I was working on a similar problem. @S.Lott said "If you have the list of variables, what's the point of "discovering" their names?" And my answer is just to see if it could be done and if for some reason you want to sort your variables by type into lists. So anyways, in my research I came came across this thread and my solution is a bit expanded and is based on @rlotun solution. One other thing, @unutbu said, "This idea has merit, but note that if two variable names reference the same value (e.g. True), then an unintended variable name might be returned." In this exercise that was true so I dealt with it by using a list comprehension similar to this for each possibility: isClass = [i for i in isClass if i != 'item']. Without it "item" would show up in each list.
__metaclass__ = type
from types import *
class Class_1: pass
class Class_2: pass
list_1 = [1, 2, 3]
list_2 = ['dog', 'cat', 'bird']
tuple_1 = ('one', 'two', 'three')
tuple_2 = (1000, 2000, 3000)
dict_1 = {'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3}
dict_2 = {'dog': 'collie', 'cat': 'calico', 'bird': 'robin'}
x = 23
y = 29
pie = 3.14159
eee = 2.71828
house = 'single story'
cabin = 'cozy'
isClass = []; isList = []; isTuple = []; isDict = []; isInt = []; isFloat = []; isString = []; other = []
mixedDataTypes = [Class_1, list_1, tuple_1, dict_1, x, pie, house, Class_2, list_2, tuple_2, dict_2, y, eee, cabin]
print '\nMIXED_DATA_TYPES total count:', len(mixedDataTypes)
for item in mixedDataTypes:
# if isinstance(item, ClassType): # use this for old class types (before 3.0)
if isinstance(item, type):
for k, v in list(locals().iteritems()):
if v is item:
mapping_as_str = k
isClass = [i for i in isClass if i != 'item']
elif isinstance(item, ListType):
for k, v in list(locals().iteritems()):
if v is item:
mapping_as_str = k
isList = [i for i in isList if i != 'item']
elif isinstance(item, TupleType):
for k, v in list(locals().iteritems()):
if v is item:
mapping_as_str = k
isTuple = [i for i in isTuple if i != 'item']
elif isinstance(item, DictType):
for k, v in list(locals().iteritems()):
if v is item:
mapping_as_str = k
isDict = [i for i in isDict if i != 'item']
elif isinstance(item, IntType):
for k, v in list(locals().iteritems()):
if v is item:
mapping_as_str = k
isInt = [i for i in isInt if i != 'item']
elif isinstance(item, FloatType):
for k, v in list(locals().iteritems()):
if v is item:
mapping_as_str = k
isFloat = [i for i in isFloat if i != 'item']
elif isinstance(item, StringType):
for k, v in list(locals().iteritems()):
if v is item:
mapping_as_str = k
isString = [i for i in isString if i != 'item']
for k, v in list(locals().iteritems()):
if v is item:
mapping_as_str = k
other = [i for i in other if i != 'item']
except (TypeError, AttributeError), e:
print e
print '\n isClass:', len(isClass), isClass
print ' isList:', len(isList), isList
print ' isTuple:', len(isTuple), isTuple
print ' isDict:', len(isDict), isDict
print ' isInt:', len(isInt), isInt
print ' isFloat:', len(isFloat), isFloat
print 'isString:', len(isString), isString
print ' other:', len(other), other
# my output and the output I wanted
MIXED_DATA_TYPES total count: 14
isClass: 2 ['Class_1', 'Class_2']
isList: 2 ['list_1', 'list_2']
isTuple: 2 ['tuple_1', 'tuple_2']
isDict: 2 ['dict_1', 'dict_2']
isInt: 2 ['x', 'y']
isFloat: 2 ['pie', 'eee']
isString: 2 ['house', 'cabin']
other: 0 []