

使用像PSI这样的库(目前似乎没有积极开发,在多个平台上也不支持)或像pystatgrab这样的库(从2007年开始似乎没有活动,也不支持Windows)。 使用平台特定的代码,例如使用os.popen("ps")或*nix系统的类似代码,以及ctypes.windll中的MEMORYSTATUS。Windows平台的kernel32(请参阅ActiveState上的配方)。可以将所有这些代码片段放在一个Python类中。





# Time profiler
$ pip install line_profiler
# Memory profiler
$ pip install memory_profiler
# Install the dependency for a faster analysis
$ pip install psutil




def linearRegressionfit(Xt,Yt,Xts,Yts):
    # More Code



$ kernprof -l -v main.py


Total time: 0.181071 s
File: main.py
Function: linearRegressionfit at line 35

Line #      Hits         Time  Per Hit   % Time  Line Contents
    35                                           @profile
    36                                           def linearRegressionfit(Xt,Yt,Xts,Yts):
    37         1         52.0     52.0      0.1      lr=LinearRegression()
    38         1      28942.0  28942.0     75.2      model=lr.fit(Xt,Yt)
    39         1       1347.0   1347.0      3.5      predict=lr.predict(Xts)
    41         1       4924.0   4924.0     12.8      print("train Accuracy",lr.score(Xt,Yt))
    42         1       3242.0   3242.0      8.4      print("test Accuracy",lr.score(Xts,Yts))



$ python -m memory_profiler main.py


Filename: main.py

Line #    Mem usage    Increment   Line Contents
    35  125.992 MiB  125.992 MiB   @profile
    36                             def linearRegressionfit(Xt,Yt,Xts,Yts):
    37  125.992 MiB    0.000 MiB       lr=LinearRegression()
    38  130.547 MiB    4.555 MiB       model=lr.fit(Xt,Yt)
    39  130.547 MiB    0.000 MiB       predict=lr.predict(Xts)
    41  130.547 MiB    0.000 MiB       print("train Accuracy",lr.score(Xt,Yt))
    42  130.547 MiB    0.000 MiB       print("test Accuracy",lr.score(Xts,Yts))

此外,还可以使用matplotlib using绘制内存分析器结果

$ mprof run main.py
$ mprof plot


Line_profiler version == 3.0.2

Memory_profiler version == 0.57.0

Psutil版本== 5.7.0



下面的代码,没有外部库为我工作。我在Python 2.7.9测试


import os
CPU_Pct=str(round(float(os.popen('''grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)*100/($2+$4+$5)} END {print usage }' ''').readline()),2))
print("CPU Usage = " + CPU_Pct)  # print results


import os
mem=str(os.popen('free -t -m').readlines())
Get a whole line of memory output, it will be something like below
['             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached\n', 
'Mem:           925        591        334         14         30        355\n', 
'-/+ buffers/cache:        205        719\n', 
'Swap:           99          0         99\n', 
'Total:        1025        591        434\n']
 So, we need total memory, usage and free memory.
 We should find the index of capital T which is unique at this string
Than, we can recreate the string with this information. After T we have,
"Total:        " which has 14 characters, so we can start from index of T +14
and last 4 characters are also not necessary.
We can create a new sub-string using this information
The result will be like
1025        603        422
we need to find first index of the first space, and we can start our substring
from from 0 to this index number, this will give us the string of total memory
S1_ind=mem_G.index(' ')
Similarly we will create a new sub-string, which will start at the second value. 
The resulting string will be like
603        422
Again, we should find the index of first space and than the 
take the Used Memory and Free memory.
S2_ind=mem_G1.index(' ')

print 'Summary = ' + mem_G
print 'Total Memory = ' + mem_T +' MB'
print 'Used Memory = ' + mem_U +' MB'
print 'Free Memory = ' + mem_F +' MB'


def cpu_load(): 
    with open("/proc/stat", "r") as stat:
        (key, user, nice, system, idle, _) = (stat.readline().split(None, 5))
    assert key == "cpu", "'cpu ...' should be the first line in /proc/stat"
    busy = int(user) + int(nice) + int(system)
    return 100 * busy / (busy + int(idle))

仅适用于Linux: 只有stdlib依赖的RAM使用的一行代码:

import os
tot_m, used_m, free_m = map(int, os.popen('free -t -m').readlines()[-1].split()[1:])


来自: “for sys available mem” http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa455130.aspx

“单个进程信息和python脚本示例” http://www.microsoft.com/technet/scriptcenter/scripts/default.mspx?mfr=true

注意:WMI接口/进程也可用于执行类似的任务 我在这里没有使用它,因为当前的方法满足了我的需求,但是如果有一天需要扩展或改进它,那么可能需要研究可用的WMI工具。




Monitor window processes

derived from:
>for sys available mem

> individual process information and python script examples

NOTE: the WMI interface/process is also available for performing similar tasks
        I'm not using it here because the current method covers my needs, but if someday it's needed
        to extend or improve this module, then may want to investigate the WMI tools available.
        WMI for python:

