

OAuth 2.0是一个安全协议。它既不是认证协议,也不是授权协议。


用户是谁? 用户当前是否在系统上?

OAuth 2.0具有以下授予类型

client_credentials:当一个应用程序需要与另一个应用程序交互并修改多个用户的数据时。 authorization_code:用户委托授权服务器发出access_token,客户端可以使用该token访问受保护的资源 refresh_token:当access_token过期时,可以利用刷新令牌获得一个新的access_token password:用户向调用授权服务器并接收access_token的客户机提供他们的登录凭据



一个解释Oauth 2.0的例子(来源:Oauth 2 in Action, Manning publications)

让我们来谈谈巧克力。我们可以用巧克力做很多甜点,包括软糖、冰淇淋和蛋糕。但是,这些都不能等同于巧克力,因为制作这种甜点还需要多种其他成分,如奶油和面包,尽管巧克力听起来像是主要成分。类似地,OAuth 2.0是巧克力,而cookie、TLS基础设施、身份提供者是提供“身份验证”功能所需的其他成分。

如果你需要身份验证,你可以使用OpenID Connect,它提供了一个“id_token”,除了access_token,它可以回答每个身份验证协议必须回答的问题。








OAuth:在授予某些特性的访问权限之前,必须进行身份验证,对吗?所以OAuth =什么OpenId +授予访问某些功能?- Hassan Makarov 6月21日1:57






要处理身份验证,您可能需要研究OpenID Connect,它本质上是OAuth 2.0设置的基础之上的另一层。以下是关于OpenID Connect(在我看来)最突出的一点(来自https://oauth.net/articles/authentication/):)

OpenID Connect is an open standard published in early 2014 that defines an interoperable way to use OAuth 2.0 to perform user authentication. In essence, it is a widely published recipe for chocolate fudge that has been tried and tested by a wide number and variety of experts. Instead of building a different protocol to each potential identity provider, an application can speak one protocol to as many providers as they want to work with. Since it's an open standard, OpenID Connect can be implemented by anyone without restriction or intellectual property concerns. OpenID Connect is built directly on OAuth 2.0 and in most cases is deployed right along with (or on top of) an OAuth infrastructure. OpenID Connect also uses the JSON Object Signing And Encryption (JOSE) suite of specifications for carrying signed and encrypted information around in different places. In fact, an OAuth 2.0 deployment with JOSE capabilities is already a long way to defining a fully compliant OpenID Connect system, and the delta between the two is relatively small. But that delta makes a big difference, and OpenID Connect manages to avoid many of the pitfalls discussed above by adding several key components to the OAuth base: [...]

The document then goes on to describe (among other things) token IDs and a UserInfo endpoint. The former provides a set of claims (who you are, when the token was issued, etc, and possibly a signature to verify the authenticity of the token via a published public key without having to ask the upstream service), and the latter provides a means of e.g. asking for the user's first/last name, email, and similar bits of info, all in a standardized way (as opposed to the ad-hoc extensions to OAuth that people used before OpenID Connect standardized things).

我相信重新审视这个问题是有意义的,正如评论中所指出的,OpenID Connect的引入可能带来更多的困惑。

OpenID Connect是一种类似于OpenID 1.0/2.0的身份验证协议,但它实际上构建在OAuth 2.0之上,因此您将获得授权功能和身份验证功能。这两者之间的区别在这篇(相对较新的,但很重要的)文章中有很好的详细解释:http://oauth.net/articles/authentication/

OAuth返回访问令牌,用于从资源服务器访问资源,OpenID返回JWT /加密令牌中关于资源的元数据细节