<Route path="/" component={Main}>
<Route path="signin" component={SignIn}>
<Route path=":redirectParam" component={TwitterSsoButton} />
使用React Router v3,你可以从this.props.location.search (?qs1=naisarg&qs2=parmar)获取查询字符串。例如,使用let params = queryString.parse(this.props.location.search),将给出{qs1: 'naisarg', qs2: 'parmar'}
在React Router v4中,this.props.location.query不再存在。您需要使用this.props.location.search,并自己或使用现有的包(如query-string)解析查询参数。
下面是一个使用React Router v4和query-string库的最小示例。
import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
import queryString from 'query-string';
class ActivateAccount extends Component{
let params = queryString.parse(this.props.location.search)
export default withRouter(ActivateAccount);
React Router团队移除query属性的理由是:
There are a number of popular packages that do query string parsing/stringifying slightly differently, and each of these differences might be the "correct" way for some users and "incorrect" for others. If React Router picked the "right" one, it would only be right for some people. Then, it would need to add a way for other users to substitute in their preferred query parsing package. There is no internal use of the search string by React Router that requires it to parse the key-value pairs, so it doesn't have a need to pick which one of these should be "right".
The approach being taken for 4.0 is to strip out all the "batteries included" kind of features and get back to just basic routing. If you need query string parsing or async loading or Redux integration or something else very specific, then you can add that in with a library specifically for your use case. Less cruft is packed in that you don't need and you can customize things to your specific preferences and needs.