__revision__ = 3

import win32com.client
from ctypes import *
from ctypes.wintypes import *
import pythoncom
import pywintypes
import datetime

class MEMORYSTATUS(Structure):
    _fields_ = [
                ('dwLength', DWORD),
                ('dwMemoryLoad', DWORD),
                ('dwTotalPhys', DWORD),
                ('dwAvailPhys', DWORD),
                ('dwTotalPageFile', DWORD),
                ('dwAvailPageFile', DWORD),
                ('dwTotalVirtual', DWORD),
                ('dwAvailVirtual', DWORD),

def winmem():
    x = MEMORYSTATUS() # create the structure
    windll.kernel32.GlobalMemoryStatus(byref(x)) # from cytypes.wintypes
    return x    

class process_stats:
    '''process_stats is able to provide counters of (all?) the items available in perfmon.
    Refer to the self.supported_types keys for the currently supported 'Performance Objects'
    To add logging support for other data you can derive the necessary data from perfmon:
    perfmon can be run from windows 'run' menu by entering 'perfmon' and enter.
    Clicking on the '+' will open the 'add counters' menu,
    From the 'Add Counters' dialog, the 'Performance object' is the self.support_types key.
    --> Where spaces are removed and symbols are entered as text (Ex. # == Number, % == Percent)
    For the items you wish to log add the proper attribute name in the list in the self.supported_types dictionary,
    keyed by the 'Performance Object' name as mentioned above.
    NOTE: The 'NETFramework_NETCLRMemory' key does not seem to log dotnet 2.0 properly.
    Initially the python implementation was derived from:
    def __init__(self,process_name_list=[],perf_object_list=[],filter_list=[]):
        '''process_names_list == the list of all processes to log (if empty log all)
        perf_object_list == list of process counters to log
        filter_list == list of text to filter
        print_results == boolean, output to stdout
        pythoncom.CoInitialize() # Needed when run by the same process in a thread
        self.process_name_list = process_name_list
        self.perf_object_list = perf_object_list
        self.filter_list = filter_list
        self.win32_perf_base = 'Win32_PerfFormattedData_'
        # Define new datatypes here!
        self.supported_types = {
                                    'NETFramework_NETCLRMemory':    [
                                    'PerfProc_Process':              [
                                                                          'IDProcess',# pid
    def get_pid_stats(self, pid):
        this_proc_dict = {}
        pythoncom.CoInitialize() # Needed when run by the same process in a thread
        if not self.perf_object_list:
            perf_object_list = self.supported_types.keys()
        for counter_type in perf_object_list:
            strComputer = "."
            objWMIService = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
            objSWbemServices = objWMIService.ConnectServer(strComputer,"root\cimv2")
            query_str = '''Select * from %s%s''' % (self.win32_perf_base,counter_type)
            colItems = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery(query_str) # "Select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process")# changed from Win32_Thread        
            if len(colItems) > 0:        
                for objItem in colItems:
                    if hasattr(objItem, 'IDProcess') and pid == objItem.IDProcess:
                            for attribute in self.supported_types[counter_type]:
                                eval_str = 'objItem.%s' % (attribute)
                                this_proc_dict[attribute] = eval(eval_str)
                            this_proc_dict['TimeStamp'] = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.') + str(datetime.datetime.now().microsecond)[:3]

        return this_proc_dict      
    def get_stats(self):
        Show process stats for all processes in given list, if none given return all processes   
        If filter list is defined return only the items that match or contained in the list
        Returns a list of result dictionaries
        pythoncom.CoInitialize() # Needed when run by the same process in a thread
        proc_results_list = []
        if not self.perf_object_list:
            perf_object_list = self.supported_types.keys()
        for counter_type in perf_object_list:
            strComputer = "."
            objWMIService = win32com.client.Dispatch("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
            objSWbemServices = objWMIService.ConnectServer(strComputer,"root\cimv2")
            query_str = '''Select * from %s%s''' % (self.win32_perf_base,counter_type)
            colItems = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery(query_str) # "Select * from Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfProc_Process")# changed from Win32_Thread
                if len(colItems) > 0:
                    for objItem in colItems:
                        found_flag = False
                        this_proc_dict = {}
                        if not self.process_name_list:
                            found_flag = True
                            # Check if process name is in the process name list, allow print if it is
                            for proc_name in self.process_name_list:
                                obj_name = objItem.Name
                                if proc_name.lower() in obj_name.lower(): # will log if contains name
                                    found_flag = True
                        if found_flag:
                            for attribute in self.supported_types[counter_type]:
                                eval_str = 'objItem.%s' % (attribute)
                                this_proc_dict[attribute] = eval(eval_str)
                            this_proc_dict['TimeStamp'] = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.') + str(datetime.datetime.now().microsecond)[:3]
            except pywintypes.com_error, err_msg:
                # Ignore and continue (proc_mem_logger calls this function once per second)
        return proc_results_list     

def get_sys_stats():
    ''' Returns a dictionary of the system stats'''
    pythoncom.CoInitialize() # Needed when run by the same process in a thread
    x = winmem()
    sys_dict = { 
                    'dwAvailPhys': x.dwAvailPhys,
    return sys_dict

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # This area used for testing only
    sys_dict = get_sys_stats()
    stats_processor = process_stats(process_name_list=['process2watch'],perf_object_list=[],filter_list=[])
    proc_results = stats_processor.get_stats()
    for result_dict in proc_results:
        print result_dict
    import os
    this_pid = os.getpid()
    this_proc_results = stats_processor.get_pid_stats(this_pid)
    print 'this proc results:'
    print this_proc_results


file1 = open('/proc/meminfo', 'r') 

for line in file1: 
    if 'MemTotal' in line: 
        x = line.split()
        memTotal = int(x[1])
    if 'Buffers' in line: 
        x = line.split()
        buffers = int(x[1])
    if 'Cached' in line and 'SwapCached' not in line: 
        x = line.split()
        cached = int(x[1])
    if 'MemFree' in line: 
        x = line.split()
        memFree = int(x[1])


percentage_used = int ( ( memTotal - (buffers + cached + memFree) ) / memTotal * 100 )