
例如:我禁用了所有我不需要的插件(Mylyn, Subclipse,…)




If you go to Task Manager, choose the eclipse application, and click on the little arrow next to it, you will usually just see one sub-process appear below "eclipse.exe". However, in my case, if you have multiple instances of "Java Platform SE Binary", then end all of them. For some reason, I had three of these running in the background, even though I wasn't currently running any projects. Nevertheless, this will boost performance back to the way it likely was when you first installed eclipse on your computer.




清理索引-{工作区 路径}.metadata.plugins \ org.eclipse.jdt。核心清理历史—— {工作区 路径}.metadata.plugins \ org.eclipse.core.resources.history


在特殊情况下,性能差可能是由于损坏了h2或nwire数据库。有关更多信息,请阅读加速Eclipse PDT和nWire的五个技巧。

在我工作的地方,我们依赖虚拟机来运行Debian。出于测试目的,我已经在VM上安装了另一个Eclipse版本,但如果我运行的是另一个Eclipse版本,有时会产生冲突。有一个两个Eclipse版本共享的共享文件夹。有一次我不小心让Debian Eclipse安装在后台运行,结果导致数据库文件损坏。

                       **Tips for making Eclipse IDE Faster**

Eclipse在处理小型项目时运行得更快。但是当你不得不处理一个大项目时,你会对它的速度感到恼火。即使有一个巨大的RAM,你也不会满意它 速度。以下步骤将帮助eclipse提高其速度

Remove unwanted activation of some of the plugins at start-up by going to windows–>preference–>General–>Startup and shutdown also make sure you don’t use those plugins in any of your views Disabling label decorations which is of less use for you, will also help you to gain some performance . Go to Windows–>Preference–>General–>Appearance–>Label -> Decorations Close unwanted projects and use working set option to move from one group of project to another smoothly. Configure eclipse.ini which will be available in the eclipse installed location.

   Configuring eclipse.ini should be based on your RAM

也可以访问http://wiki.eclipse.org/Eclipse.ini获取更多选择 配置eclipse.ini。

Do not keep lot of tabs opened in the editor. Better to have around 20 tabs . Regularly close the unused tabs. To open resource we can always use ctrl+shift+R and ctrl+shift+T (java resource) instead of opening lot of tabs I experienced a considerable improvement in performance when limiting the number of open tabs (In the past I frequently had 30+ tabs open). You can let eclipse handle this for you automatically: Window->Preferences->Editors-> close editors automatically 8 open tabs is the amount before the >> sign appears, so I set 14 as my default value. When opening more tabs, the ones the least recently accessed will be closed. When all editors are dirty or pinned. If it has unsaved modifications you can prompt to save & reuse (tab will be closed, a new one will be opened in its place). Or you can open a new editor end thus increase the amount of open tabs (the unobtrusive choice). If you want to ensure some tabs never get closed autmatically, you can pin them. This by clicking on the pin icon (the rightmost icon in the toolbar, with “pin editor” as tooltiptext). Go to Windows -> Preferences -> Validation and uncheck any validators you don’t want or need. Go to Windows -> Preferences -> General -> Appearance -> and uncheck any animation you don’t want or need. Go to Windows -> Preferences -> Maven and check 'do not automatically update dependencies'.

在Windows 8上。 打开控制面板。找到Windows Defender。进入设置 排除Spring/Eclipse和工作区所在的所有文件夹


删除不需要的插件(并非所有插件都需要Mylyn和Eclipse的J2EE版本) 不必要的验证器 禁用拼写检查 关闭Java编辑器中未使用的选项卡(是的,它有助于减少Eclipse负担) 关闭未使用的项目 禁用不需要的标签声明(SVN/CVS) 禁用自动建筑
