




我使用的开发环境是Ruby on Rails,但是如果有一些其他特定于平台的解决方案(。NET, PHP, Django),我也很想看到这些。






/// <summary>
/// Produces optional, URL-friendly version of a title, "like-this-one". 
/// hand-tuned for speed, reflects performance refactoring contributed
/// by John Gietzen (user otac0n) 
/// </summary>
public static string URLFriendly(string title)
    if (title == null) return "";

    const int maxlen = 80;
    int len = title.Length;
    bool prevdash = false;
    var sb = new StringBuilder(len);
    char c;

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        c = title[i];
        if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9'))
            prevdash = false;
        else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
            // tricky way to convert to lowercase
            sb.Append((char)(c | 32));
            prevdash = false;
        else if (c == ' ' || c == ',' || c == '.' || c == '/' || 
            c == '\\' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '=')
            if (!prevdash && sb.Length > 0)
                prevdash = true;
        else if ((int)c >= 128)
            int prevlen = sb.Length;
            if (prevlen != sb.Length) prevdash = false;
        if (i == maxlen) break;

    if (prevdash)
        return sb.ToString().Substring(0, sb.Length - 1);
        return sb.ToString();





The hyphens were appended in such a way that one could be added, and then need removing as it was the last character in the string. That is, we never want “my-slug-”. This means an extra string allocation to remove it on this edge case. I’ve worked around this by delay-hyphening. If you compare my code to Jeff’s the logic for this is easy to follow. His approach is purely lookup based and missed a lot of characters I found in examples while researching on Stack Overflow. To counter this, I first peform a normalisation pass (AKA collation mentioned in Meta Stack Overflow question Non US-ASCII characters dropped from full (profile) URL), and then ignore any characters outside the acceptable ranges. This works most of the time... ... For when it doesn’t I’ve also had to add a lookup table. As mentioned above, some characters don’t map to a low ASCII value when normalised. Rather than drop these I’ve got a manual list of exceptions that is doubtless full of holes, but it is better than nothing. The normalisation code was inspired by Jon Hanna’s great post in Stack Overflow question How can I remove accents on a string?. The case conversion is now also optional. public static class Slug { public static string Create(bool toLower, params string[] values) { return Create(toLower, String.Join("-", values)); } /// <summary> /// Creates a slug. /// References: /// http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr15/tr15-34.html /// https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/7435/non-us-ascii-characters-dropped-from-full-profile-url/7696#7696 /// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25259/how-do-you-include-a-webpage-title-as-part-of-a-webpage-url/25486#25486 /// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3769457/how-can-i-remove-accents-on-a-string /// </summary> /// <param name="toLower"></param> /// <param name="normalised"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string Create(bool toLower, string value) { if (value == null) return ""; var normalised = value.Normalize(NormalizationForm.FormKD); const int maxlen = 80; int len = normalised.Length; bool prevDash = false; var sb = new StringBuilder(len); char c; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { c = normalised[i]; if ((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= '0' && c <= '9')) { if (prevDash) { sb.Append('-'); prevDash = false; } sb.Append(c); } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { if (prevDash) { sb.Append('-'); prevDash = false; } // Tricky way to convert to lowercase if (toLower) sb.Append((char)(c | 32)); else sb.Append(c); } else if (c == ' ' || c == ',' || c == '.' || c == '/' || c == '\\' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '=') { if (!prevDash && sb.Length > 0) { prevDash = true; } } else { string swap = ConvertEdgeCases(c, toLower); if (swap != null) { if (prevDash) { sb.Append('-'); prevDash = false; } sb.Append(swap); } } if (sb.Length == maxlen) break; } return sb.ToString(); } static string ConvertEdgeCases(char c, bool toLower) { string swap = null; switch (c) { case 'ı': swap = "i"; break; case 'ł': swap = "l"; break; case 'Ł': swap = toLower ? "l" : "L"; break; case 'đ': swap = "d"; break; case 'ß': swap = "ss"; break; case 'ø': swap = "o"; break; case 'Þ': swap = "th"; break; } return swap; } }


我不熟悉Ruby on Rails,但以下是(未经测试的)PHP代码。如果您觉得有用的话,可以很快地将其转换为Ruby on Rails。

$sURL = "This is a title to convert to URL-format. It has 1 number in it!";
// To lower-case
$sURL = strtolower($sURL);

// Replace all non-word characters with spaces
$sURL = preg_replace("/\W+/", " ", $sURL);

// Remove trailing spaces (so we won't end with a separator)
$sURL = trim($sURL);

