编辑: 我需要改变几个变量的值,因为他们通过计时器运行几次。我需要在计时器的每次迭代中不断更新值。我不能将值设置为final,因为这将阻止我更新值,但是我得到了我在下面的初始问题中描述的错误:


我得到错误“不能引用在不同方法中定义的内部类中的非最终变量”。 这发生在名为price的double和名为priceObject的price上。你知道我为什么会有这个问题吗?我不明白为什么我要做最后申报。如果你能看到我在做什么,我要怎么做才能解决这个问题。

public static void main(String args[]) {

    int period = 2000;
    int delay = 2000;

    double lastPrice = 0;
    Price priceObject = new Price();
    double price = 0;

    Timer timer = new Timer();

    timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() {
        public void run() {
            price = priceObject.getNextPrice(lastPrice);
            lastPrice = price;
    }, delay, period);


我注意到一个没有提到的解决方案(除非我错过了,如果我错过了,请纠正我)是使用类变量。尝试在一个方法中运行一个新线程时遇到了这个问题:new thread (){Do Something}。


public class Test

    protected String var1;
    protected String var2;

    public void doSomething()
        new Thread()
            public void run()
                System.out.println("In Thread variable 1: " + var1);
                System.out.println("In Thread variable 2: " + var2);





public class PriceData {
        private double lastPrice = 0;
        private double price = 0;

        public void setlastPrice(double lastPrice) {
            this.lastPrice = lastPrice;

        public double getLastPrice() {
            return lastPrice;

        public void setPrice(double price) {
            this.price = price;

        public double getPrice() {
            return price;

    public class PriceTimerTask extends TimerTask {
        private PriceData priceData;
        private Price priceObject;

        public PriceTimerTask(PriceData priceData, Price priceObject) {
            this.priceData = priceData;
            this.priceObject = priceObject;

        public void run() {


    public static void main(String args[]) {

        int period = 2000;
        int delay = 2000;

        PriceData priceData = new PriceData();
        Price priceObject = new Price();

        Timer timer = new Timer();

        timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new PriceTimerTask(priceData, priceObject), delay, period);


public class WorkerService extends Service {

Worker _worker;
ExecutorService _executorService;
ScheduledExecutorService _scheduledStopService;

TextView _statusTextView;

public void onCreate() {
    _worker = new Worker(this);

    // To get a thread pool service containing merely one thread
    _executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();

    // schedule something to run in the future
    _scheduledStopService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();

public int onStartCommand(Intent intent, int flags, int startId) {

    ServiceRunnable runnable = new ServiceRunnable(this, startId);

    // the return value tells what the OS should
    // do if this service is killed for resource reasons
    // 1. START_STICKY: the OS restarts the service when resources become
    // available by passing a null intent to onStartCommand
    // 2. START_REDELIVER_INTENT: the OS restarts the service when resources
    // become available by passing the last intent that was passed to the
    // service before it was killed to onStartCommand
    // 3. START_NOT_STICKY: just wait for next call to startService, no
    // auto-restart
    return Service.START_NOT_STICKY;

public void onDestroy() {

public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
    return null;

class ServiceRunnable implements Runnable {

    WorkerService _theService;
    int _startId;
    String _statusMessage;

    public ServiceRunnable(WorkerService theService, int startId) {
        _theService = theService;
        _startId = startId;

    public void run() {

        _statusTextView = MyActivity.getActivityStatusView();

        // get most recently available location as a latitude /
        // longtitude
        Location location = _worker.getLocation();

        // convert lat/lng to a human-readable address
        String address = _worker.reverseGeocode(location);
        updateStatus("Reverse geocoding");

        // Write the location and address out to a file
        _worker.save(location, address, "ResponsiveUx.out");

        DelayedStopRequest stopRequest = new DelayedStopRequest(_theService, _startId);

        // schedule a stopRequest after 10 seconds
        _theService._scheduledStopService.schedule(stopRequest, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

    void updateStatus(String message) {
        _statusMessage = message;

        if (_statusTextView != null) {
            _statusTextView.post(new Runnable() {

                public void run() {





public class foo
    static class priceInfo
        public double lastPrice = 0;
        public double price = 0;
        public Price priceObject = new Price ();

    public static void main ( String args[] )

        int period = 2000;
        int delay = 2000;

        final priceInfo pi = new priceInfo ();
        Timer timer = new Timer ();

        timer.scheduleAtFixedRate ( new TimerTask ()
            public void run ()
                pi.price = pi.priceObject.getNextPrice ( pi.lastPrice );
                System.out.println ();
                pi.lastPrice = pi.price;

        }, delay, period );



final SettableFuture<Integer> myvalue = SettableFuture<Integer>.create();
someclass.run(new Runnable(){

    public void run(){

 return myvalue.get();

不能引用非最终变量,因为Java语言规范是这样规定的。8.1.3: 任何使用但未在内部类中声明的局部变量、形式方法参数或异常处理程序参数必须声明为final。整个段落。 我只能看到你的代码的一部分-根据我的调度修改局部变量是一个奇怪的想法。当你离开函数时,局部变量就不存在了。也许类的静态字段会更好?