我在Apache Maven网站上看过文档。
但是,我想知道是否有必要在父pom中定义junit ?为什么不在需要的模块中直接定义它呢?
有几个答案概述了maven的< dependencies >和<dependencyManagement>标记之间的区别。
<dependencyManagement> allows to consolidate all dependencies (used at child pom level) used across different modules -- clarity, central dependency version management
<dependencyManagement> allows to easily upgrade/downgrade dependencies based on need, in other scenario this needs to be exercised at every child pom level -- consistency
dependencies provided in <dependencies> tag is always imported, while dependencies provided at <dependencyManagement> in parent pom will be imported only if child pom has respective entry in its <dependencies> tag.
“. .匹配依赖引用到依赖管理节的最小信息集实际上是{groupId, artifactId, type, classifier}。在许多情况下,这些依赖关系将引用不带分类器的jar工件。这允许我们将标识集简写为{groupId, artifactId},因为类型字段的默认值是jar,默认分类器是null。[]
Thus, all the sub-elements (scope, exclusions etc.,) of a dependency element--other than groupId, artifactId, type, classifier, not just version--are available for lockdown/default at the point (and thus inherited from there onward) you specify the dependency within a dependencyElement. If you’d specified a dependency with the type and classifier sub-elements (see the first-cited webpage to check all sub-elements) as not jar and not null respectively, you’d need {groupId, artifactId, classifier, type} to reference (resolve) that dependency at any point in an inheritance originating from the dependencyManagement element. Else, {groupId, artifactId} would suffice if you do not intend to override the defaults for classifier and type (jar and null respectively). So default is a good keyword in that definition; any sub-element(s) (other than groupId, artifactId, classifier and type, of course) explicitly assigned value(s) at the point you reference a dependency override the defaults in the dependencyManagement element.