I was wondering if it's possible to determine what kind of iPhone (for example) the currentdevice is? I know it's possible to get the model through NSString *deviceType = [[UIDevice currentDevice] model]; which will just return whether I have an "iPhone" or an "iPod", BUT I was wondering if it's possible to detect/know if I have an iPhone 3GS vs. and iPhone 4 vs. an iPhone 4S (in actuality, all I really want to do is determine if I have a 3G or not, because I'm doing fairly graphics intensive stuff).



兼容Swift 3

// MARK: - UIDevice Extension -

private let DeviceList = [
/* iPod 5 */          "iPod5,1": "iPod Touch 5",
/* iPhone 4 */        "iPhone3,1":  "iPhone 4", "iPhone3,2": "iPhone 4", "iPhone3,3": "iPhone 4",
/* iPhone 4S */       "iPhone4,1": "iPhone 4S",
/* iPhone 5 */        "iPhone5,1": "iPhone 5", "iPhone5,2": "iPhone 5",
/* iPhone 5C */       "iPhone5,3": "iPhone 5C", "iPhone5,4": "iPhone 5C",
/* iPhone 5S */       "iPhone6,1": "iPhone 5S", "iPhone6,2": "iPhone 5S",
/* iPhone 6 */        "iPhone7,2": "iPhone 6",
/* iPhone 6 Plus */   "iPhone7,1": "iPhone 6 Plus",
/* iPhone 6S */       "iPhone8,1": "iPhone 6S",
/* iPhone 6S Plus */  "iPhone8,2": "iPhone 6S Plus",
/* iPhone SE */       "iPhone8,4": "iPhone SE",
/* iPhone 7 */        "iPhone9,1": "iPhone 7",
/* iPhone 7 */        "iPhone9,3": "iPhone 7",
/* iPhone 7 Plus */   "iPhone9,2": "iPhone 7 Plus",
/* iPhone 7 Plus */   "iPhone9,4": "iPhone 7 Plus",
/* iPad 2 */          "iPad2,1": "iPad 2", "iPad2,2": "iPad 2", "iPad2,3": "iPad 2", "iPad2,4": "iPad 2",
/* iPad 3 */          "iPad3,1": "iPad 3", "iPad3,2": "iPad 3", "iPad3,3":     "iPad 3",
/* iPad 4 */          "iPad3,4": "iPad 4", "iPad3,5": "iPad 4", "iPad3,6": "iPad 4",
/* iPad Air */        "iPad4,1": "iPad Air", "iPad4,2": "iPad Air", "iPad4,3": "iPad Air",
/* iPad Air 2 */      "iPad5,1": "iPad Air 2", "iPad5,3": "iPad Air 2", "iPad5,4": "iPad Air 2",
/* iPad Mini */       "iPad2,5": "iPad Mini 1", "iPad2,6": "iPad Mini 1", "iPad2,7": "iPad Mini 1",
/* iPad Mini 2 */     "iPad4,4": "iPad Mini 2", "iPad4,5": "iPad Mini 2", "iPad4,6": "iPad Mini 2",
/* iPad Mini 3 */     "iPad4,7": "iPad Mini 3", "iPad4,8": "iPad Mini 3", "iPad4,9": "iPad Mini 3",
/* iPad Pro 12.9 */   "iPad6,7": "iPad Pro 12.9", "iPad6,8": "iPad Pro 12.9",
/* iPad Pro  9.7 */   "iPad6,3": "iPad Pro 9.7", "iPad6,4": "iPad Pro 9.7",
/* Simulator */       "x86_64": "Simulator", "i386": "Simulator"

extension UIDevice {

    static var modelName: String {
        var systemInfo = utsname()

        let machine = systemInfo.machine
        let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: machine)

        var identifier = ""

        for child in mirror.children {
            if let value = child.value as? Int8, value != 0 {
                identifier += String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))
        return DeviceList[identifier] ?? identifier

    static var isIphone4: Bool {
        return modelName == "iPhone 5" || modelName == "iPhone 5C" || modelName == "iPhone 5S" || UIDevice.isSimulatorIPhone4

    static var isIphone5: Bool {
        return modelName == "iPhone 4S" || modelName == "iPhone 4" || UIDevice.isSimulatorIPhone5

    static var isIphone6: Bool {
        return modelName == "iPhone 6" || UIDevice.isSimulatorIPhone6
    static var isIphone6Plus: Bool {
        return modelName == "iPhone 6 Plus" || UIDevice.isSimulatorIPhone6Plus

    static var isIpad: Bool {
        if UIDevice.current.model.contains("iPad") {
            return true
        return false

    static var isIphone: Bool {
        return !self.isIpad

    /// Check if current device is iPhone4S (and earlier) relying on screen heigth
    static var isSimulatorIPhone4: Bool {
        return UIDevice.isSimulatorWithScreenHeigth(480)

