阅读Paul Graham关于编程语言的文章,你可能会认为Lisp宏是唯一的选择。作为一个忙碌的开发人员,在其他平台上工作,我还没有使用Lisp宏的特权。作为一个想要了解热门话题的人,请解释一下是什么让这个功能如此强大。
阅读Paul Graham关于编程语言的文章,你可能会认为Lisp宏是唯一的选择。作为一个忙碌的开发人员,在其他平台上工作,我还没有使用Lisp宏的特权。作为一个想要了解热门话题的人,请解释一下是什么让这个功能如此强大。
In python you have decorators, you basically have a function that takes another function as input. You can do what ever you want: call the function, do something else, wrap the function call in a resource acquire release, etc. but you don't get to peek inside that function. Say we wanted to make it more powerful, say your decorator received the code of the function as a list then you could not only execute the function as is but you can now execute parts of it, reorder lines of the function etc.
正如本文中的许多示例所示,以及Paul Graham的On Lisp, Lisp宏可以成为使代码更加简洁的工具。当简洁性达到一定程度时,它为代码提供了新的抽象级别,使其更加简洁。回到第一点,原则上他们没有提供任何新的东西,但这就像说既然纸和铅笔(几乎)组成了图灵机,我们就不需要真正的计算机。
... 在C语言中,你必须编写一个自定义的预处理器(这可能是一个足够复杂的C程序)……
... 在Java中,你必须破解字节码编织的方法,尽管像AspectJ这样的框架允许你使用不同的方法来做到这一点,但它基本上是一种破解。
DOLIST is similar to Perl's foreach or Python's for. Java added a similar kind of loop construct with the "enhanced" for loop in Java 1.5, as part of JSR-201. Notice what a difference macros make. A Lisp programmer who notices a common pattern in their code can write a macro to give themselves a source-level abstraction of that pattern. A Java programmer who notices the same pattern has to convince Sun that this particular abstraction is worth adding to the language. Then Sun has to publish a JSR and convene an industry-wide "expert group" to hash everything out. That process--according to Sun--takes an average of 18 months. After that, the compiler writers all have to go upgrade their compilers to support the new feature. And even once the Java programmer's favorite compiler supports the new version of Java, they probably ''still'' can't use the new feature until they're allowed to break source compatibility with older versions of Java. So an annoyance that Common Lisp programmers can resolve for themselves within five minutes plagues Java programmers for years.
——peter Seibel,在《Practical Common Lisp》中
(setq2 x y (+ z 3))
It should be obvious that we can't define setq2 as a function. If x=50 and y=-5, this function would receive the values 50, -5, and 11; it would have no knowledge of what variables were supposed to be set. What we really want to say is, When you (the Lisp system) see (setq2 v1 v2 e), treat it as equivalent to (progn (setq v1 e) (setq v2 e)). Actually, this isn't quite right, but it will do for now. A macro allows us to do precisely this, by specifying a program for transforming the input pattern (setq2 v1 v2 e)" into the output pattern (progn ...)."
如果你觉得这很好,你可以继续读下去: http://cl-cookbook.sourceforge.net/macros.html
简而言之,宏用于定义通用Lisp或领域特定语言(dsl)的语言语法扩展。这些语言直接嵌入到现有的Lisp代码中。现在,dsl可以具有与Lisp相似的语法(如Peter Norvig的用于通用Lisp的Prolog解释器),也可以具有完全不同的语法(例如用于Clojure的中缀符号数学)。
divisibleByTwo = [x for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0]
生成一个包含0到9之间所有偶数的列表。在Python 1.5版本中还没有这样的语法;你可以使用类似这样的语句:
divisibleByTwo = []
for x in range( 10 ):
if x % 2 == 0:
divisibleByTwo.append( x )
;; the following two functions just make equivalent of Python's range function
;; you can safely ignore them unless you are running this code
(defun range-helper (x)
(if (= x 0)
(list x)
(cons x (range-helper (- x 1)))))
(defun range (x)
(reverse (range-helper (- x 1))))
;; equivalent to the python example:
;; define a variable
(defvar divisibleByTwo nil)
;; loop from 0 upto and including 9
(loop for x in (range 10)
;; test for divisibility by two
if (= (mod x 2) 0)
;; append to the list
do (setq divisibleByTwo (append divisibleByTwo (list x))))
Lisp defines a couple of special syntax forms. The quote (') indicates the next token is a literal. The quasiquote or backtick (`) indicates the next token is a literal with escapes. Escapes are indicated by the comma operator. The literal '(1 2 3) is the equivalent of Python's [1, 2, 3]. You can assign it to another variable or use it in place. You can think of `(1 2 ,x) as the equivalent of Python's [1, 2, x] where x is a variable previously defined. This list notation is part of the magic that goes into macros. The second part is the Lisp reader which intelligently substitutes macros for code but that is best illustrated below:
因此,我们可以定义一个名为lcomp(列表理解的缩写)的宏。它的语法将完全像我们在示例中使用的python [x for x in range(10) if x % 2 == 0] - (lcomp x for x in (range 10) if (= (% x 2) 0)))
(defmacro lcomp (expression for var in list conditional conditional-test)
;; create a unique variable name for the result
(let ((result (gensym)))
;; the arguments are really code so we can substitute them
;; store nil in the unique variable name generated above
`(let ((,result nil))
;; var is a variable name
;; list is the list literal we are suppose to iterate over
(loop for ,var in ,list
;; conditional is if or unless
;; conditional-test is (= (mod x 2) 0) in our examples
,conditional ,conditional-test
;; and this is the action from the earlier lisp example
;; result = result + [x] in python
do (setq ,result (append ,result (list ,expression))))
;; return the result
CL-USER> (lcomp x for x in (range 10) if (= (mod x 2) 0))
(0 2 4 6 8)