

$sequentialArray = [
    'apple', 'orange', 'tomato', 'carrot'


$assocArray = [
    'fruit1' => 'apple',
    'fruit2' => 'orange',
    'veg1' => 'tomato',
    'veg2' => 'carrot'



function is_list($array) {
    return array_keys($array) === range(0, count($array) - 1);

function is_assoc($array) {
    return count(array_filter(array_keys($array), 'is_string')) == count($array);


这两个得分最高的例子都不能正确地使用$array = array('foo' => 'bar', 1)这样的数组




use Illuminate\Support\Arr;

$isAssoc = Arr::isAssoc(['product' => ['name' => 'Desk', 'price' => 100]]);

// true

$isAssoc = Arr::isAssoc([1, 2, 3]);

// false


function isHash($array) {
    if (!is_array($array)) return false;
    $diff = array_diff_assoc($array, array_values($array));
    return (empty($diff)) ? false : true;


function is_indexed_array(&$arr) {
  for (reset($arr); is_int(key($arr)); next($arr));
  return is_null(key($arr));

function is_sequential_array(&$arr, $base = 0) {
  for (reset($arr), $base = (int) $base; key($arr) === $base++; next($arr));
  return is_null(key($arr));

The first function checks if each key is an integer value. The second function checks if each key is an integer value and in addition checks if all keys are sequential starting at $base, which defaults to 0 and thus can be omitted if you do not need to specify another base value. key($my_array) returns null if the read pointer is moved past the end of the array, which is what ends the for loop and makes the statement after the for loop return true if all keys were integer. If not, the loop ends prematurely because a key is of type string, and the statement after the for loop will return false. The latter function in addition adds one to $base after each compare, to be able to check if the next key is of the correct value. The strict compare makes it also check if the key is of type integer. The $base = (int) $base part in the first section of the for loop can be left out when $base is omitted or if you make sure it is only called using an integer. But since I can't be sure for everybody, I left it in. The statement is executed only once, anyway. I think these are the most efficient solutions:

Memory wise: No copying of data or key ranges. Doing an array_values or array_keys may seem shorter (less code) but keep in mind what goes on in the background once you make that call. Yes there are more (visible) statements than in some other solutions, but that is not what counts, is it? Time wise: Besides the fact that copying/extracting data and/or keys also takes time, this solution is more efficient than doing a foreach. Again a foreach may seem more efficient to some because it is shorter in notation, but in the background foreach also calls reset, key and next to do it's looping. But in addition it also calls valid to check the end condition, which is avoided here due to the combination with the integer check.


经过一些本地基准测试、调试、编译器探测、分析和滥用3v4l.org来跨更多版本进行基准测试(是的,我收到了停止的警告)和 与我能找到的所有变异进行比较……


 * Tests if an array is an associative array.
 * @param array $array An array to test.
 * @return boolean True if the array is associative, otherwise false.
function is_assoc(array &$arr) {
    // don't try to check non-arrays or empty arrays
    if (FALSE === is_array($arr) || 0 === ($l = count($arr))) {
        return false;

    // shortcut by guessing at the beginning
    if (key($arr) !== 0) {
        return true;

    // shortcut by guessing at the end
    if (key($arr) !== $l-1) {
        return true;

    // rely on php to optimize test by reference or fast compare
    return array_values($arr) !== $arr;



// array_values
function method_1(Array &$arr) {
    return $arr === array_values($arr);

// method_2 was DQ; did not actually work

// array_keys
function method_3(Array &$arr) {
    return array_keys($arr) === range(0, count($arr) - 1);

// foreach
function method_4(Array &$arr) {
    $idx = 0;
    foreach( $arr as $key => $val ){
        if( $key !== $idx )
            return FALSE;
    return TRUE;

// guessing
function method_5(Array &$arr) {
    global $METHOD_5_KEY;
    $i = 0;
    $l = count($arr)-1;

    if ( key($arr) !== $l )
        return FALSE;

    do {
        if ( $i !== key($arr) )
            return FALSE;
    } while ($i < $l);
    return TRUE;

// naieve
function method_6(Array &$arr) {
    $i = 0;
    $l = count($arr);
    do {
        if ( NULL === @$arr[$i] )
            return FALSE;
    } while ($i < $l);
    return TRUE;

// deep reference reliance
function method_7(Array &$arr) {
    return array_keys(array_values($arr)) === array_keys($arr);

// organic (guessing + array_values)
function method_8(Array &$arr) {
    if ( key($arr) !== 0 )
        return FALSE;

    if ( key($arr) !== count($arr)-1 )
        return FALSE;

    return array_values($arr) === $arr;

function benchmark(Array &$methods, Array &$target, $expected){    
    foreach($methods as $method){
        $start = microtime(true);
        for ($i = 0; $i < 2000; ++$i) {
            //$dummy = call_user_func($method, $target);
            if ( $method($target) !== $expected ) {
                echo "Method $method is disqualified for returning an incorrect result.\n";
                $i = 0;
        if ( $i != 0 ) {
            $end = microtime(true);
            echo "Time taken with $method = ".round(($end-$start)*1000.0,3)."ms\n";

$true_targets = [
    'Giant array' => range(0, 500),
    'Tiny array' => range(0, 20),

$g = range(0,10);

$false_targets = [
    'Large array 1' => range(0, 100) + ['a'=>'a'] + range(101, 200),
    'Large array 2' => ['a'=>'a'] + range(0, 200),
    'Tiny array' => range(0, 10) + ['a'=>'a'] + range(11, 20),
    'Gotcha array' => $g,

$methods = [

foreach($false_targets as $targetName => $target){
    echo "==== Benchmark using $targetName expecing FALSE ====\n";
    benchmark($methods, $target, false);
    echo "\n";
foreach($true_targets as $targetName => $target){
    echo "==== Benchmark using $targetName expecting TRUE ====\n";
    benchmark($methods, $target, true);
    echo "\n";


 * Determines if an array is associative.
 * @param  array  $array
 * @return bool
function isAssoc(array $array)
    $keys = array_keys($array);

    return array_keys($keys) !== $keys;