

每个答案一个特征 给出特性的简短描述和示例,而不仅仅是文档链接 将答案限制在本地功能,即不需要额外的软件,如Windows资源包


(请参见:Windows批处理文件:.bat vs .cmd?)



@echo off

:: Get time (alas, it's only HH:MM xM

for /f %%a in ('time /t') do set zD1=%%a

:: Get last digit of MM

set zD2=%zD1:~4,1%

:: Seed the randomizer, if needed

if not defined zNUM1 set /a zNUM1=%zD2%

:: Get a kinda random number

set /a zNUM1=zNUM1 * 214013 + 2531011

set /a zNUM2=zNUM1 ^>^> 16 ^& 0x7fff

:: Pull off the first digit

:: (Last digit would be better, but it's late, and I'm tired)

set zIDX=%zNUM2:~0,1%

:: Map it down to 0-3

set /a zIDX=zIDX/3

:: Finally, we can set do some proper initialization

set /a zIIDX=0

set zLO=

set zLL=""

:: Step through each line in the file, looking for line zIDX

for /f "delims=@" %%a in (c:\lines.txt) do call :zoo  %zIDX%  %%a

:: If line zIDX wasn't found, we'll settle for zee LastLine

if "%zLO%"=="" set zLO=%zLL%

goto awdun

:: See if the current line is line zIDX


:: Save string of all parms

set zALL=%*

:: Strip off the first parm (sure hope lines aren't longer than 254 chars)

set zWORDS=%zALL:~2,255%

:: Make this line zee LastLine

set zLL=%zWORDS%

:: If this is the line we're looking for, make it zee LineOut

if {%1}=={%zIIDX%} set zLO=%zWORDS%

:: Keep track of line numbers

set /a zIIDX=%zIIDX% + 1

goto :eof


echo ==%zLO%==

:: Be socially responsible

set zALL=

set zD1=

set zD2=

set zIDX=

set zIIDX=

set zLL=

set zLO=

:: But don't mess with seed

::set zNUM1=

set zNUM2=

set zWORDS=



   C:\>pushd \\yourmom\jukebox

   Z:\>pushd \\yourmom\business



   C:\utils>prompt $+$m$p$g

   C:\utils>pushd m:

   +\\yourmom\pub M:\>pushd c:\



   +\\yourmom\pub M:\>popd



@echo off

:: Get time (alas, it's only HH:MM xM

for /f %%a in ('time /t') do set zD1=%%a

:: Get last digit of MM

set zD2=%zD1:~4,1%

:: Seed the randomizer, if needed

if not defined zNUM1 set /a zNUM1=%zD2%

:: Get a kinda random number

set /a zNUM1=zNUM1 * 214013 + 2531011

set /a zNUM2=zNUM1 ^>^> 16 ^& 0x7fff

:: Pull off the first digit

:: (Last digit would be better, but it's late, and I'm tired)

set zIDX=%zNUM2:~0,1%

:: Map it down to 0-3

set /a zIDX=zIDX/3

:: Finally, we can set do some proper initialization

set /a zIIDX=0

set zLO=

set zLL=""

:: Step through each line in the file, looking for line zIDX

for /f "delims=@" %%a in (c:\lines.txt) do call :zoo  %zIDX%  %%a

:: If line zIDX wasn't found, we'll settle for zee LastLine

if "%zLO%"=="" set zLO=%zLL%

goto awdun

:: See if the current line is line zIDX


:: Save string of all parms

set zALL=%*

:: Strip off the first parm (sure hope lines aren't longer than 254 chars)

set zWORDS=%zALL:~2,255%

:: Make this line zee LastLine

set zLL=%zWORDS%

:: If this is the line we're looking for, make it zee LineOut

if {%1}=={%zIIDX%} set zLO=%zWORDS%

:: Keep track of line numbers

set /a zIIDX=%zIIDX% + 1

goto :eof


echo ==%zLO%==

:: Be socially responsible

set zALL=

set zD1=

set zD2=

set zIDX=

set zIIDX=

set zLL=

set zLO=

:: But don't mess with seed

::set zNUM1=

set zNUM2=

set zWORDS=


@echo off
echo Please choose one of the following options
echo 1. Apple
echo 2. Orange
echo 3. Pizza
echo a, b, c. Something else
choice /c:123abc /m "Answer?"
set ChoiceLevel=%ErrorLevel%
echo Choice was: %ChoiceLevel%



FIND作为grep的替代品。 我用find给自己黑了个电话簿。非常有用:

@echo off
set /p term=Enter query: 
type phonebookfile.txt |find /i "%term%"
if %errorlevel% == 0 GOTO :choose
echo No entry found
set /p new_entry=Add new entry: 
echo %new_entry% >> phonebookfile.txt 
set /p action=(q)uit, (n)ew query or (e)dit? [q] 
if "%action%"=="n" GOTO anfang
if "%action%"=="e" (
    notepad phonebookfile.txt
    goto :choose



dir /b *.* | findstr /f:/ "thepattern"