免责声明:我使用Git,在Git邮件列表上关注Git开发,甚至为Git贡献了一点(主要是gitweb)。我从文档和FreeNode上#revctrl IRC频道的讨论中了解了Mercurial。
感谢所有在#mercurial IRC频道为这篇文章提供帮助的人
在这里,有一些表的语法会很好,就像在PHPMarkdown / MultiMarkdown / Maruku Markdown的扩展
Repository structure: Mercurial doesn't allow octopus merges (with more than two parents), nor tagging non-commit objects. Tags: Mercurial uses versioned .hgtags file with special rules for per-repository tags, and has also support for local tags in .hg/localtags; in Git tags are refs residing in refs/tags/ namespace, and by default are autofollowed on fetching and require explicit pushing. Branches: In Mercurial basic workflow is based on anonymous heads; Git uses lightweight named branches, and has special kind of branches (remote-tracking branches) that follow branches in remote repository. Revision naming and ranges: Mercurial provides revision numbers, local to repository, and bases relative revisions (counting from tip, i.e. current branch) and revision ranges on this local numbering; Git provides a way to refer to revision relative to branch tip, and revision ranges are topological (based on graph of revisions) Mercurial uses rename tracking, while Git uses rename detection to deal with file renames Network: Mercurial supports SSH and HTTP "smart" protocols, and static HTTP protocol; modern Git supports SSH, HTTP and GIT "smart" protocols, and HTTP(S) "dumb" protocol. Both have support for bundles files for off-line transport. Mercurial uses extensions (plugins) and established API; Git has scriptability and established formats.
Mercurial与Git有一些不同之处,但也有一些相似之处。这两个项目都借鉴了彼此的想法。例如Mercurial中的hg bisect命令(以前的bisect扩展)是受到git中的git bisect命令的启发,而git bundle的想法则是受到hg bundle的启发。
In Git there are four types of objects in its object database: blob objects which contain contents of a file, hierarchical tree objects which store directory structure, including file names and relevant parts of file permissions (executable permission for files, being a symbolic link), commit object which contain authorship info, pointer to snapshot of state of repository at revision represented by a commit (via a tree object of top directory of project) and references to zero or more parent commits, and tag objects which reference other objects and can be signed using PGP / GPG.
Git使用两种方式存储对象:松散格式,其中每个对象存储在一个单独的文件中(这些文件只写入一次,从不修改),以及打包格式,其中许多对象存储在一个文件中。操作的原子性是由这样一个事实提供的,即对新对象的引用是在写入对象后写入的(原子地,使用create + rename技巧)。
Git存储库需要使用Git gc进行定期维护(以减少磁盘空间并提高性能),尽管现在Git会自动完成这些工作。(此方法提供了更好的存储库压缩。)
Differences: In Git the tree objects form a hierarchical structure; in Mercurial manifest file is flat structure. In Git blob object store one version of a contents of a file; in Mercurial filelog stores whole history of a single file (if we do not take into account here any complications with renames). This means that there are different areas of operations where Git would be faster than Mercurial, all other things considered equal (like merges, or showing history of a project), and areas where Mercurial would be faster than Git (like applying patches, or showing history of a single file). This issue might be not important for end user.
据我所知,Mercurial并没有类似于Git的带注释的标记(标记对象)。带注释标签的一种特殊情况是有签名的标签(带有PGP / GPG签名);在Mercurial中等价的扩展可以使用GpgExtension完成,该扩展与Mercurial一起分发。在Mercurial中,你不能像在Git中那样标记非提交对象,但我认为这不是很重要(一些Git存储库使用带标记的blob来分发公共PGP密钥,用于验证已签名的标记)。
In Git references (branches, remote-tracking branches and tags) reside outside DAG of commits (as they should). References in refs/heads/ namespace (local branches) point to commits, and are usually updated by "git commit"; they point to the tip (head) of branch, that's why such name. References in refs/remotes/<remotename>/ namespace (remote-tracking branches) point to commit, follow branches in remote repository <remotename>, and are updated by "git fetch" or equivalent. References in refs/tags/ namespace (tags) point usually to commits (lightweight tags) or tag objects (annotated and signed tags), and are not meant to change.
