

我通常喜欢有一个类/文件。如果创建ViewModel只是为了将数据从控制器传递给视图,那么这对ViewModel有意义吗? 如果ViewModel属于它自己的文件,并且您正在使用目录/项目结构来保持内容分离,那么ViewModel文件属于哪里?在Controllers目录下?


编辑: 查看CodePlex上的示例NerdDinner应用程序,它看起来像视图模型是控制器的一部分,但它仍然让我不舒服,因为它们不在自己的文件中。


There are no good place to keep your models in. You can keep them in separate assembly if the project is big and there are a lot of ViewModels (Data Transfer Objects). Also you can keep them in separate folder of the site project. For example, in Oxite they are placed in Oxite project which contains a lot of various classes too. Controllers in Oxite are moved to separate project and views are in separate project too. In CodeCampServer ViewModels are named *Form and they are placed in UI project in Models folder. In MvcPress project they are placed in Data project, which also contains all code to work with database and a bit more (but I didn't recommend this approach, it's just for a sample) So you can see there are many point of view. I usually keep my ViewModels (DTO objects) in the site project. But when I have more than 10 models I prefer to move them to separate assembly. Usually in this case I'm moving controllers to separate assembly too. Another question is how to easily map all data from model to your ViewModel. I suggest to have a look at AutoMapper library. I like it very much, it does all dirty work for me. And I also I suggest to look at SharpArchitecture project. It provides very good architecture for projects and it contains a lot of cool frameworks and guidances and great community.


There are no good place to keep your models in. You can keep them in separate assembly if the project is big and there are a lot of ViewModels (Data Transfer Objects). Also you can keep them in separate folder of the site project. For example, in Oxite they are placed in Oxite project which contains a lot of various classes too. Controllers in Oxite are moved to separate project and views are in separate project too. In CodeCampServer ViewModels are named *Form and they are placed in UI project in Models folder. In MvcPress project they are placed in Data project, which also contains all code to work with database and a bit more (but I didn't recommend this approach, it's just for a sample) So you can see there are many point of view. I usually keep my ViewModels (DTO objects) in the site project. But when I have more than 10 models I prefer to move them to separate assembly. Usually in this case I'm moving controllers to separate assembly too. Another question is how to easily map all data from model to your ViewModel. I suggest to have a look at AutoMapper library. I like it very much, it does all dirty work for me. And I also I suggest to look at SharpArchitecture project. It provides very good architecture for projects and it contains a lot of cool frameworks and guidances and great community.


如果你想为你的网站(/)的Home部分写代码,然后创建一个名为Home的文件夹,并在那里放置HomeController, IndexViewModel, AboutViewModel等,以及Home操作使用的所有相关类。


为什么要分离相关的东西(HomeController, IndexViewModel),而把完全没有关系的东西放在一起(HomeController, AccountController) ?





我为每个视图创建了所谓的“ViewModel”。我把它们放在MVC Web项目中一个名为ViewModels的文件夹中。我根据它们所代表的控制器和动作(或视图)来命名它们。所以如果我需要传递数据到会员控制器上的注册视图,我创建了一个MembershipSignUpViewModel.cs类,并把它放在ViewModels文件夹中。



这样做允许您调整部分ViewModel属性,而不必更改Index视图。它仍然只是传入模型。MyPartialViewModel所以当你所做的只是向partial ViewModel添加一个属性时,你就不太可能需要通过整个partial链来修复一些东西。
