This is because you are trying to use a value which can possible be nil, but you decided you don't want to have to check it, but instead assume its set when you uses it and define it as !, there are different philosophies on use of variable set as force unwrap, some people are against there use at all, I personal think they are ok for things that will crash all the time and are simple to reason about, usually references to resource, like outlets to xib files, or uses of images with you app that are part of your assets, if these are not set up properly, you app is going to crash straight away, for a very obvious reason, you can get into difficult when the order of objects being created can be uncertain, and trying to reason solutions to this can be difficult, it usually means a bad design as even it you make them optional, calls to you optional variable may not ever be executed, some projects can demand use of force unwraps for security reasons, things like banking apps, because they want the app to crash rather then continue to work in an unplanned way.
考虑下面的代码: 它编译时没有错误/警告:
c1.address.city = c3.address.city
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
var c1 = NormalContact()
let c3 = BadContact()
c1.address.city = c3.address.city // compiler hides the truth from you and then you sudden get a crash
struct NormalContact {
var address : Address = Address(city: "defaultCity")
struct BadContact {
var address : Address!
struct Address {
var city : String
c1.address.city = c2.address!.city // ERROR: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
var c1 = NormalContact()
let c2 = GoodContact()
c1.address.city = c2.address!.city
c1.address.city = c2.address?.city // not compile-able. No deceiving by the compiler
c1.address.city = c2.address.city // not compile-able. No deceiving by the compiler
if let city = c2.address?.city { // safest approach. But that's not what I'm talking about here.
c1.address.city = city
struct NormalContact {
var address : Address = Address(city: "defaultCity")
struct GoodContact {
var address : Address?
struct Address {
var city : String
forced unwraps: let user = someVariable! If someVariable is nil, then you'll get a crash. By doing a force unwrap you moved the nil check responsibility from the compiler to you, basically by doing a forced unwrap you're guaranteeing to the compiler that you'll never have nil values there. And guess what it happens if somehow a nil value ends in in someVariable? Solution? Use optional binding (aka if-let), do the variable processing there: if user = someVariable { // do your stuff } forced (down)casts: let myRectangle = someShape as! Rectangle Here by force casting you tell the compiler to no longer worry, as you'll always have a Rectangle instance there. And as long as that holds, you don't have to worry. The problems start when you or your colleagues from the project start circulating non-rectangle values. Solution? Use optional binding (aka if-let), do the variable processing there: if let myRectangle = someShape as? Rectangle { // yay, I have a rectangle } Implicitly unwrapped optionals. Let's assume you have the following class definition: class User { var name: String! init() { name = "(unnamed)" } func nicerName() { return "Mr/Ms " + name } } Now, if no-one messes up with the name property by setting it to nil, then it works as expected, however if User is initialized from a JSON that lacks the name key, then you get the fatal error when trying to use the property. Solution? Don't use them :) Unless you're 102% sure that the property will always have a non-nil value by the time it needs to be used. In most cases converting to an optional or non-optional will work. Making it non-optional will also result in the compiler helping you by telling the code paths you missed giving a value to that property Unconnected, or not yet connected, outlets. This is a particular case of scenario #3. Basically you have some XIB-loaded class that you want to use. class SignInViewController: UIViewController { @IBOutlet var emailTextField: UITextField! } Now if you missed connecting the outlet from the XIB editor, then the app will crash as soon as you'll want to use the outlet. Solution? Make sure all outlets are connected. Or use the ? operator on them: emailTextField?.text = "my@email.com". Or declare the outlet as optional, though in this case the compiler will force you to unwrap it all over the code. Values coming from Objective-C, and that don't have nullability annotations. Let's assume we have the following Objective-C class: @interface MyUser: NSObject @property NSString *name; @end Now if no nullability annotations are specified (either explicitly or via NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_BEGIN/NS_ASSUME_NONNULL_END), then the name property will be imported in Swift as String! (an IUO - implicitly unwrapped optional). As soon as some swift code will want to use the value, it will crash if name is nil. Solution? Add nullability annotations to your Objective-C code. Beware though, the Objective-C compiler is a little bit permissive when it comes to nullability, you might end up with nil values, even if you explicitly marked them as nonnull.
如果在CollectionView中出现此错误,请尝试创建CustomCell文件和Custom xib。
let nib = UINib(nibName: "CustomnibName", bundle: nil)
self.collectionView.register(nib, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "cell")
Xcode 12 iOS 14 Swift 5
let homeViewController = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil).instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "home") as? HomeEventsViewController
homeViewController?.modalTransitionStyle = .crossDissolve
homeViewController?.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
view.present(homeViewController ?? UIViewController(), animated: true, completion: nil)
class ResultViewController: UIViewController {
@IBOutlet weak var resultLabel: UILabel!
var bmiValue=""
override func viewDidLoad() {
resultLabel.text=bmiValue //where bmiValue was nil , I fixed it and problem was solved
@IBAction func recaculateBmi(_ sender: UIButton) {
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)