// Replace spaces with separators (hyphens)
$sURL = str_replace(" ", "-", $sURL);

echo $sURL;
// outputs: this-is-a-title-to-convert-to-url-format-it-has-1-number-in-it





if (!String.prototype.contains) {
    String.prototype.contains = function (check) {
        return this.indexOf(check, 0) !== -1;

declare interface String {
    contains(check: string): boolean;

export function MakeUrlFriendly(title: string) {
            if (title == null || title == '')
                return '';

            const maxlen = 80;
            let len = title.length;
            let prevdash = false;
            let result = '';
            let c: string;
            let cc: number;
            let remapInternationalCharToAscii = function (c: string) {
                let s = c.toLowerCase();
                if ("àåáâäãåą".contains(s)) {
                    return "a";
                else if ("èéêëę".contains(s)) {
                    return "e";
                else if ("ìíîïı".contains(s)) {
                    return "i";
                else if ("òóôõöøőð".contains(s)) {
                    return "o";
                else if ("ùúûüŭů".contains(s)) {
                    return "u";
                else if ("çćčĉ".contains(s)) {
                    return "c";
                else if ("żźž".contains(s)) {
                    return "z";
                else if ("śşšŝ".contains(s)) {
                    return "s";
                else if ("ñń".contains(s)) {
                    return "n";
                else if ("ýÿ".contains(s)) {
                    return "y";
                else if ("ğĝ".contains(s)) {
                    return "g";
                else if (c == 'ř') {
                    return "r";
                else if (c == 'ł') {
                    return "l";
                else if (c == 'đ') {
                    return "d";
                else if (c == 'ß') {
                    return "ss";
                else if (c == 'Þ') {
                    return "th";
                else if (c == 'ĥ') {
                    return "h";
                else if (c == 'ĵ') {
                    return "j";
                else {
                    return "";

            for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                c = title[i];
                cc = c.charCodeAt(0);

                if ((cc >= 97 /* a */ && cc <= 122 /* z */) || (cc >= 48 /* 0 */ && cc <= 57 /* 9 */)) {
                    result += c;
                    prevdash = false;
                else if ((cc >= 65 && cc <= 90 /* A - Z */)) {
                    result += c.toLowerCase();
                    prevdash = false;
                else if (c == ' ' || c == ',' || c == '.' || c == '/' || c == '\\' || c == '-' || c == '_' || c == '=') {
                    if (!prevdash && result.length > 0) {
                        result += '-';
                        prevdash = true;
                else if (cc >= 128) {
                    let prevlen = result.length;
                    result += remapInternationalCharToAscii(c);
                    if (prevlen != result.length) prevdash = false;
                if (i == maxlen) break;

            if (prevdash)
                return result.substring(0, result.length - 1);
                return result;

不,不,不。你们都错了。除了变音符符(diacritic -fu)之外,你已经差不多了,但是亚洲字符呢(Ruby开发人员没有考虑到他们的日本同胞,真是可耻)。



    function slug($str)
        $args = func_get_args();
        array_filter($args);  //remove blanks
        $slug = mb_strtolower(implode('-', $args));

        $real_slug = '';
        $hyphen = '';
        foreach(SU::mb_str_split($slug) as $c)
            if (strlen($c) > 1 && mb_strlen($c)===1)
                $real_slug .= $hyphen . $c;
                $hyphen = '';
                    case '&':
                        $hyphen = $real_slug ? '-and-' : '';
                    case 'a':
                    case 'b':
                    case 'c':
                    case 'd':
                    case 'e':
                    case 'f':
                    case 'g':
                    case 'h':
                    case 'i':
                    case 'j':
                    case 'k':
                    case 'l':
                    case 'm':
                    case 'n':
                    case 'o':
                    case 'p':
                    case 'q':
                    case 'r':
                    case 's':
                    case 't':
                    case 'u':
                    case 'v':
                    case 'w':
                    case 'x':
                    case 'y':
                    case 'z':

                    case 'A':
                    case 'B':
                    case 'C':
                    case 'D':
                    case 'E':
                    case 'F':
                    case 'G':
                    case 'H':
                    case 'I':
                    case 'J':
                    case 'K':
                    case 'L':
                    case 'M':
                    case 'N':
                    case 'O':
                    case 'P':
                    case 'Q':
                    case 'R':
                    case 'S':
                    case 'T':
                    case 'U':
                    case 'V':
                    case 'W':
                    case 'X':
                    case 'Y':
                    case 'Z':

                    case '0':
                    case '1':
                    case '2':
                    case '3':
                    case '4':
                    case '5':
                    case '6':
                    case '7':
                    case '8':
                    case '9':
                        $real_slug .= $hyphen . $c;
                        $hyphen = '';

                       $hyphen = $hyphen ? $hyphen : ($real_slug ? '-' : '');
        return $real_slug;


$str = "~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]\{}|;':\",./<>?\n\r\t\x07\x00\x04 コリン ~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]\{}|;':\",./<>?\n\r\t\x07\x00\x04 トーマス ~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]\{}|;':\",./<>?\n\r\t\x07\x00\x04 アーノルド ~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]\{}|;':\",./<>?\n\r\t\x07\x00\x04";
echo slug($str);

outputs: 科林-德-托马斯-德-阿诺德

“- -”是因为&变成了“- -”。