    /// Check if current device is iPhone5 relying on screen heigth
    static var isSimulatorIPhone5: Bool {
        return UIDevice.isSimulatorWithScreenHeigth(568)

    /// Check if current device is iPhone6 relying on screen heigth
    static var isSimulatorIPhone6: Bool {
        return UIDevice.isSimulatorWithScreenHeigth(667)

    /// Check if current device is iPhone6 Plus relying on screen heigth
    static var isSimulatorIPhone6Plus: Bool {
        return UIDevice.isSimulatorWithScreenHeigth(736)

    private static func isSimulatorWithScreenHeigth(_ heigth: CGFloat) -> Bool {
        let screenSize: CGRect = UIScreen.main.bounds
        return modelName == "Simulator" && screenSize.height == heigth




memScoped {
            val q = alloc<utsname>()
            val identifier = NSString.stringWithCString(q.machine, encoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding)


#import <sys/utsname.h>
#import "MyClass.h"

@implementation MyClass
    //(your private ivars)

- (NSString*) deviceName
    struct utsname systemInfo;


    NSString* code = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine

    static NSDictionary* deviceNamesByCode = nil;

    if (!deviceNamesByCode) {

        deviceNamesByCode = @{@"i386"      : @"Simulator",
                              @"x86_64"    : @"Simulator",
                              @"iPod1,1"   : @"iPod Touch",        // (Original)
                              @"iPod2,1"   : @"iPod Touch",        // (Second Generation)
                              @"iPod3,1"   : @"iPod Touch",        // (Third Generation)
                              @"iPod4,1"   : @"iPod Touch",        // (Fourth Generation)
                              @"iPod7,1"   : @"iPod Touch",        // (6th Generation)       
                              @"iPhone1,1" : @"iPhone",            // (Original)
                              @"iPhone1,2" : @"iPhone",            // (3G)
                              @"iPhone2,1" : @"iPhone",            // (3GS)
                              @"iPad1,1"   : @"iPad",              // (Original)
                              @"iPad2,1"   : @"iPad 2",            //
                              @"iPad3,1"   : @"iPad",              // (3rd Generation)
                              @"iPhone3,1" : @"iPhone 4",          // (GSM)
                              @"iPhone3,3" : @"iPhone 4",          // (CDMA/Verizon/Sprint)
                              @"iPhone4,1" : @"iPhone 4S",         //
                              @"iPhone5,1" : @"iPhone 5",          // (model A1428, AT&T/Canada)
                              @"iPhone5,2" : @"iPhone 5",          // (model A1429, everything else)
                              @"iPad3,4"   : @"iPad",              // (4th Generation)
                              @"iPad2,5"   : @"iPad Mini",         // (Original)
                              @"iPhone5,3" : @"iPhone 5c",         // (model A1456, A1532 | GSM)
                              @"iPhone5,4" : @"iPhone 5c",         // (model A1507, A1516, A1526 (China), A1529 | Global)
                              @"iPhone6,1" : @"iPhone 5s",         // (model A1433, A1533 | GSM)
                              @"iPhone6,2" : @"iPhone 5s",         // (model A1457, A1518, A1528 (China), A1530 | Global)
                              @"iPhone7,1" : @"iPhone 6 Plus",     //
                              @"iPhone7,2" : @"iPhone 6",          //
                              @"iPhone8,1" : @"iPhone 6S",         //
                              @"iPhone8,2" : @"iPhone 6S Plus",    //
                              @"iPhone8,4" : @"iPhone SE",         //
                              @"iPhone9,1" : @"iPhone 7",          //
                              @"iPhone9,3" : @"iPhone 7",          //
                              @"iPhone9,2" : @"iPhone 7 Plus",     //
                              @"iPhone9,4" : @"iPhone 7 Plus",     //
                              @"iPhone10,1": @"iPhone 8",          // CDMA
                              @"iPhone10,4": @"iPhone 8",          // GSM
                              @"iPhone10,2": @"iPhone 8 Plus",     // CDMA
                              @"iPhone10,5": @"iPhone 8 Plus",     // GSM
                              @"iPhone10,3": @"iPhone X",          // CDMA
                              @"iPhone10,6": @"iPhone X",          // GSM
                              @"iPhone11,2": @"iPhone XS",         //
                              @"iPhone11,4": @"iPhone XS Max",     //
                              @"iPhone11,6": @"iPhone XS Max",     // China
                              @"iPhone11,8": @"iPhone XR",         //
                              @"iPhone12,1": @"iPhone 11",         //
                              @"iPhone12,3": @"iPhone 11 Pro",     //
                              @"iPhone12,5": @"iPhone 11 Pro Max", //

