


黑色图的垂直部分对应于为了扩展数组而重新分配内存。在这里,我们可以看到这种依赖关系可以粗略地表示为一条线。直线方程是Y=C*N + b (C是常数,这里b = 0)因此,我们可以说,我们平均需要花费C*N次操作向数组添加N个元素,或者C*1次操作添加一个元素(平摊常数时间)。





有一个常数c,使得 的每一个操作序列(也是一个以代价高昂的操作结束的序列) 长度L,时间不大于 c*L(感谢拉法沃格德)


来源:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amortized_analysis Dynamic_Array

"Dynamic Array Amortized Analysis of the Push operation for a Dynamic Array Consider a dynamic array that grows in size as more elements are added to it such as an ArrayList in Java. If we started out with a dynamic array of size 4, it would take constant time to push four elements onto it. Yet pushing a fifth element onto that array would take longer as the array would have to create a new array of double the current size (8), copy the old elements onto the new array, and then add the new element. The next three push operations would similarly take constant time, and then the subsequent addition would require another slow doubling of the array size. In general if we consider an arbitrary number of pushes n to an array of size n, we notice that push operations take constant time except for the last one which takes O(n) time to perform the size doubling operation. Since there were n operations total we can take the average of this and find that for pushing elements onto the dynamic array takes: O(n/n)=O(1), constant time."


假设你有很多钱。 你想把它们堆在一个房间里。 而且,你有长长的手和腿,只要你现在或将来需要。 而且,你必须把所有东西都放在一个房间里,所以很容易锁上。

所以,你径直走到房间的尽头/角落,开始堆叠它们。 当你把它们堆起来的时候,慢慢地房间就会没有空间了。 然而,当你填满的时候,很容易把它们堆叠起来。拿到钱,把钱放进去。一件容易的事。这是O(1)。我们不需要转移以前的钱。

一旦房间没有空间了。 我们需要另一间更大的房间。 这里有一个问题,因为我们只有一个房间所以我们只有一把锁,我们需要把那个房间里所有现有的钱转移到新的更大的房间里。 所以,把所有的钱从小房间搬到大房间。也就是说,把它们全部叠起来。 所以,我们确实需要转移所有以前的钱。 所以是O(N)(假设N为之前货币的货币总数)

换句话说,直到N,只有1个操作,但是当我们需要移动到一个更大的房间时,我们做了N个操作。换句话说,如果我们求平均值,开始时是1个插入,移动到另一个房间时是1个移动。 总共2个操作,一个插入,一个移动。


假设当我们在另一个更大的房间里做以上所有事情时,又需要搬家。 它还是一样的。 假设N2(10亿)是大房间里的新数目





现在假设,你有N = 1,非常小,钱的数量很少,你有一个非常小的房间,只能装下1笔钱。





因此,这是为我们的钱(变量)分配空间(或内存/ RAM)的低效方式。


1st room size = fits 1 count of money 2nd room size = fits 4 count of money 3rd room size = fits 8 count of money 4th room size = fits 16 count of money 5th room size = fits 32 count of money 6th room size = fits 64 count of money 7th room size = fits 128 count of money 8th room size = fits 256 count of money 9th room size = fits 512 count of money 10th room size= fits 1024 count of money 11th room size= fits 2,048 count of money ... 16th room size= fits 65,536 count of money ... 32th room size= fits 4,294,967,296 count of money ... 64th room size= fits 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 count of money




平摊运行时间: 这是指根据每个操作使用的时间或内存来计算算法复杂度。 在大多数情况下,它的运算速度很快,但在某些情况下,算法的运算速度很慢。 因此,研究了操作序列,以了解更多的平摊时间。


黑色图的垂直部分对应于为了扩展数组而重新分配内存。在这里,我们可以看到这种依赖关系可以粗略地表示为一条线。直线方程是Y=C*N + b (C是常数,这里b = 0)因此,我们可以说,我们平均需要花费C*N次操作向数组添加N个元素,或者C*1次操作添加一个元素(平摊常数时间)。

I created this simple python script to demonstrate the amortized complexity of append operation in a python list. We keep adding elements to the list and time every operation. During this process, we notice that some specific append operations take much longer time. These spikes are due to the new memory allocation being performed. The important point to note is that as the number of append operations increases, the spikes become higher but increase in spacing. The increase in spacing is because a larger memory (usually double the previous) is reserved every time the initial memory hits an overflow. Hope this helps, I can improve it further based on suggestions.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time

a = []
N = 1000000

totalTimeList = [0]*N
timeForThisIterationList = [0]*N
for i in range(1, N):
    startTime = time.time()
    a.append([0]*500) # every iteartion, we append a value(which is a list so that it takes more time)
    timeForThisIterationList[i] = time.time() - startTime
    totalTimeList[i] = totalTimeList[i-1] + timeForThisIterationList[i]
max_1 = max(totalTimeList)
max_2 = max(timeForThisIterationList)

plt.plot(totalTimeList, label='cumulative time')
plt.plot(timeForThisIterationList, label='time taken per append')
plt.title('List-append time per operation showing amortised linear complexity')
