

A chain of hooks is a set of functions in which each function calls the next. What is significant about a chain of hooks is that a programmer can add another function to the chain at run time. One way to do this is to look for a known location where the address of the first function in a chain is kept. You then save the value of that function pointer and overwrite the value at the initial address with the address of the function you wish to insert into the hook chain. The function then gets called, does its business and calls the next function in the chain (unless you decide otherwise). Naturally, there are a number of other ways to create a chain of hooks, from writing directly to memory to using the metaprogramming facilities of languages like Ruby or Python.

钩子链的一个例子是MS Windows应用程序处理消息的方式。处理链中的每个函数要么处理消息,要么将其发送给链中的下一个函数。





例如,Drupal CMS为开发人员提供了钩子,允许他们在创建“内容节点”之后采取额外的操作。如果开发人员没有实现钩子,则按常规创建节点。如果开发人员实现了钩子,他们可以在创建节点时运行一些额外的代码。这段代码可以做任何事情,包括回滚和/或更改原始操作。它还可以做一些与节点创建完全无关的事情。



A chain of hooks is a set of functions in which each function calls the next. What is significant about a chain of hooks is that a programmer can add another function to the chain at run time. One way to do this is to look for a known location where the address of the first function in a chain is kept. You then save the value of that function pointer and overwrite the value at the initial address with the address of the function you wish to insert into the hook chain. The function then gets called, does its business and calls the next function in the chain (unless you decide otherwise). Naturally, there are a number of other ways to create a chain of hooks, from writing directly to memory to using the metaprogramming facilities of languages like Ruby or Python.

钩子链的一个例子是MS Windows应用程序处理消息的方式。处理链中的每个函数要么处理消息,要么将其发送给链中的下一个函数。