                              @"iPad4,1"   : @"iPad Air",          // 5th Generation iPad (iPad Air) - Wifi
                              @"iPad4,2"   : @"iPad Air",          // 5th Generation iPad (iPad Air) - Cellular
                              @"iPad4,4"   : @"iPad Mini",         // (2nd Generation iPad Mini - Wifi)
                              @"iPad4,5"   : @"iPad Mini",         // (2nd Generation iPad Mini - Cellular)
                              @"iPad4,7"   : @"iPad Mini",         // (3rd Generation iPad Mini - Wifi (model A1599))
                              @"iPad6,7"   : @"iPad Pro (12.9\")", // iPad Pro 12.9 inches - (model A1584) 
                              @"iPad6,8"   : @"iPad Pro (12.9\")", // iPad Pro 12.9 inches - (model A1652) 
                              @"iPad6,3"   : @"iPad Pro (9.7\")",  // iPad Pro 9.7 inches - (model A1673)
                              @"iPad6,4"   : @"iPad Pro (9.7\")"   // iPad Pro 9.7 inches - (models A1674 and A1675)

    NSString* deviceName = [deviceNamesByCode objectForKey:code];

    if (!deviceName) {
        // Not found on database. At least guess main device type from string contents:

        if ([code rangeOfString:@"iPod"].location != NSNotFound) {
            deviceName = @"iPod Touch";
        else if([code rangeOfString:@"iPad"].location != NSNotFound) {
            deviceName = @"iPad";
        else if([code rangeOfString:@"iPhone"].location != NSNotFound){
            deviceName = @"iPhone";
        else {
            deviceName = @"Unknown";

    return deviceName;

// (rest of class implementation omitted)


我也省略了详细的信息(例如:“型号A1507, A1516, A1526(中国),A1529 |全球”),并将其放在评论中,以防你想将其用作面向用户的字符串,而不是吓坏他们。

编辑:这个答案使用Swift 2提供了类似的实现。

编辑2:我刚刚添加了iPad Pro型号(两种尺寸)。型号等供日后参考。可以在iPhone Wiki中找到。

编辑3:增加对iPhone XS、iPhone XS Max和iPhone XR的支持。

编辑4:增加对iPhone 11、iPhone 11 Pro和iPhone 11 Pro Max的支持。




static func deviceName() -> String {

        var systemInfo = utsname()

        guard let iOSDeviceModelsPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "iOSDeviceModelMapping", ofType: "plist") else { return "" }
        guard let iOSDevices = NSDictionary(contentsOfFile: iOSDeviceModelsPath) else { return "" }

        let machineMirror = Mirror(reflecting: systemInfo.machine)
        let identifier = machineMirror.children.reduce("") { identifier, element in
            guard let value = element.value as? Int8, value != 0 else { return identifier }
            return identifier + String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))

        return iOSDevices.value(forKey: identifier) as! String

不要忘记在桥接头中添加#import <sys/utsname.h>。

Objective - C

#import <sys/utsname.h>

NSString *machineName()
    struct utsname systemInfo;

    NSString *iOSDeviceModelsPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"iOSDeviceModelMapping" ofType:@"plist"];
    NSDictionary *iOSDevices = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:iOSDeviceModelsPath];

    NSString* deviceModel = [NSString stringWithCString:systemInfo.machine

    return [iOSDevices valueForKey:deviceModel];


