bottom).




Statements are not guaranteed to have more semantic capabilities over expressions in usual designs. Many languages have already successfully abandon the notion of statements to get clean, neat and consistent overall designs. In such languages, expressions can do everything old-style statements can do: just drop the unused results when the expressions are evaluated, either by leaving the results explicitly unspecified (e.g. in RnRS Scheme), or having a special value (as a value of a unit type) not producible from normal expression evaluations. The lexical order rules of evaluation of expressions can be replaced by explicit sequence control operator (e.g. begin in Scheme) or syntactic sugar of monadic structures. The lexical order rules of other kinds of "statements" can be derived as syntactic extensions (using hygienic macros, for example) to get the similar syntactic functionality. (And it can actually do more.) On the contrary, statements cannot have such conventional rules, because they don't compose on evaluation: there is just no such common notion of "substatement evaluation". (Even if any, I doubt there can be something much more than copy and paste from existed rules of evaluation of expressions.) Typically, languages preserving statements will also have expressions to express computations, and there is a top-level subcategory of the statements preserved to expression evaluations for that subcategory. For example, C++ has the so-called expression-statement as the subcategory, and uses the discarded-value expression evaluation rules to specify the general cases of full-expression evaluations in such context. Some languages like C# chooses to refine the contexts to simplify the use cases, but it bloats the specification more. For users of programming languages, the significance of statements may confuse them further. The separation of rules of expressions and statements in the languages requires more effort to learn a language. The naive lexical order interpretation hides the more important notion: expression evaluation. (This is probably most problematic over all.) Even the evaluations of full expressions in statements are constraint with the lexical order, subexpressions are not (necessarily). Users should ultimately learn this besides any rules coupled to the statements. (Consider how to make a newbie get the point that ++i + ++i is meaningless in C.) Some languages like Java and C# further constraints the order of evaluations of subexpressions to be permissive of ignorance of evaluation rules. It can be even more problematic. This seems overspecified to users who have already learned the idea of expression evaluation. It also encourages the user community to follow the blurred mental model of the language design. It bloats the language specification even more. It is harmful to optimization by missing the expressiveness of nondeterminism on evaluations, before more complicated primitives are introduced. A few languages like C++ (particularly, C++17) specify more subtle contexts of evaluation rules, as a compromise of the problems above. It bloats the language specification a lot. This goes totally against to simplicity to average users...




For example, someone emphasizes the well-typing nature as the central argument against the traditional treatment of undelimited continuations. Although the conclusion is somewhat reasonable and the insights about composed functions are OK (but still far too naive to the essense), this argument is not sound because it totally ignores the "side channel" approach in practice like _Noreturn any_of_returnable_types (in C11) to encode Falsum. And strictly speaking, an abstract machine with unpredictable state is not identical to "a crashed computer".