In Mercurial you can give persistent name to revision using tag; tags are stored similarly to the ignore patterns. It means that globally visible tags are stored in revision-controlled .hgtags file in your repository. That has two consequences: first, Mercurial has to use special rules for this file to get current list of all tags and to update such file (e.g. it reads the most recently committed revision of the file, not currently checked out version); second, you have to commit changes to this file to have new tag visible to other users / other repositories (as far as I understand it).
在Git中,标签是固定(常量)命名的对其他对象(通常是标签对象,它反过来指向提交)的引用,存储在refs/tags/ namespace中。默认情况下,当获取或推送一组修订时,git会自动获取或推送指向正在获取或推送的修订的标记。不过,您可以在某种程度上控制获取或推送哪些标记。
Git对待轻量级标记(直接指向提交)和带注释的标记(指向标记对象,其中包含标记消息,可选地包含PGP签名,然后指向提交)略有不同,例如默认情况下,当使用“Git describe”描述提交时,它只考虑带注释的标记。
个人观点:在我看来,标签应该位于修订图之外,因为它们在修订图之外(它们是指向修订图的指针)。标签应该是无版本控制的,但是可以转移。Mercurial选择使用一种类似于忽略文件的机制,这意味着它要么必须特别对待.hgtags(文件树是可传输的,但普通的是有版本控制的),要么只有本地标记(。Hg /localtags是无版本的,但不可转让)。
在Git中,本地分支(分支尖端或分支头)是对提交的命名引用,在这里可以生成新的提交。分支也可以表示活跃的开发线,即从分支尖端可到达的所有提交。本地分支位于refs/heads/ namespace中,例如,'master'分支的全限定名是'refs/heads/master'。
在Mercurial中有匿名分支(分支头),并且可以使用书签(通过书签扩展)。这样的书签分支纯粹是本地的,并且这些名称(直到1.6版)不能使用Mercurial转移。您可以使用rsync或scp将.hg/bookmarks文件复制到远程存储库。您也可以使用hg id -r <bookmark> <url>来获取书签当前提示的修订id。
Since 1.6 bookmarks can be pushed/pulled. The BookmarksExtension page has a section on Working With Remote Repositories. There is a difference in that in Mercurial bookmark names are global, while definition of 'remote' in Git describes also mapping of branch names from the names in remote repository to the names of local remote-tracking branches; for example refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* mapping means that one can find state of 'master' branch ('refs/heads/master') in the remote repository in the 'origin/master' remote-tracking branch ('refs/remotes/origin/master').
默认情况下(由push.default配置变量决定)"git push"或"git push <remote>" git会推送匹配的分支,也就是说,只有那些在远程存储库中已经有等效分支的本地分支才会推送。你可以使用——all选项git-push ("git push——all")来推送所有分支,你可以使用"git push <remote> <branch>"来推送给定的单个分支,你可以使用"git push <remote> HEAD"来推送当前分支。
注意:这里我使用Git术语,其中“获取”指的是从远程存储库下载更改,而不将这些更改与本地工作集成。这就是“git fetch”和“hg pull”所做的。
If I understand it correctly, by default Mercurial fetches all heads from remote repository, but you can specify branch to fetch via "hg pull --rev <rev> <url>" or "hg pull <url>#<rev>" to get single branch. You can specify <rev> using revision identifier, "named branch" name (branch embedded in changelog), or bookmark name. Bookmark name however (at least currently) doesn't get transferred. All "named branches" revisions you get belong to get transferred. "hg pull" stores tips of branches it fetched as anonymous, unnamed heads.
默认在Git中(对于“Git clone”创建的“origin”远程,以及使用“Git remote add”创建的远程)"git fetch"(或"git fetch <remote>")从远程存储库(from refs/heads/ namespace)获取所有分支,并将它们存储在refs/remotes/ namespace中。这意味着,例如,在远程“origin”中名为“master”(全名:'refs/heads/master')的分支将被存储(保存)为'origin/master'远程跟踪分支(全名:'refs/remotes/origin/master')。
你可以使用Git fetch <remote> <branch>在Git中获取单个分支——Git会将请求的分支存储在FETCH_HEAD中,这与Mercurial的未命名头类似。
Those are but examples of default cases of powerful refspec Git syntax: with refspecs you can specify and/or configure which branches one want to fetch, and where to store them. For example default "fetch all branches" case is represented by '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*' wildcard refspec, and "fetch single branch" is shorthand for 'refs/heads/<branch>:'. Refspecs are used to map names of branches (refs) in remote repository to local refs names. But you don't need to know (much) about refspecs to be able to work effectively with Git (thanks mainly to "git remote" command).
