

我知道JVM通常比您更了解何时需要回收内存。我也明白,担心几千字节的数据是愚蠢的。我也明白,即使是兆字节的数据也不如几年前了。但还是1.5 gb ?你知道大概有1.5 GB的数据在内存中;这又不是瞎猜的。System.gc()在系统上是坏的,还是在某个点上变得正常了?


Why is or isn't it bad practice to call System.gc()? Is it really merely a hint to the JVM under certain implementations, or is it always a full collection cycle? Are there really garbage collector implementations that can do their work without stopping the world? Please shed some light over the various assertions people have made in the comments to my answer. Where's the threshold? Is it never a good idea to call System.gc(), or are there times when it's acceptable? If so, what are those times?






When you are absolutely sure that you have some CPU time to spare now, and you want to improve the throughput of code that will run later. For example, a web server that discovers that there are no pending web requests at the moment can initiate garbage collection now, so as to reduce the chances that garbage collection will be needed during the processing of a barrage of web requests later on. (Of course this can hurt if a web request arrives during collection, but the web server could be smart about it and abandon collection if a request comes in.) Desktop GUIs are another example: on the idle event (or, more broadly, after a period of inactivity,) you can give the JVM a hint that if it has any garbage collection to do, now is better than later. When you want to detect memory leaks. This is often done in combination with a debug-mode-only finalizer, or with the java.lang.ref.Cleaner class from Java 9 onwards. The idea is that by forcing garbage collection now, and thus discovering memory leaks now as opposed to some random point in time in the future, you can detect the memory leaks as soon as possible after they have happened, and therefore be in a better position to tell precisely which piece of code has leaked memory and why. (Incidentally, this is also one of, or perhaps the only, legitimate use cases for finalizers or the Cleaner. The practice of using finalization for recycling of unmanaged resources is flawed, despite being very widespread and even officially recommended, because it is non-deterministic. For more on this topic, read this: https://blog.michael.gr/2021/01/object-lifetime-awareness.html) When you are measuring the performance of code, (benchmarking,) in order to reduce/minimize the chances of garbage collection occurring during the benchmark, or in order to guarantee that whatever overhead is suffered due to garbage collection during the benchmark is due to garbage generated by the code under benchmark, and not by unrelated code. A good benchmark always starts with an as thorough as possible garbage collection. When you are measuring the memory consumption of code, in order to determine how much garbage is generated by a piece of code. The idea is to perform a full garbage collection so as to start in a clean state, run the code under measurement, obtain the heap size, then do another full garbage collection, obtain the heap size again, and take the difference. (Incidentally, the ability to temporarily suppress garbage collection while running the code under measurement would be useful here, alas, the JVM does not support that. This is deplorable.)





private static void runGarbageCollection()
    for( WeakReference<Object> ref = new WeakReference<>( new Object() ); ; )
        System.gc(); //optional
        Runtime.getRuntime().runFinalization(); //optional
        if( ref.get() == null )

这仍然不能保证您将得到一个完整的GC,但它已经很接近了。具体来说,即使使用了-XX:DisableExplicitGC VM选项,它也会为您提供一定数量的垃圾收集。(因此,它真正使用System.gc()作为提示;它并不依赖于它。)


也许我写的代码很糟糕,但我已经意识到在eclipse和netbeans ide上点击垃圾桶图标是一个“好的实践”。























It might be okay for Java GC to behave the way it does, or it might not, but to understand it, it is difficult to truly follow in which direction to go to get a comprehensive overview of what you can trust the GC to do and not to do, so it's too easy simply distrust the language, because the purpose of a language is to have controlled behavior up to philosophical extent(it's easy for a programmer, especially novices to fall into existential crisis from certain system/language behaviors) you are capable of tolerating(and if you can't, you just won't use the language until you have to), and more things you can't control for no known reason why you can't control them is inherently harmful.



After the initial work of starting up your application, you may be a terrible state of memory usage. Half your tenured generation could be full of garbage, meaning that you are that much closer to your first CMS. In applications where that matters, it is not a bad idea to call System.gc() to "reset" your heap to the starting state of live data. Along the same lines as #1, if you monitor your heap usage closely, you want to have an accurate reading of what your baseline memory usage is. If the first 2 minutes of your application's uptime is all initialization, your data is going to be messed up unless you force (ahem... "suggest") the full gc up front. You may have an application that is designed to never promote anything to the tenured generation while it is running. But maybe you need to initialize some data up-front that is not-so-huge as to automatically get moved to the tenured generation. Unless you call System.gc() after everything is set up, your data could sit in the new generation until the time comes for it to get promoted. All of a sudden your super-duper low-latency, low-GC application gets hit with a HUGE (relatively speaking, of course) latency penalty for promoting those objects during normal operations. It is sometimes useful to have a System.gc call available in a production application for verifying the existence of a memory leak. If you know that the set of live data at time X should exist in a certain ratio to the set of live data at time Y, then it could be useful to call System.gc() a time X and time Y and compare memory usage.



