
按Enter键 使用JS中的HTMLFormElement.submit()



调用附加到提交按钮的onclick事件处理程序 数据发送回web服务器


当按Enter键时,Firefox、Opera和Safari使用表单中的第一个提交按钮 当按Enter键时,IE要么使用第一个提交按钮,要么根本不使用,这取决于我还没能弄清楚的条件 所有这些浏览器都不使用JS提交



<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />


<?php foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) echo "<dt>$k</dt><dd>$v</dd>"; ?>

<?php foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) echo "<dt>$k</dt><dd>$v</dd>"; ?>

<form name="theForm" method="<?php echo isset($_GET['method']) ? $_GET['method'] : 'get'; ?>" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; ?>">
    <input type="text" name="method" />
    <input type="submit" name="action" value="Button 1" onclick="alert('Button 1'); return true" />
    <input type="text" name="stuff" />
    <input type="submit" name="action" value="Button 2" onclick="alert('Button 2'); return true" />
    <input type="button" value="submit" onclick="document.theForm.submit();" />



If you submit the form via JavaScript (i.e., formElement.submit() or anything equivalent), then none of the submit buttons are considered successful and none of their values are included in the submitted data. (Note that if you submit the form by using submitElement.click() then the submit that you had a reference to is considered active; this doesn't really fall under the remit of your question since here the submit button is unambiguous but I thought I'd include it for people who read the first part and wonder how to make a submit button successful via JavaScript form submission. Of course, the form's onsubmit handlers will still fire this way whereas they wouldn't via form.submit() so that's another kettle of fish...)

If the form is submitted by hitting Enter while in a non-textarea field, then it's actually down to the user agent to decide what it wants here. The specifications don't say anything about submitting a form using the Enter key while in a text entry field (if you tab to a button and activate it using space or whatever, then there's no problem as that specific submit button is unambiguously used). All it says is that a form must be submitted when a submit button is activated. It's not even a requirement that hitting Enter in e.g. a text input will submit the form.

我相信Internet Explorer会选择在源代码中首先出现的提交按钮;我有一种感觉,Firefox和Opera会选择标签索引最低的按钮,如果没有其他定义,就会退回到第一个定义的按钮。关于提交是否具有非默认值属性IIRC,也存在一些复杂性。

The point to take away is that there is no defined standard for what happens here and it's entirely at the whim of the browser - so as far as possible in whatever you're doing, try to avoid relying on any particular behaviour. If you really must know, you can probably find out the behaviour of the various browser versions, but when I investigated this a while back there were some quite convoluted conditions (which of course are subject to change with new browser versions) and I'd advise you to avoid it if possible!


HTML 4并没有将其显式化。HTML 5规定第一个提交按钮必须是默认的:隐式提交 表单元素的默认按钮是按树顺序排列的第一个提交按钮,其表单所有者就是该表单元素。 如果用户代理支持让用户隐式提交表单 (例如,在某些平台上,在输入文本时按下“enter”键 控件隐式地提交表单),然后为 表单,其默认按钮具有激活行为,但没有 禁用时,必须导致用户代理在此触发单击事件 默认按钮。



.hidden-default { 位置:绝对的; 左:-9999 px; } < >形式 <输入名称= " text " > <button name="submit" value="wanted" class="hidden-default" tabindex="-1"></button> <button name="submit" value="not wanted">不是默认值 <button name="submit" value="wanted">看起来像默认的</button> > < /形式


.ordering { 显示:inline-flex; } . ordered按钮{ 秩序:2; } .订购按钮+按钮{ 顺序:1; } < >形式 <输入名称= " text " > < div class = "排序" > <button name="submit" value="wanted">文件顺序第一个</button> <button name="submit" value="not wanted">在文档顺序中的第2位</button> . </button> . <button name="submit" value="not wanted < / div > > < /形式



    <button type="submit" value="some non-default action"/>
    <button type="submit" value="another non-default action"/>
    <button type="submit" value="yet another non-default action"/>

    <button type="submit" value="default action"/>



    <button style="overflow: visible !important; height: 0 !important; width: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; border: 0 !important; padding: 0 !important; display: block !important;" type="submit" value="default action"/>

    <button type="submit" value="some non-default action"/>
    <button type="submit" value="another non-default action"/>
    <button type="submit" value="yet another non-default action"/>
    <button type="submit" value="still another non-default action"/>

    <button type="submit" value="default action"/>




Note: tabbing through the form will not display focus for any visual element yet will still cause the invisible button to be selected. To avoid this issue, simply set tabindex attributes accordingly and omit a tabindex attribute on the invisible submit button. While it may seem out of place to promote these styles to !important, they should prevent any framework or existing button styles from interfering with this fix. Also, those inline styles are definitely poor form, but we're proving concepts here... not writing production code.


<input type="button" value="Cancel" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit" />


If you submit the form via JavaScript (i.e., formElement.submit() or anything equivalent), then none of the submit buttons are considered successful and none of their values are included in the submitted data. (Note that if you submit the form by using submitElement.click() then the submit that you had a reference to is considered active; this doesn't really fall under the remit of your question since here the submit button is unambiguous but I thought I'd include it for people who read the first part and wonder how to make a submit button successful via JavaScript form submission. Of course, the form's onsubmit handlers will still fire this way whereas they wouldn't via form.submit() so that's another kettle of fish...)

If the form is submitted by hitting Enter while in a non-textarea field, then it's actually down to the user agent to decide what it wants here. The specifications don't say anything about submitting a form using the Enter key while in a text entry field (if you tab to a button and activate it using space or whatever, then there's no problem as that specific submit button is unambiguously used). All it says is that a form must be submitted when a submit button is activated. It's not even a requirement that hitting Enter in e.g. a text input will submit the form.

我相信Internet Explorer会选择在源代码中首先出现的提交按钮;我有一种感觉,Firefox和Opera会选择标签索引最低的按钮,如果没有其他定义,就会退回到第一个定义的按钮。关于提交是否具有非默认值属性IIRC,也存在一些复杂性。

The point to take away is that there is no defined standard for what happens here and it's entirely at the whim of the browser - so as far as possible in whatever you're doing, try to avoid relying on any particular behaviour. If you really must know, you can probably find out the behaviour of the various browser versions, but when I investigated this a while back there were some quite convoluted conditions (which of course are subject to change with new browser versions) and I'd advise you to avoid it if possible!



  <label for="amount">Amount of items</label>
  <input id="amount" type="text" name="amount" />
  <span id="checkStock" class="buttonish">Check stock</span>
  <button type="submit" name="action" value="order">Place order</button>