Personal opinion: I personally think that "named branches" (with branch names embedded in changeset metadata) in Mercurial are misguided design with its global namespace, especially for a distributed version control system. For example let's take case where both Alice and Bob have "named branch" named 'for-joe' in their repositories, branches which have nothing in common. In Joe's repository however those two branches would be mistreated as a single branch. So you have somehow come up with convention protecting against branch name clashes. This is not problem with Git, where in Joe's repository 'for-joe' branch from Alice would be 'alice/for-joe', and from Bob it would be 'bob/for-joe'. See also Separating branch name from branch identity issue raised on Mercurial wiki.
Differences: This area is one of the main differences between Mercurial and Git, as james woodyatt and Steve Losh said in their answers. Mercurial, by default, uses anonymous lightweight codelines, which in its terminology are called "heads". Git uses lightweight named branches, with injective mapping to map names of branches in remote repository to names of remote-tracking branches. Git "forces" you to name branches (well, with exception of single unnamed branch, situation called detached HEAD), but I think this works better with branch-heavy workflows such as topic branch workflow, meaning multiple branches in single repository paradigm.
在Git中有很多命名版本的方法(例如在Git rev-parse manpage中描述):
The full SHA1 object name (40-byte hexadecimal string), or a substring of such that is unique within the repository A symbolic ref name, e.g. 'master' (referring to 'master' branch), or 'v1.5.0' (referring to tag), or 'origin/next' (referring to remote-tracking branch) A suffix ^ to revision parameter means the first parent of a commit object, ^n means n-th parent of a merge commit. A suffix ~n to revision parameter means n-th ancestor of a commit in straight first-parent line. Those suffixes can be combined, to form revision specifier following path from a symbolic reference, e.g. 'pu~3^2~3' Output of "git describe", i.e. a closest tag, optionally followed by a dash and a number of commits, followed by a dash, a 'g', and an abbreviated object name, for example 'v1.6.5.1-75-g5bf8097'.
Mercurial也有许多命名变更集的方法(例如在hg manpage中描述):
A plain integer is treated as a revision number. One need to remember that revision numbers are local to given repository; in other repository they can be different. Negative integers are treated as sequential offsets from the tip, with -1 denoting the tip, -2 denoting the revision prior to the tip, and so forth. They are also local to repository. An unique revision identifier (40-digit hexadecimal string) or its unique prefix. A tag name (symbolic name associated with given revision), or a bookmark name (with extension: symbolic name associated with given head, local to repository), or a "named branch" (commit label; revision given by "named branch" is tip (childless commit) of all commits with given commit label, with largest revision number if there are more than one such tip) The reserved name "tip" is a special tag that always identifies the most recent revision. The reserved name "null" indicates the null revision. The reserved name "." indicates the working directory parent.
差异 从上面的列表可以看出,Mercurial提供了本地版本号,而Git没有。另一方面,Mercurial只提供从'tip'(当前分支)的相对偏移量,这是存储库的本地偏移量(至少没有ParentrevspecExtension),而Git允许从任何tip指定任何提交。
Personal opinion: I think that revision numbers are overrated (at least for distributed development and/or nonlinear / branchy history). First, for a distributed version control system they have to be either local to repository, or require treating some repository in a special way as a central numbering authority. Second, larger projects, with longer history, can have number of revisions in 5 digits range so they are offer only slight advantage over shortened to 6-7 character revision identifiers, and imply strict ordering while revisions are only partially ordered (I mean here that revisions n and n+1 doesn't need to be parent and child).
In Git revision ranges are topological. Commonly seen A..B syntax, which for linear history means revision range starting at A (but excluding A), and ending at B (i.e. range is open from below), is shorthand ("syntactic sugar") for ^A B, which for history traversing commands mean all commits reachable from B, excluding those reachable from A. This means that the behavior of A..B range is entirely predictable (and quite useful) even if A is not ancestor of B: A..B means then range of revisions from common ancestor of A and B (merge base) to revision B.
In Mercurial revision ranges are based on range of revision numbers. Range is specified using A:B syntax, and contrary to Git range acts as a closed interval. Also range B:A is the range A:B in reverse order, which is not the case in Git (but see below note on A...B syntax). But such simplicity comes with a price: revision range A:B makes sense only if A is ancestor of B or vice versa, i.e. with linear history; otherwise (I guess that) the range is unpredictable, and the result is local to repository (because revision numbers are local to repository).
