
  "name": "My Project",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "private": true,
  "dependencies": {
    "express": "3.x",
    "mongoose": "3.x"
  "devDependencies" :  {
    "should": "*"
    /* "mocha": "*" not needed as should be globally installed */

上面的示例注释在npm崩溃时不起作用。我还尝试了// style注释。





const templateData = require('../package.json');
const Handlebars = require('handlebars');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const outputPath = __dirname + '/../package-json-comments.md';
const srcTemplatePath = __dirname + '/package-json-comments/package-json-comments.hbs';

Handlebars.registerHelper('objlist', function() {
  // The first argument is an object, and the list is a set of keys for that obj
  const obj = arguments[0];
  const list = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1).slice(0,-1);

  const mdList = list.map(function(k) {
    return '* ' + k + ': ' + obj[k];

  return new Handlebars.SafeString(mdList.join("\n"));

fs.readFile(srcTemplatePath, 'utf8', function(err, srcTemplate){
  if (err) throw err;
  const template = Handlebars.compile(srcTemplate);
  const content = template(templateData);

  fs.writeFile(outputPath, content, function(err) {
    if (err) throw err;


### Dependency Comments
For package: {{ name }}: {{version}}

#### Current Core Packages
should be safe to update
{{{objlist dependencies

#### Lagging Core Packages
breaks current code if updated
{{{objlist dependencies

#### Major version change
Not tested yet
{{{objlist dependencies




最初的反应是把描述放在右边,使用# add comments here来包装它;然而,这在Windows上不起作用,因为标志(例如,npm run myframework -- --myframework-flags)将被忽略。我改变了我的响应,使其适用于所有平台,并增加了一些缩进的可读性。

 "scripts": {
    "help": "       echo 'Display help information (this screen)';          npm run",
    "myframework": "echo 'Run myframework binary';                          myframework",
    "develop": "    echo 'Run in development mode (with terminal output)';  npm run myframework"
    "start": "      echo 'Start myFramework as a daemon';                   myframework start",
    "stop":  "      echo 'Stop the myFramework daemon';                     myframework stop"
    "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"


Not break JSON compliance (or at least it's not a hack, and your IDE will not give you warnings for doing strange, dangerous stuff) Works cross platform (tested on macOS and Windows, assuming it would work just fine on Linux) Does not get in the way of running npm run myframework -- --help Will output meaningful info when running npm run (which is the actual command to run to get information about available scripts) Presents a more explicit help command (in case some developers are not aware that npm run presents such output) Will show both the commands and its description when running the command itself Is somewhat readable when just opening package.json (using less or your favorite IDE)


  "scripts": {
    "⏬⏬⏬ Jenkins Build - in this order ⏬⏬⏬                                                                                                  ": "",
    "purge": "lerna run something",
    "clean:test": "lerna exec --ignore nanana"

在命令名中有额外的空格,所以在Visual Studio Code的NPM Scripts插件中,你有更好的外观。



  "//":"Main and typings are used till ES5",
  "//main": "build/index",
  "//typings": "build/index",




const templateData = require('../package.json');
const Handlebars = require('handlebars');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const outputPath = __dirname + '/../package-json-comments.md';
const srcTemplatePath = __dirname + '/package-json-comments/package-json-comments.hbs';

Handlebars.registerHelper('objlist', function() {
  // The first argument is an object, and the list is a set of keys for that obj
  const obj = arguments[0];
  const list = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1).slice(0,-1);

  const mdList = list.map(function(k) {
    return '* ' + k + ': ' + obj[k];

  return new Handlebars.SafeString(mdList.join("\n"));

fs.readFile(srcTemplatePath, 'utf8', function(err, srcTemplate){
  if (err) throw err;
  const template = Handlebars.compile(srcTemplate);
  const content = template(templateData);

  fs.writeFile(outputPath, content, function(err) {
    if (err) throw err;


### Dependency Comments
For package: {{ name }}: {{version}}

#### Current Core Packages
should be safe to update
{{{objlist dependencies

#### Lagging Core Packages
breaks current code if updated
{{{objlist dependencies

#### Major version change
Not tested yet
{{{objlist dependencies



"dependencies": {
  "grunt": "...",
  "grunt-cli": "...",

  "api-easy": "# Here is the pull request: https://github.com/...",
  "api-easy": "git://..."

  "grunt-vows": "...",
  "vows": "..."

然而,不清楚JSON是否允许复制键(参见 JSON语法是否允许在一个对象中重复键?它似乎与npm一起工作,所以我冒这个险。


更新:重复密钥的一个恼人的缺点是npm install——save无声地消除了所有重复密钥。不幸的是,它很容易被忽视,你善意的评论也消失了。

“//”攻击看起来仍然是最安全的。但是,多行注释也会被npm install -save删除。