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
    <string>iPod Touch 1st Gen</string>
    <string>iPod Touch 2nd Gen</string>
    <string>iPod Touch 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPod Touch 4th Gen</string>
    <string>iPod Touch 5th Gen</string>
    <string>iPod Touch 6th Gen</string>
    <string>iPhone 3G</string>
    <string>iPhone 3GS</string>
    <string>iPhone 4</string>
    <string>iPhone 4</string>
    <string>iPhone 4</string>
    <string>iPhone 4S</string>
    <string>iPhone 5 model A1428</string>
    <string>iPhone 5 model A1429</string>
    <string>iPhone 5C</string>
    <string>iPhone 5C</string>
    <string>iPhone 5S</string>
    <string>iPhone 5S</string>
    <string>iPhone 6</string>
    <string>iPhone 6 Plus</string>
    <string>iPhone 6S</string>
    <string>iPhone 6S Plus</string>
    <string>iPhone SE</string>
    <string>iPhone 7</string>
    <string>iPhone 7 Plus</string>
    <string>iPhone 7</string>
    <string>iPhone 7 Plus</string>
    <string>iPhone 8</string>
    <string>iPhone 8</string>
    <string>iPhone 8 Plus</string>
    <string>iPhone 8 Plus</string>
    <string>iPhone X</string>
    <string>iPhone X</string>
    <string>iPhone XS</string>
    <string>iPhone XS Max</string>
    <string>iPhone XS Max</string>
    <string>iPhone XR</string>
    <string>iPad 2</string>
    <string>iPad 2</string>
    <string>iPad 2</string>
    <string>iPad 2</string>
    <string>iPad 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad 4th Gen</string>
    <string>iPad 4th Gen</string>
    <string>iPad 4th Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Air</string>
    <string>iPad Air</string>
    <string>iPad Air</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 1st Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 1st Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 1st Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 2nd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 2nd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 2nd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 4</string>
    <string>iPad Mini 4</string>
    <string>iPad Air 2</string>
    <string>iPad Air 2</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 9.7 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 9.7 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 2nd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 2nd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 10.5 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 10.5 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 11 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 11 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 11 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 11 inch</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen</string>
    <string>iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen</string>