Mercurial 1.6修复了这个问题,它有新的拓扑修正范围,其中'A..B'(或'A::B')被理解为既是X的后代,又是y的祖先的变更集的集合。我想,这相当于'——祖宗路径A..B'在Git里。
Git也有符号A…B表示修正的对称差分;它的意思是A B——而不是$(git merge-base A B),这意味着所有的提交都可以从A或B中访问,但不包括所有的提交都可以从它们中访问(从公共祖先中访问)。
Mercurial使用重命名跟踪来处理文件重命名。这意味着关于文件重命名的信息在提交时保存;在Mercurial中,这些信息以“enhanced diff”形式保存在filelog(文件revlog)元数据中。这样做的后果是你必须使用hg重命名/ hg mv…或者你需要记得运行hg adremove来进行基于相似性的重命名检测。
Git和Mercurial在显示单个文件的历史记录时都需要使用——follow选项来跟随重命名。在git blame / hg注释中显示文件的逐行历史时,两者都可以跟随重命名。
在Git中,Git blame命令能够跟踪代码移动,也可以将代码从一个文件移动(或复制)到另一个文件,即使代码移动不是完整文件重命名的一部分。据我所知,这个特性是Git独有的(在撰写本文时,2009年10月)。
Mercurial支持通过SSH和HTTP协议获取和推送。对于SSH,需要在目标机器上有一个可访问的shell帐户和一个已安装/可用的hg副本。对于HTTP访问,需要运行hg-serve或Mercurial CGI脚本,并且需要在服务器机器上安装Mercurial。
"smart" protocols, which include access via SSH and via custom git:// protocol (by git-daemon), require having git installed on server. The exchange in those protocols consist of client and server negotiating about what objects they have in common, and then generating and sending a packfile. Modern Git includes support for "smart" HTTP protocol. "dumb" protocols, which include HTTP and FTP (only for fetching), and HTTPS (for pushing via WebDAV), do not require git installed on server, but they do require that repository contains extra information generated by git update-server-info (usually run from a hook). The exchange consist of client walking the commit chain and downloading loose objects and packfiles as needed. The downside is that it downloads more than strictly required (e.g. in corner case when there is only single packfile it would get downloaded whole even when fetching only a few revisions), and that it can require many connections to finish.
Git依赖并构建在[存储库]格式和[网络]协议之上。除了语言绑定,还有其他语言(部分或完全)对Git的重新实现(其中一些是部分重新实现,部分是对Git命令的包装):JGit (Java,由EGit使用,Eclipse Git Plugin), Grit (Ruby), Dulwich (Python), git# (c#)。
Linus Torvalds谈Git (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XpnKHJAok8) 布莱恩·奥沙利文谈Mercurial (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JExtkqzEoHY)
Mercurial几乎完全是用python编写的。Git的核心是用C语言编写的(应该比Mercurial的更快),工具是用sh、perl、tcl编写的,并使用标准的GNU utils。因此,它需要将所有这些util和解释器带到不包含它们的系统中(例如Windows)。
两者都支持SVN,尽管AFAIK SVN在Windows上对git的支持是坏的(可能是我不走运/蹩脚,谁知道呢)。还有一些扩展允许git和Mercurial之间的互操作。
Mercurial有很好的Visual Studio集成。上次我检查的时候,Git的插件正在工作,但是非常慢。
它们的基本命令集非常相似(init, clone, add, status, commit, push, pull等)。所以,基本的工作流程是一样的。另外,两者都有类似tortoisesvn的客户端。
Mercurial的扩展可以用python编写(这并不奇怪!),而git的扩展可以用任何可执行形式编写(可执行二进制文件、shell脚本等)。有些扩展功能非常强大,比如git bisect。
This is partly because Mercurial is just plain cleaner. You rarely have to branch manually in Mercurial; Mercurial will create an anonymous branch automatically for you if and when you need it. Mercurial nomenclature is more intuitive; you don't have to worry about the difference between "fetch" and "pull" as you do with Git. Mercurial is a bit less buggy. There are file name case sensitivity issues that used to cause problems when pushing projects across platforms with both Git and Mercurial; this were fixed in Mercurial some time ago while they hadn't been fixed in Git last I checked. You can tell Mercurial about file renames; with Git, if it doesn't detect the rename automatically - a very hit or miss proposition in my experience - the rename can't be tracked at all.
