我想检查设备的iOS版本是否大于3.1.3 我尝试了以下方法:

[[UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion floatValue]


if (version > 3.1.3) { }






(+) (BOOL) iOSMeetsOrExceedsVersion:(float)targetVersion;


BOOL shouldBranch = [SharedClass iOSMeetsOrExceedsVersion:5.0101];

(+) (BOOL) iOSMeetsOrExceedsVersion:(float)targetVersion {

 Note: the incoming targetVersion should use 2 digits for each subVersion --

 example 5.01 for v5.1, 5.11 for v5.11 (aka subversions above 9), 5.0101 for v5.1.1, etc.

// Logic: as a string, system version may have more than 2 segments (example: 5.1.1)
// so, a direct conversion to a float may return an invalid number
// instead, parse each part directly

NSArray *sysVersion = [[UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
float floatVersion = [[sysVersion objectAtIndex:0] floatValue];
if (sysVersion.count > 1) {
    NSString* subVersion = [sysVersion objectAtIndex:1];
    if (subVersion.length == 1)
        floatVersion += ([[sysVersion objectAtIndex:1] floatValue] *0.01);
        floatVersion += ([[sysVersion objectAtIndex:1] floatValue] *0.10);
if (sysVersion.count > 2) {
    NSString* subVersion = [sysVersion objectAtIndex:2];
    if (subVersion.length == 1)
        floatVersion += ([[sysVersion objectAtIndex:2] floatValue] *0.0001);
        floatVersion += ([[sysVersion objectAtIndex:2] floatValue] *0.0010);

if (floatVersion  >= targetVersion) 
    return TRUE;

// else
return FALSE;


使用nv-ios-version项目(Apache License, Version 2.0)中包含的Version类,很容易获取和比较iOS版本。下面的示例代码转储iOS版本,并检查版本是否大于或等于6.0。

// Get the system version of iOS at runtime.
NSString *versionString = [[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion];

// Convert the version string to a Version instance.
Version *version = [Version versionWithString:versionString];

// Dump the major, minor and micro version numbers.
NSLog(@"version = [%d, %d, %d]",
    version.major, version.minor, version.micro);

// Check whether the version is greater than or equal to 6.0.
if ([version isGreaterThanOrEqualToMajor:6 minor:0])
    // The iOS version is greater than or equal to 6.0.

// Another way to check whether iOS version is
// greater than or equal to 6.0.
if (6 <= version.major)
    // The iOS version is greater than or equal to 6.0.

项目页面:nv-ios-version TakahikoKawasaki / nv-ios-version

博客:获取并比较iOS版本在运行时与版本类 获取并比较iOS版本在运行时与版本类


struct iOSVersion {
    static let SYS_VERSION_FLOAT = (UIDevice.currentDevice().systemVersion as NSString).floatValue
    static let iOS7 = (Version.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT < 8.0 && Version.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT >= 7.0)
    static let iOS8 = (Version.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT >= 8.0 && Version.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT < 9.0)
    static let iOS9 = (Version.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT >= 9.0 && Version.SYS_VERSION_FLOAT < 10.0)


if iOSVersion.iOS8 {
    //Do iOS8 code here


NSComparisonResult order = [[UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion compare: @"3.1.3" options: NSNumericSearch];
if (order == NSOrderedSame || order == NSOrderedDescending) {
    // OS version >= 3.1.3
} else {
    // OS version < 3.1.3

在主界面轻按“设置”>常规>关于。 设备的软件版本应该出现在这个屏幕上。 检查版本号是否大于3.1.3。


#define IS_IPHONE5 (([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height-568)?NO:YES) 
#define IS_OS_5_OR_LATER    ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 5.0)
#define IS_OS_6_OR_LATER    ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 6.0)
#define IS_OS_7_OR_LATER    ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 7.0)
#define IS_OS_8_OR_LATER    ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 8.0)