


Create a .h file from NewFile -> Source -> header file Then save the name of file Your_Target_Name-Bridging-Header.h People here gets common mistake by taking their project name but it should be the Project's Target's name if in case both are different, generally they are same. Then in build settings search for Objective-C Bridging Header flag and put the address of your newly created bridging file, you can do it right click on the file -> show in finder -> drag the file in the text area then the address will be populated. Using #import Your_Objective-C_file.h In the swift file you can access the ObjC file but in swift language only.


你可以看看Swift & Cocoapods的帖子。基本上,我们需要创建一个桥接头文件,并将所有Objective-C头文件放在那里。然后我们需要从构建设置中引用它。之后,我们可以使用Objective-C代码。

let manager = AFHTTPRequestOperationManager()
  parameters: nil,
  success: { (operation: AFHTTPRequestOperation!,
              responseObject: AnyObject!) in
      println("JSON: " + responseObject.description)
  failure: { (operation: AFHTTPRequestOperation!,
              error: NSError!) in
      println("Error: " + error.localizedDescription)

也可以看看苹果的文档Using Swift with Cocoa和Objective-C。



UITableView *myTableView = [[UITableView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectZero style:UITableViewStyleGrouped];


let myTableView: UITableView = UITableView(frame: CGRectZero, style: .Grouped)

Xcode也可以在运行中进行这种转换——你可以在编辑Swift文件时使用Open quick,并输入Objective-C类名,它会带你到Swift化的类头。(你也可以通过cmd点击Swift文件中的API符号来获得。)iOS 8和OS X v10.10 (Yosemite)开发者库中的所有API参考文档在Objective-C和Swift表单(例如UIView)中都是可见的。


通过选择file -> New -> New file -> Objective-C file将任何Objective-C文件添加到Swift项目中。保存时,Xcode会询问你是否想要添加一个桥接头。选择“是”。 (来源:derrrick.com)


A prompt appears, and then click on OK... If it does not appear, then we create it manually like in the following... Create one header file from iOS source and give the name ProjectName-Bridging-Header (example: Test-Bridging-Header), and then go to build setting in the Swift compiler code -> Objective-C bridge add Objective-C bridge name ..(Test/Test-Bridging-Header.h). Yeah, that's complete. Optionally, delete the Objective-C file you added (named "anything" in the GIF image above). You don't need it any more. Open the bridging header file -- the filename is of the form [YourProject]-Bridging-Header.h. It includes an Xcode-provided comment. Add a line of code for the Objective-C file you want to include, such as a third-party framework. For example, to add Mixpanel to your project, you will need to add the following line of code to the bridging header file: #import "Mixpanel.h" Now in any Swift file you can use existing Objective-C code, in the Swift syntax (in the case of this example, and you can call Mixpanel SDK methods, etc.). You need to familiarize yourself with how Xcode translates Objective-C to Swift. Apple's guide is a quick read. Or see this answer for an incomplete summary.


func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
    return true


注意:如果你从你的项目中删除桥接头文件,请确保进入构建设置并在“Swift Compiler - Code Generation”下删除“Objective-C桥接头”的值。


Any Objective-C framework (or C library) that’s accessible as a module can be imported directly into Swift. This includes all of the Objective-C system frameworks—such as Foundation, UIKit, and SpriteKit—as well as common C libraries supplied with the system. For example, to import Foundation, simply add this import statement to the top of the Swift file you’re working in: import Foundation This import makes all of the Foundation APIs—including NSDate, NSURL, NSMutableData, and all of their methods, properties, and categories—directly available in Swift.


@objcMembers class MySwiftClass {...}