The other reason for Git's additional complication, however, is that much of it is needed to support additional features and power. Yes, it's more complicated to handle branching in Git - but on the other hand, once you have the branches, it's not too difficult to do things with those branches that are virtually impossible in Mercurial. Rebasing branches is one of these things: you can move your branch so that its base, instead of being the state of the trunk when you branched, is the state of the trunk now; this greatly simplifies version history when there are many people working on the same code base, since each of the pushes to trunk can be made to appear sequential, rather than intertwined. Similarly, it's much easier to collapse multiple commits on your branch into a single commit, which can again help in keeping the version control history clean: ideally, all the work on a feature can appear as a single commit in trunk, replacing all the minor commits and subbranches that the developer may have made while developing the feature.
Ultimately I think the choice between Mercurial and Git should depend on how large your version control projects are, measured in terms of the number of people working on them simultaneously. If you have a group of a dozen or more working on a single monolithic web application, for example, Git's more powerful branch management tools will make it a much better fit for your project. On the other hand, if your team is developing a heterogeneous distributed system, with only one or two developers working on any one component at any one time, using a Mercurial repository for each of the component projects will allow development to proceed more smoothly with less repository management overhead.
Java developers seem to favor Mercurial over Git. There are possibly two reasons for that: One is that a number of very large Java projects are hosted on Mercurial, including the JDK itself. Another is that the structure and clean documentation of Mercurial appeals to people coming from the Java camp whereas such people find Git inconsistent wrt command naming and lacking in documentation. I'm not saying that is actually true, I'm saying people have got used to something from their usual habitat and then they tend to choose DVCS from that.
免责声明:我使用Git,在Git邮件列表上关注Git开发,甚至为Git贡献了一点(主要是gitweb)。我从文档和FreeNode上#revctrl IRC频道的讨论中了解了Mercurial。
感谢所有在#mercurial IRC频道为这篇文章提供帮助的人
在这里,有一些表的语法会很好,就像在PHPMarkdown / MultiMarkdown / Maruku Markdown的扩展
Repository structure: Mercurial doesn't allow octopus merges (with more than two parents), nor tagging non-commit objects. Tags: Mercurial uses versioned .hgtags file with special rules for per-repository tags, and has also support for local tags in .hg/localtags; in Git tags are refs residing in refs/tags/ namespace, and by default are autofollowed on fetching and require explicit pushing. Branches: In Mercurial basic workflow is based on anonymous heads; Git uses lightweight named branches, and has special kind of branches (remote-tracking branches) that follow branches in remote repository. Revision naming and ranges: Mercurial provides revision numbers, local to repository, and bases relative revisions (counting from tip, i.e. current branch) and revision ranges on this local numbering; Git provides a way to refer to revision relative to branch tip, and revision ranges are topological (based on graph of revisions) Mercurial uses rename tracking, while Git uses rename detection to deal with file renames Network: Mercurial supports SSH and HTTP "smart" protocols, and static HTTP protocol; modern Git supports SSH, HTTP and GIT "smart" protocols, and HTTP(S) "dumb" protocol. Both have support for bundles files for off-line transport. Mercurial uses extensions (plugins) and established API; Git has scriptability and established formats.
Mercurial与Git有一些不同之处,但也有一些相似之处。这两个项目都借鉴了彼此的想法。例如Mercurial中的hg bisect命令(以前的bisect扩展)是受到git中的git bisect命令的启发,而git bundle的想法则是受到hg bundle的启发。
In Git there are four types of objects in its object database: blob objects which contain contents of a file, hierarchical tree objects which store directory structure, including file names and relevant parts of file permissions (executable permission for files, being a symbolic link), commit object which contain authorship info, pointer to snapshot of state of repository at revision represented by a commit (via a tree object of top directory of project) and references to zero or more parent commits, and tag objects which reference other objects and can be signed using PGP / GPG.
