getParameter()返回http请求参数。那些从客户端传递到服务器的信息。例如。只能返回字符串 getAttribute()仅供服务器端使用—您可以在同一个请求中使用属性填充请求。例如,在servlet中设置一个属性,然后从JSP中读取它。可以用于任何对象,而不仅仅是字符串。
getParameter()返回http请求参数。那些从客户端传递到服务器的信息。例如。只能返回字符串 getAttribute()仅供服务器端使用—您可以在同一个请求中使用属性填充请求。例如,在servlet中设置一个属性,然后从JSP中读取它。可以用于任何对象,而不仅仅是字符串。
request.getParameter ()
我们使用request. getparameter()来提取请求参数(即通过发布html表单发送的数据)。request.getParameter()总是返回String值,数据来自客户端。
request.getAttribute ()
We use request.getAttribute() to get an object added to the request scope on the server side i.e. using request.setAttribute(). You can add any type of object you like here, Strings, Custom objects, in fact any object. You add the attribute to the request and forward the request to another resource, the client does not know about this. So all the code handling this would typically be in JSP/servlets. You can use request.setAttribute() to add extra-information and forward/redirect the current request to another resource.
//First Page : first.jsp
<%@ page import="java.util.*" import="*"%>
<% request.setAttribute("PAGE", "first.jsp");%>
<jsp:forward page="/second.jsp"/>
<%@ page import="java.util.*" import="*"%>
From Which Page : <%=request.getAttribute("PAGE")%><br>
Data From Client : <%=request.getParameter("CLIENT")%>
From Which Page : *first.jsp*
Data From Client : you
getAttribute()和getParameter()之间的基本区别是,第一个方法提取一个(序列化的)Java对象,而另一个方法提供一个String值。对于这两种情况,都会给出一个名称,以便可以查找和提取它的值(无论是字符串还是java bean)。
The difference between getAttribute and getParameter is that getParameter will return the value of a parameter that was submitted by an HTML form or that was included in a query string. getAttribute returns an object that you have set in the request, the only way you can use this is in conjunction with a RequestDispatcher. You use a RequestDispatcher to forward a request to another resource (JSP / Servlet). So before you forward the request you can set an attribute which will be available to the next resource.
应用程序,在整个应用程序的生命周期内可用 会话,在会话的生命周期内可用 请求,仅在请求的生命期内可用 页面(仅限JSP),仅对当前JSP页面可用
<jsp:forward page="destination.jsp">
<jsp:param name="userName" value="hamid"/>
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