

interface A{

var a:any={member:"foobar"};

if(a instanceof A) alert(a.member);

如果您在typescript游乐场中输入这段代码,最后一行将被标记为错误,“名称A不存在于当前作用域”。但事实并非如此,该名称确实存在于当前作用域中。我甚至可以更改变量声明为var a: a ={成员:"foobar"};没有编辑的抱怨。在浏览网页并找到其他问题后,我将接口更改为类,但我不能使用对象字面量来创建实例。


var a = {
    member: "foobar"
if(a instanceof A) {






interface Bird {

interface Fish {

function isFish(pet: Fish | Bird): pet is Fish { //magic happens here
    return (<Fish>pet).swim !== undefined;

// Both calls to 'swim' and 'fly' are now okay.

if (isFish(pet)) {
else {



@Input() data?: any;
@Input() discriminator?: string;

    if(this.discriminator = 'InterfaceAName'){
      //do stuff
    else if(this.discriminator = 'InterfaceBName'){
      //do stuff


<div [(ngModel)]={{dataModel}}>
    <div *ngFor="let attr of (data | keyvalue)">
        <!--You can use attr.key and attr.value in this situation to display the attributes of your interface, and their associated values from the data -->


<div *ngIf = "model == 'InterfaceAName'">
    <div>Do This Stuff</div>
<div *ngIf= "model == 'IntefaceBName'">
    <div>Do this instead</div>



在TypeScript 1.6中,用户定义的类型保护将完成这项工作。

interface Foo {
    fooProperty: string;

interface Bar {
    barProperty: string;

function isFoo(object: any): object is Foo {
    return 'fooProperty' in object;

let object: Foo | Bar;

if (isFoo(object)) {
    // `object` has type `Foo`.
} else {
    // `object` has type `Bar`.

正如Joe Yang提到的:从TypeScript 2.0开始,你甚至可以利用带标签的联合类型。

interface Foo {
    type: 'foo';
    fooProperty: string;

interface Bar {
    type: 'bar';
    barProperty: number;

let object: Foo | Bar;

// You will see errors if `strictNullChecks` is enabled.
if (object.type === 'foo') {
    // object has type `Foo`.
} else {
    // object has type `Bar`.




Class Decorator: Recursively scans the typed object's members and computes a hash based on the symbol names. Associates the hash with the type name in a static KVP property. Include the type name in the hash calculation to mitigate risk of ambiguity with ancestors (happens with empty subclasses). Pros: It's proven to be the most trustworthy. It is also provides very strict enforcements. This is also similar to how other high-level languages natively implement polymorphism. Howbeit, the solution requires much further extension in order to be truly polymorphic. Cons: Anonymous/JSON objects have to be rehashed with every type check, since they have no type definitions to associate and statically cache. Excessive stack overhead results in significant performance bottlenecks in high load scenarios. Can be mitigated with IoC containers, but that can also be undesirable overhead for small apps with no other rationale. Also requires extra diligence to apply the decorator to every object requiring it.

Cloning: Very ugly, but can be beneficial with thoughtful strategies. Create a new instance of the typed object and reflexively copy the top-level member assignments from the anonymous object. Given a predetermined standard for passage, you can simultaneously check and clone-cast to types. Something akin to "tryParse" from other languages. Pros: In certain scenarios, resource overhead can be mitigated by immediately using the converted "test" instance. No additional diligence required for decorators. Large amount of flexibility tolerances. Cons: Memory leaks like a flour sifter. Without a "deep" clone, mutated references can break other components not anticipating the breach of encapsulation. Static caching not applicable, so operations are executed on each and every call--objects with high quantities of top-level members will impact performance. Developers who are new to Typescript will mistake you for a junior due to not understanding why you've written this kind of pattern.

All totalled: I don't buy the "JS doesn't support it" excuse for Typescript's nuances in polymorphism. Transpilers are absolutely appropriate for that purpose. To treat the wounds with salt: it comes from Microsoft. They've solved this same problem many years ago with great success: .Net Framework offered a robust Interop API for adopting backwards compatibility with COM and ActiveX. They didn't try to transpile to the older runtimes. That solution would have been much easier and less messy for a loose and interpreted language like JS...yet they cowered out with the fear of losing ground to other supersets. Using the very shortcomings in JS that was meant to be solved by TS, as a malformed basis for redefining static typed Object-Oriented principle is--well--nonsense. It smacks against the volumes of industry-leading documentation and specifications which have informed high-level software development for decades.




interface MyInterface {
    doSomething(what: string): number;

class MyClass implements MyInterface {
    counter = 0;

    doSomething(what: string): number {
        console.log('Doing ' + what);
        return this.counter++;


for (let classInterface of MyClass.getClass().implements) {
    console.log('Implemented interface: ' + classInterface.name)

使用reflect -ts编译并启动它:

$ node main.js
Implemented interface: MyInterface
Member name: counter - member kind: number
Member name: doSomething - member kind: function

有关接口元类型的详细信息,请参阅reflect .d.ts。

更新: 您可以在这里找到一个完整的工作示例




// Notice there is no naming conflict, because interfaces are a *type*
export const IAnimal = Symbol("IAnimal"); 
export interface IAnimal {
  [IAnimal]: boolean; // the fubber

export const IDog = Symbol("IDog");
export interface IDog extends IAnimal {
  [IDog]: boolean;

export const IHound = Symbol("IDog");
export interface IHound extends IDog {
  // The fubber can also be typed as only 'true'; meaning it can't be disabled.
  [IDog]: true;
  [IHound]: boolean;

import { IDog, IAnimal } from './interfaces';
class Dog implements IDog {
  // Multiple fubbers to handle inheritance:
  [IAnimal] = true;
  [IDog] = true;

class Hound extends Dog implements IHound {
  [IHound] = true;



import { IDog, IAnimal } from './interfaces';

let dog = new Dog();

if (dog instanceof Hound || dog[IHound]) {
  // false
if (dog[IAnimal]?) {
  // true

let houndDog = new Hound();

if (houndDog[IDog]) {
  // true

if (dog[IDog]?) {
  // it definitely is a dog