Git使用两种方式存储对象:松散格式,其中每个对象存储在一个单独的文件中(这些文件只写入一次,从不修改),以及打包格式,其中许多对象存储在一个文件中。操作的原子性是由这样一个事实提供的,即对新对象的引用是在写入对象后写入的(原子地,使用create + rename技巧)。
Git存储库需要使用Git gc进行定期维护(以减少磁盘空间并提高性能),尽管现在Git会自动完成这些工作。(此方法提供了更好的存储库压缩。)
Differences: In Git the tree objects form a hierarchical structure; in Mercurial manifest file is flat structure. In Git blob object store one version of a contents of a file; in Mercurial filelog stores whole history of a single file (if we do not take into account here any complications with renames). This means that there are different areas of operations where Git would be faster than Mercurial, all other things considered equal (like merges, or showing history of a project), and areas where Mercurial would be faster than Git (like applying patches, or showing history of a single file). This issue might be not important for end user.
据我所知,Mercurial并没有类似于Git的带注释的标记(标记对象)。带注释标签的一种特殊情况是有签名的标签(带有PGP / GPG签名);在Mercurial中等价的扩展可以使用GpgExtension完成,该扩展与Mercurial一起分发。在Mercurial中,你不能像在Git中那样标记非提交对象,但我认为这不是很重要(一些Git存储库使用带标记的blob来分发公共PGP密钥,用于验证已签名的标记)。
In Git references (branches, remote-tracking branches and tags) reside outside DAG of commits (as they should). References in refs/heads/ namespace (local branches) point to commits, and are usually updated by "git commit"; they point to the tip (head) of branch, that's why such name. References in refs/remotes/<remotename>/ namespace (remote-tracking branches) point to commit, follow branches in remote repository <remotename>, and are updated by "git fetch" or equivalent. References in refs/tags/ namespace (tags) point usually to commits (lightweight tags) or tag objects (annotated and signed tags), and are not meant to change.
In Mercurial you can give persistent name to revision using tag; tags are stored similarly to the ignore patterns. It means that globally visible tags are stored in revision-controlled .hgtags file in your repository. That has two consequences: first, Mercurial has to use special rules for this file to get current list of all tags and to update such file (e.g. it reads the most recently committed revision of the file, not currently checked out version); second, you have to commit changes to this file to have new tag visible to other users / other repositories (as far as I understand it).
在Git中,标签是固定(常量)命名的对其他对象(通常是标签对象,它反过来指向提交)的引用,存储在refs/tags/ namespace中。默认情况下,当获取或推送一组修订时,git会自动获取或推送指向正在获取或推送的修订的标记。不过,您可以在某种程度上控制获取或推送哪些标记。
Git对待轻量级标记(直接指向提交)和带注释的标记(指向标记对象,其中包含标记消息,可选地包含PGP签名,然后指向提交)略有不同,例如默认情况下,当使用“Git describe”描述提交时,它只考虑带注释的标记。
个人观点:在我看来,标签应该位于修订图之外,因为它们在修订图之外(它们是指向修订图的指针)。标签应该是无版本控制的,但是可以转移。Mercurial选择使用一种类似于忽略文件的机制,这意味着它要么必须特别对待.hgtags(文件树是可传输的,但普通的是有版本控制的),要么只有本地标记(。Hg /localtags是无版本的,但不可转让)。
在Git中,本地分支(分支尖端或分支头)是对提交的命名引用,在这里可以生成新的提交。分支也可以表示活跃的开发线,即从分支尖端可到达的所有提交。本地分支位于refs/heads/ namespace中,例如,'master'分支的全限定名是'refs/heads/master'。
在Mercurial中有匿名分支(分支头),并且可以使用书签(通过书签扩展)。这样的书签分支纯粹是本地的,并且这些名称(直到1.6版)不能使用Mercurial转移。您可以使用rsync或scp将.hg/bookmarks文件复制到远程存储库。您也可以使用hg id -r <bookmark> <url>来获取书签当前提示的修订id。
Since 1.6 bookmarks can be pushed/pulled. The BookmarksExtension page has a section on Working With Remote Repositories. There is a difference in that in Mercurial bookmark names are global, while definition of 'remote' in Git describes also mapping of branch names from the names in remote repository to the names of local remote-tracking branches; for example refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* mapping means that one can find state of 'master' branch ('refs/heads/master') in the remote repository in the 'origin/master' remote-tracking branch ('refs/remotes/origin/master').
