
例如:我禁用了所有我不需要的插件(Mylyn, Subclipse,…)



这个线程中的最佳实践是在ZeroTurnaround的免费Optimizer For Eclipse中实现的。


内存分配不足 类验证开销 过多的索引和历史记录 过时或缓慢的JDK Eclipse已经过时 漫长的构建和重新部署时间





使用最新版本的Eclipse(2020-06截至2020年6月26日) 请注意David balaicic的评论(2014年7月)与六年前的标准相矛盾:

Indigo (3.7.2) SR2中“相同”的工作空间在4秒内加载,Kepler SR2(4.3.2)在7秒内加载,Luna(4.4.0)在10秒内加载。它们都是Java EE包。新版本有更多捆绑的插件,但趋势仍然很明显。(我所说的“相同”工作空间是指:使用相同的(额外安装的)插件,从版本控制中检出相同的项目)。

使用最新的JDK启动它(在撰写本文时使用Java 14,这并不妨碍您在Eclipse项目中使用任何其他您想要的JDK: 1.4.2、1.5、1.6旧版本……) vm jdk1.6.0_10 \ jre \ bin \ client \ jvm.dll 配置eclipse.ini(有关完整的eclipse.ini,请参阅这个问题) -Xms512m -Xmx4096m […]




启动画面很快就会出现。 进程列表中的Eclipse.exe,而不是java.exe。 防火墙:Eclipse需要访问Internet而不是Java。 窗口管理品牌问题,特别是在Windows和Mac上。


From version 4.8 (Photon) an up there was a steady speed gain after each version. The main platform was optimized every release to load faster, enable more features for the dark theme and to add more features for newer Java versions for the Java development tools. Especially with-in the last 3 versions the startup time was increased a lot. There should be a significant increase in start-up time with the newest version of Eclipse 2020-12. In my experience it started a lot faster with each new version. But: There are still plug-ins which do not follow the new way of using the Eclipse API and are therefore still slow to start. Since the change to Java 11 as the minimum runtime version starting from Eclipse version 2020-09 at least the core system uses the newer features of the JVM. It is up to the providers of the other plug-ins to upgrade to newer APIs and to use the full power of modern CPUs (e.g. concurrent programming model).


为Eclipse提供正确数量的线程和正确数量的内存:问题:Eclipse和Eclipse索引器占用了我所有的资源/ CPU%



Any unused plugins installed in Eclipse, should uninstall them. -- Few plugins makes a lot much weight to Eclipse. Open current working project and close the remaining project. If there is any any dependency among them, just open while running. If all are Maven projects, then with miner local change in pom files, you can make them individual projects also. If you are working on independent projects, then always work on any one project in a workspace. Don't keep multiple projects in single workspace. Change the type filters. It facilitates to specify particular packages to refer always. As per my experience, don't change memory JVM parameters. It causes a lot of unknown issues except when you have sound knowledge of JVM parameters. Un-check auto build always. Particulary, Maven project's auto build is useless. Close all the files opened, just open current working files. Use Go Into Work sets. Instead of complete workbench. Most of the components of your application you can implement and test in standalone also. Learn how to run in standalone without need of server deploy, this makes your work simple and fast. -- Recently, I worked on hibernate entities for my project, two days, I did on server. i.e. I changed in entities and again build and deployed on the server, it killing it all my time. So, then I created a simple JPA standalone application, and I completed my work very fast.

我已经禁用了Windows > Preferences > General中所有未使用的选项,它对性能有巨大的积极影响,eclipse在切换选项卡时仍然很慢,我不想增加内存,但在滚动时要快得多。谢谢你的提示。