

来自HTML: <窗格bi-title = "标题" title =“{{标题}}>{{文本}}> < /窗格 从窗格指令: scope: {biTitle: '=', title: '@', bar: '='},


为什么我必须使用“{{title}}”与“@”和“title”与“=”? 我也可以直接访问父范围,而不装饰我的元素与属性? 文档说:“通常情况下,通过表达式将数据从孤立的作用域传递到父作用域是可取的”,但这似乎也适用于双向绑定。为什么表达式路由会更好呢?



@ and =见其他答案。

一个人抓住了你& TL,博士; &从父函数中获取表达式(不仅仅是其他答案中的例子中的函数),并将其设置为指令中的函数,该函数调用表达式。这个函数能够替换表达式的任何变量(甚至函数名),通过将变量传递给一个对象。

explained & is an expression reference, that means if you pass something like <myDirective expr="x==y"></myDirective> in the directive this expr will be a function, that calls the expression, like: function expr(){return x == y}. so in directive's html <button ng-click="expr()"></button> will call the expression. In js of the directive just $scope.expr() will call the expression too. The expression will be called with $scope.x and $scope.y of the parent. You have the ability to override the parameters! If you set them by call, e.g. <button ng-click="expr({x:5})"></button> then the expression will be called with your parameter x and parent's parameter y. You can override both. Now you know, why <button ng-click="functionFromParent({x:5})"></button> works. Because it just calls the expression of parent (e.g. <myDirective functionFromParent="function1(x)"></myDirective>) and replaces possible values with your specified parameters, in this case x. it could be: <myDirective functionFromParent="function1(x) + 5"></myDirective> or <myDirective functionFromParent="function1(x) + z"></myDirective> with child call: <button ng-click="functionFromParent({x:5, z: 4})"></button>. or even with function replacement: <button ng-click="functionFromParent({function1: myfn, x:5, z: 4})"></button>.


例子: 指令模板vs调用代码: Parent已经定义了$scope。x, scope.y美元: parent template: <myDirective expr="x==y"></myDirective> <按钮ng-click = " expr ()></button>调用$scope.x==$scope.y <button ng-click="expr({x: 5})"></按钮>调用5 == $scope.y <button ng-click="expr({x:5, y:6})"></button>调用5 == 6

Parent已经定义了$scope。function1,美元范围。x, scope.y美元: : <myDirective expr="function1(x) + y"></myDirective>

<按钮ng-click = " expr ()></button>调用$scope.function1($scope.x) + $scope.y <button ng-click="expr({x: 5})"></button>调用$scope.function1(5) + $scope.y <button ng-click="expr({x:5, y:6})">调用$scope.function1(5) + 6 指令有$作用域。myFn作为函数: <button ng-click="expr({function1: myFn, x:5, y:6})"></button>调用$scope.myFn(5) + 6


=方法是双向绑定,它允许你在指令中进行实时更改。当有人在指令外更改变量时,你将在指令内拥有更改的数据,但@ way不是双向绑定。它像文本一样工作。你绑定一次,你就只有它的值。



@ get作为字符串





调用此getter函数后,结果对象的行为如下: 如果传递了一个函数:那么该函数在父(控制器)闭包中被调用时执行 如果传入了一个非函数:简单地获取一个没有绑定的对象的本地副本


@ and =见其他答案。

一个人抓住了你& TL,博士; &从父函数中获取表达式(不仅仅是其他答案中的例子中的函数),并将其设置为指令中的函数,该函数调用表达式。这个函数能够替换表达式的任何变量(甚至函数名),通过将变量传递给一个对象。

explained & is an expression reference, that means if you pass something like <myDirective expr="x==y"></myDirective> in the directive this expr will be a function, that calls the expression, like: function expr(){return x == y}. so in directive's html <button ng-click="expr()"></button> will call the expression. In js of the directive just $scope.expr() will call the expression too. The expression will be called with $scope.x and $scope.y of the parent. You have the ability to override the parameters! If you set them by call, e.g. <button ng-click="expr({x:5})"></button> then the expression will be called with your parameter x and parent's parameter y. You can override both. Now you know, why <button ng-click="functionFromParent({x:5})"></button> works. Because it just calls the expression of parent (e.g. <myDirective functionFromParent="function1(x)"></myDirective>) and replaces possible values with your specified parameters, in this case x. it could be: <myDirective functionFromParent="function1(x) + 5"></myDirective> or <myDirective functionFromParent="function1(x) + z"></myDirective> with child call: <button ng-click="functionFromParent({x:5, z: 4})"></button>. or even with function replacement: <button ng-click="functionFromParent({function1: myfn, x:5, z: 4})"></button>.


例子: 指令模板vs调用代码: Parent已经定义了$scope。x, scope.y美元: parent template: <myDirective expr="x==y"></myDirective> <按钮ng-click = " expr ()></button>调用$scope.x==$scope.y <button ng-click="expr({x: 5})"></按钮>调用5 == $scope.y <button ng-click="expr({x:5, y:6})"></button>调用5 == 6

Parent已经定义了$scope。function1,美元范围。x, scope.y美元: : <myDirective expr="function1(x) + y"></myDirective>

<按钮ng-click = " expr ()></button>调用$scope.function1($scope.x) + $scope.y <button ng-click="expr({x: 5})"></button>调用$scope.function1(5) + $scope.y <button ng-click="expr({x:5, y:6})">调用$scope.function1(5) + 6 指令有$作用域。myFn作为函数: <button ng-click="expr({function1: myFn, x:5, y:6})"></button>调用$scope.myFn(5) + 6



@ binding is for passing strings. These strings support {{}} expressions for interpolated values. For example: . The interpolated expression is evaluated against directive's parent scope. = binding is for two-way model binding. The model in parent scope is linked to the model in the directive's isolated scope. Changes to one model affects the other, and vice versa. & binding is for passing a method into your directive's scope so that it can be called within your directive. The method is pre-bound to the directive's parent scope, and supports arguments. For example if the method is hello(name) in parent scope, then in order to execute the method from inside your directive, you must call $scope.hello({name:'world'})


@属性字符串绑定 =双向模型绑定 &回调方法绑定


@字符串 =模型 &方法


= @ &

@属性字符串绑定(单向) =双向模型绑定 &回调方法绑定