默认情况下(由push.default配置变量决定)"git push"或"git push <remote>" git会推送匹配的分支,也就是说,只有那些在远程存储库中已经有等效分支的本地分支才会推送。你可以使用——all选项git-push ("git push——all")来推送所有分支,你可以使用"git push <remote> <branch>"来推送给定的单个分支,你可以使用"git push <remote> HEAD"来推送当前分支。
注意:这里我使用Git术语,其中“获取”指的是从远程存储库下载更改,而不将这些更改与本地工作集成。这就是“git fetch”和“hg pull”所做的。
If I understand it correctly, by default Mercurial fetches all heads from remote repository, but you can specify branch to fetch via "hg pull --rev <rev> <url>" or "hg pull <url>#<rev>" to get single branch. You can specify <rev> using revision identifier, "named branch" name (branch embedded in changelog), or bookmark name. Bookmark name however (at least currently) doesn't get transferred. All "named branches" revisions you get belong to get transferred. "hg pull" stores tips of branches it fetched as anonymous, unnamed heads.
默认在Git中(对于“Git clone”创建的“origin”远程,以及使用“Git remote add”创建的远程)"git fetch"(或"git fetch <remote>")从远程存储库(from refs/heads/ namespace)获取所有分支,并将它们存储在refs/remotes/ namespace中。这意味着,例如,在远程“origin”中名为“master”(全名:'refs/heads/master')的分支将被存储(保存)为'origin/master'远程跟踪分支(全名:'refs/remotes/origin/master')。
你可以使用Git fetch <remote> <branch>在Git中获取单个分支——Git会将请求的分支存储在FETCH_HEAD中,这与Mercurial的未命名头类似。
Those are but examples of default cases of powerful refspec Git syntax: with refspecs you can specify and/or configure which branches one want to fetch, and where to store them. For example default "fetch all branches" case is represented by '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*' wildcard refspec, and "fetch single branch" is shorthand for 'refs/heads/<branch>:'. Refspecs are used to map names of branches (refs) in remote repository to local refs names. But you don't need to know (much) about refspecs to be able to work effectively with Git (thanks mainly to "git remote" command).
Personal opinion: I personally think that "named branches" (with branch names embedded in changeset metadata) in Mercurial are misguided design with its global namespace, especially for a distributed version control system. For example let's take case where both Alice and Bob have "named branch" named 'for-joe' in their repositories, branches which have nothing in common. In Joe's repository however those two branches would be mistreated as a single branch. So you have somehow come up with convention protecting against branch name clashes. This is not problem with Git, where in Joe's repository 'for-joe' branch from Alice would be 'alice/for-joe', and from Bob it would be 'bob/for-joe'. See also Separating branch name from branch identity issue raised on Mercurial wiki.
Differences: This area is one of the main differences between Mercurial and Git, as james woodyatt and Steve Losh said in their answers. Mercurial, by default, uses anonymous lightweight codelines, which in its terminology are called "heads". Git uses lightweight named branches, with injective mapping to map names of branches in remote repository to names of remote-tracking branches. Git "forces" you to name branches (well, with exception of single unnamed branch, situation called detached HEAD), but I think this works better with branch-heavy workflows such as topic branch workflow, meaning multiple branches in single repository paradigm.
在Git中有很多命名版本的方法(例如在Git rev-parse manpage中描述):
The full SHA1 object name (40-byte hexadecimal string), or a substring of such that is unique within the repository A symbolic ref name, e.g. 'master' (referring to 'master' branch), or 'v1.5.0' (referring to tag), or 'origin/next' (referring to remote-tracking branch) A suffix ^ to revision parameter means the first parent of a commit object, ^n means n-th parent of a merge commit. A suffix ~n to revision parameter means n-th ancestor of a commit in straight first-parent line. Those suffixes can be combined, to form revision specifier following path from a symbolic reference, e.g. 'pu~3^2~3' Output of "git describe", i.e. a closest tag, optionally followed by a dash and a number of commits, followed by a dash, a 'g', and an abbreviated object name, for example 'v1.6.5.1-75-g5bf8097'.
Mercurial也有许多命名变更集的方法(例如在hg manpage中描述):
A plain integer is treated as a revision number. One need to remember that revision numbers are local to given repository; in other repository they can be different. Negative integers are treated as sequential offsets from the tip, with -1 denoting the tip, -2 denoting the revision prior to the tip, and so forth. They are also local to repository. An unique revision identifier (40-digit hexadecimal string) or its unique prefix. A tag name (symbolic name associated with given revision), or a bookmark name (with extension: symbolic name associated with given head, local to repository), or a "named branch" (commit label; revision given by "named branch" is tip (childless commit) of all commits with given commit label, with largest revision number if there are more than one such tip) The reserved name "tip" is a special tag that always identifies the most recent revision. The reserved name "null" indicates the null revision. The reserved name "." indicates the working directory parent.
