是否有Ruby / Python特性阻碍了V8引擎的优化实现(例如内联缓存)?




There's a lot more impetus to highly optimize JavaScript interpretors which is why we see so many resources being put into them between Mozilla, Google, and Microsoft. JavaScript has to be downloaded, parsed, compiled, and run in real time while a (usually impatient) human being is waiting for it, it has to run WHILE a person is interacting with it, and it's doing this in an uncontrolled client-end environment that could be a computer, a phone, or a toaster. It HAS to be efficient in order to run under these conditions effectively.





Making meaningful benchmarks is always subtle, but I happen to have a simple benchmark of K-means written in different languages - you can find it here. One of the constraints was that the various languages should all implement the same algorithm and should strive to be simple and idiomatic (as opposed to optimized for speed). I have written all the implementations, so I know I have not cheated, although I cannot claim for all languages that what I have written is idiomatic (I only have a passing knowledge of some of those).


由于JIT、曲轴、类型推断器和数据优化代码,V8的速度很快。标记指针,双精度对象的nan标记。 当然,它会在中间进行正常的编译器优化。

普通的ruby, python和perl引擎都不做这些,只是做了一些基本的优化。

唯一接近的主流虚拟机是luajit,它甚至不做类型推断、常量折叠、nan标记和整数,但使用类似的小代码和数据结构,不像糟糕的语言那么胖。 我的原型动态语言,potion和p2有和luajit相似的特性,并且性能优于v8。有了可选的类型系统,“渐变类型”,你可以很容易地超越v8,因为你可以绕过曲轴。看到飞镖。





V8有一个优秀的、高度专业化的、经验丰富的(因此薪酬很高的)工程师团队,他们在为动态OO语言创建高性能执行引擎方面有几十年的经验(我是单独说的——总的来说更像是几百年的经验)。他们基本上是创建Sun HotSpot JVM(以及其他许多JVM)的同一群人。

首席开发人员Lars Bak已经在vm上工作了25年(所有这些vm都已经发展到V8),这基本上是他的整个(职业)生涯。一些编写Ruby vm的人甚至不到25岁。

是否有Ruby / Python特性阻碍了V8引擎的优化实现(例如内联缓存)?





是的。不只是谷歌。V8的源代码已经有25年的历史了。在V8上工作的人还创建了Self VM(迄今为止创建的最快的动态OO语言执行引擎之一),Animorphic Smalltalk VM(迄今为止创建的最快的Smalltalk执行引擎之一),HotSpot JVM(有史以来创建的最快的JVM,可能是最快的VM时期)和OOVM(有史以来创建的最高效的Smalltalk VM之一)。

事实上,V8的首席开发人员Lars Bak参与了其中的每一个项目,以及其他一些项目。


Until recently the only users of the JavaScript implementations have been web browsers. Due to security requirements, only the web browser vendors had the privilege to extend the functionality by writing bindings to the runtimes. Thus there was no need keep the C API of the bindings backwards compatible, it was permissible to request the web browser developers update their source code as the JavaScript runtimes evolved; they were working together anyways. Even V8, which was a latecomer to the game, and also lead by a very very experienced developer, have changed the API as it became better.

OTOH Ruby(主要)用于服务器端。许多流行的ruby扩展被编写为C绑定(考虑RDBMS驱动程序)。换句话说,如果不保持兼容性,Ruby就永远不会成功。

今天,这种差异在某种程度上仍然存在。使用node.js的开发人员抱怨很难保持他们的本机扩展向后兼容,因为V8会随着时间改变API(这也是node.js被分叉的原因之一)。IIRC ruby在这方面仍然采取更为保守的方法。

There's a lot more impetus to highly optimize JavaScript interpretors which is why we see so many resources being put into them between Mozilla, Google, and Microsoft. JavaScript has to be downloaded, parsed, compiled, and run in real time while a (usually impatient) human being is waiting for it, it has to run WHILE a person is interacting with it, and it's doing this in an uncontrolled client-end environment that could be a computer, a phone, or a toaster. It HAS to be efficient in order to run under these conditions effectively.