用以下代码添加一个新文件,并简单地调用UIDevice。modelName包含迄今为止发布的所有型号,包括iPhone 13系列和Swift 5.0

import UIKit
import SystemConfiguration

public extension UIDevice {
    static let modelName: String = {
        var systemInfo = utsname()
        let machineMirror = Mirror(reflecting: systemInfo.machine)
        let identifier = machineMirror.children.reduce("") { identifier, element in
            guard let value = element.value as? Int8, value != 0 else { return identifier }
            return identifier + String(UnicodeScalar(UInt8(value)))
        let deviceMapping = ["i386": "iPhone Simulator",
         "x86_64": "iPhone Simulator",
         "arm64": "iPhone Simulator",
         "iPhone1,1": "iPhone",
         "iPhone1,2": "iPhone 3G",
         "iPhone2,1": "iPhone 3GS",
         "iPhone3,1": "iPhone 4",
         "iPhone3,2": "iPhone 4 GSM Rev A",
         "iPhone3,3": "iPhone 4 CDMA",
         "iPhone4,1": "iPhone 4S",
         "iPhone5,1": "iPhone 5 (GSM)",
         "iPhone5,2": "iPhone 5 (GSM+CDMA)",
         "iPhone5,3": "iPhone 5C (GSM)",
         "iPhone5,4": "iPhone 5C (Global)",
         "iPhone6,1": "iPhone 5S (GSM)",
         "iPhone6,2": "iPhone 5S (Global)",
         "iPhone7,1": "iPhone 6 Plus",
         "iPhone7,2": "iPhone 6",
         "iPhone8,1": "iPhone 6s",
         "iPhone8,2": "iPhone 6s Plus",
         "iPhone8,4": "iPhone SE (GSM)",
         "iPhone9,1": "iPhone 7",
         "iPhone9,2": "iPhone 7 Plus",
         "iPhone9,3": "iPhone 7",
         "iPhone9,4": "iPhone 7 Plus",
         "iPhone10,1": "iPhone 8",
         "iPhone10,2": "iPhone 8 Plus",
         "iPhone10,3": "iPhone X Global",
         "iPhone10,4": "iPhone 8",
         "iPhone10,5": "iPhone 8 Plus",
         "iPhone10,6": "iPhone X GSM",
         "iPhone11,2": "iPhone XS",
         "iPhone11,4": "iPhone XS Max",
         "iPhone11,6": "iPhone XS Max Global",
         "iPhone11,8": "iPhone XR",
         "iPhone12,1": "iPhone 11",
         "iPhone12,3": "iPhone 11 Pro",
         "iPhone12,5": "iPhone 11 Pro Max",
         "iPhone12,8": "iPhone SE 2nd Gen",
         "iPhone13,1": "iPhone 12 Mini",
         "iPhone13,2": "iPhone 12",
         "iPhone13,3": "iPhone 12 Pro",
         "iPhone13,4": "iPhone 12 Pro Max",
         "iPhone14,2": "iPhone 13 Pro",
         "iPhone14,3": "iPhone 13 Pro Max",
         "iPhone14,4": "iPhone 13 Mini",
         "iPhone14,5": "iPhone 13",
         "iPod1,1": "1st Gen iPod",
         "iPod2,1": "2nd Gen iPod",
         "iPod3,1": "3rd Gen iPod",
         "iPod4,1": "4th Gen iPod",
         "iPod5,1": "5th Gen iPod",
         "iPod7,1": "6th Gen iPod",
         "iPod9,1": "7th Gen iPod",
         "iPad1,1": "iPad",
         "iPad1,2": "iPad 3G",
         "iPad2,1": "2nd Gen iPad",
         "iPad2,2": "2nd Gen iPad GSM",
         "iPad2,3": "2nd Gen iPad CDMA",
         "iPad2,4": "2nd Gen iPad New Revision",
         "iPad3,1": "3rd Gen iPad",
         "iPad3,2": "3rd Gen iPad CDMA",
         "iPad3,3": "3rd Gen iPad GSM",
         "iPad2,5": "iPad mini",
         "iPad2,6": "iPad mini GSM+LTE",
         "iPad2,7": "iPad mini CDMA+LTE",
         "iPad3,4": "4th Gen iPad",
         "iPad3,5": "4th Gen iPad GSM+LTE",
         "iPad3,6": "4th Gen iPad CDMA+LTE",
         "iPad4,1": "iPad Air (WiFi)",
         "iPad4,2": "iPad Air (GSM+CDMA)",
         "iPad4,3": "1st Gen iPad Air (China)",
         "iPad4,4": "iPad mini Retina (WiFi)",
         "iPad4,5": "iPad mini Retina (GSM+CDMA)",
         "iPad4,6": "iPad mini Retina (China)",
         "iPad4,7": "iPad mini 3 (WiFi)",
         "iPad4,8": "iPad mini 3 (GSM+CDMA)",
         "iPad4,9": "iPad Mini 3 (China)",
         "iPad5,1": "iPad mini 4 (WiFi)",
         "iPad5,2": "4th Gen iPad mini (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad5,3": "iPad Air 2 (WiFi)",
         "iPad5,4": "iPad Air 2 (Cellular)",
         "iPad6,3": "iPad Pro (9.7 inch, WiFi)",
         "iPad6,4": "iPad Pro (9.7 inch, WiFi+LTE)",
         "iPad6,7": "iPad Pro (12.9 inch, WiFi)",
         "iPad6,8": "iPad Pro (12.9 inch, WiFi+LTE)",
         "iPad6,11": "iPad (2017)",
         "iPad6,12": "iPad (2017)",
         "iPad7,1": "iPad Pro 2nd Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad7,2": "iPad Pro 2nd Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad7,3": "iPad Pro 10.5-inch",
         "iPad7,4": "iPad Pro 10.5-inch",
         "iPad7,5": "iPad 6th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad7,6": "iPad 6th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad7,11": "iPad 7th Gen 10.2-inch (WiFi)",
         "iPad7,12": "iPad 7th Gen 10.2-inch (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,1": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad8,2": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen (1TB, WiFi)",
         "iPad8,3": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,4": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen (1TB, WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,5": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad8,6": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen (1TB, WiFi)",
         "iPad8,7": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,8": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 3rd Gen (1TB, WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,9": "iPad Pro 11 inch 4th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad8,10": "iPad Pro 11 inch 4th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad8,11": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 4th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad8,12": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 4th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad11,1": "iPad mini 5th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad11,2": "iPad mini 5th Gen",
         "iPad11,3": "iPad Air 3rd Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad11,4": "iPad Air 3rd Gen",
         "iPad11,6": "iPad 8th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad11,7": "iPad 8th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad13,1": "iPad air 4th Gen (WiFi)",
         "iPad13,2": "iPad air 4th Gen (WiFi+Cellular)",
         "iPad13,4": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen",
         "iPad13,5": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen",
         "iPad13,6": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen",
         "iPad13,7": "iPad Pro 11 inch 3rd Gen",
         "iPad13,8": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 5th Gen",
         "iPad13,9": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 5th Gen",
         "iPad13,10": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 5th Gen",
         "iPad13,11": "iPad Pro 12.9 inch 5th Gen"]
        return deviceMapping[identifier] ?? identifier

[[UIDevice currentDevice] model]只返回iPhone或iPod,你不会得到能让你区分不同代设备的型号的数字。


#include <sys/sysctl.h>

+ (NSString *)getModel {
    size_t size;
    sysctlbyname("hw.machine", NULL, &size, NULL, 0);
    char *model = malloc(size);
    sysctlbyname("hw.machine", model, &size, NULL, 0);
    NSString *deviceModel = [NSString stringWithCString:model encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    return deviceModel;

当你需要模型的时候调用方法[self getModel],你会得到例如:"iPhone5,1"对于超薄而快速的iPhone5。

一个好的做法是创建一个名为Utils.h/Utils的类。m并在那里放置像getModel这样的方法,这样你就可以从应用程序的任何地方获得这些信息,只需导入类并调用[Utils getModel];