差异 从上面的列表可以看出,Mercurial提供了本地版本号,而Git没有。另一方面,Mercurial只提供从'tip'(当前分支)的相对偏移量,这是存储库的本地偏移量(至少没有ParentrevspecExtension),而Git允许从任何tip指定任何提交。
Personal opinion: I think that revision numbers are overrated (at least for distributed development and/or nonlinear / branchy history). First, for a distributed version control system they have to be either local to repository, or require treating some repository in a special way as a central numbering authority. Second, larger projects, with longer history, can have number of revisions in 5 digits range so they are offer only slight advantage over shortened to 6-7 character revision identifiers, and imply strict ordering while revisions are only partially ordered (I mean here that revisions n and n+1 doesn't need to be parent and child).
In Git revision ranges are topological. Commonly seen A..B syntax, which for linear history means revision range starting at A (but excluding A), and ending at B (i.e. range is open from below), is shorthand ("syntactic sugar") for ^A B, which for history traversing commands mean all commits reachable from B, excluding those reachable from A. This means that the behavior of A..B range is entirely predictable (and quite useful) even if A is not ancestor of B: A..B means then range of revisions from common ancestor of A and B (merge base) to revision B.
In Mercurial revision ranges are based on range of revision numbers. Range is specified using A:B syntax, and contrary to Git range acts as a closed interval. Also range B:A is the range A:B in reverse order, which is not the case in Git (but see below note on A...B syntax). But such simplicity comes with a price: revision range A:B makes sense only if A is ancestor of B or vice versa, i.e. with linear history; otherwise (I guess that) the range is unpredictable, and the result is local to repository (because revision numbers are local to repository).
Mercurial 1.6修复了这个问题,它有新的拓扑修正范围,其中'A..B'(或'A::B')被理解为既是X的后代,又是y的祖先的变更集的集合。我想,这相当于'——祖宗路径A..B'在Git里。
Git也有符号A…B表示修正的对称差分;它的意思是A B——而不是$(git merge-base A B),这意味着所有的提交都可以从A或B中访问,但不包括所有的提交都可以从它们中访问(从公共祖先中访问)。
Mercurial使用重命名跟踪来处理文件重命名。这意味着关于文件重命名的信息在提交时保存;在Mercurial中,这些信息以“enhanced diff”形式保存在filelog(文件revlog)元数据中。这样做的后果是你必须使用hg重命名/ hg mv…或者你需要记得运行hg adremove来进行基于相似性的重命名检测。
Git和Mercurial在显示单个文件的历史记录时都需要使用——follow选项来跟随重命名。在git blame / hg注释中显示文件的逐行历史时,两者都可以跟随重命名。
在Git中,Git blame命令能够跟踪代码移动,也可以将代码从一个文件移动(或复制)到另一个文件,即使代码移动不是完整文件重命名的一部分。据我所知,这个特性是Git独有的(在撰写本文时,2009年10月)。
Mercurial支持通过SSH和HTTP协议获取和推送。对于SSH,需要在目标机器上有一个可访问的shell帐户和一个已安装/可用的hg副本。对于HTTP访问,需要运行hg-serve或Mercurial CGI脚本,并且需要在服务器机器上安装Mercurial。
"smart" protocols, which include access via SSH and via custom git:// protocol (by git-daemon), require having git installed on server. The exchange in those protocols consist of client and server negotiating about what objects they have in common, and then generating and sending a packfile. Modern Git includes support for "smart" HTTP protocol. "dumb" protocols, which include HTTP and FTP (only for fetching), and HTTPS (for pushing via WebDAV), do not require git installed on server, but they do require that repository contains extra information generated by git update-server-info (usually run from a hook). The exchange consist of client walking the commit chain and downloading loose objects and packfiles as needed. The downside is that it downloads more than strictly required (e.g. in corner case when there is only single packfile it would get downloaded whole even when fetching only a few revisions), and that it can require many connections to finish.
Git依赖并构建在[存储库]格式和[网络]协议之上。除了语言绑定,还有其他语言(部分或完全)对Git的重新实现(其中一些是部分重新实现,部分是对Git命令的包装):JGit (Java,由EGit使用,Eclipse Git Plugin), Grit (Ruby), Dulwich (Python), git# (c#)。