
internal static class Extensions
    public static string AddFoo(this string s)
        if (s == null)
            return "Foo";

        return $({s}Foo);




There does be a difference. In our project we have made a lot of classes internal, but we do unit test in another assembly and in our assembly info we used InternalsVisibleTo to allow the UnitTest assembly to call the internal classes. I've noticed if internal class has an internal constructor we are not able to create instance using Activator.CreateInstance in the unit test assembly for some reason. But if we change the constructor to public but class is still internal, it works fine. But I guess this is a very rare case (Like Eric said in the original post: Reflection).



I often mark my methods in internal classes public instead of internal as a) it doesn't really matter and b) I use internal to indicate that the method is internal on purpose (there is some reason why I don't want to expose this method in a public class. Therefore, if I have an internal method I really have to understand the reason why it's internal before changing it to public whereas if I am dealing with a public method in an internal class I really have to think about why the class is internal as opposed to why each method is internal.


internal class SslStreamEx : System.Net.Security.SslStream
    public override void Close()
            // Send close_notify manually

方法必须是公共的,这让我想到,将方法设置为内部没有逻辑意义,除非它们真的必须是,就像Eric Lippert说的那样。





There does be a difference. In our project we have made a lot of classes internal, but we do unit test in another assembly and in our assembly info we used InternalsVisibleTo to allow the UnitTest assembly to call the internal classes. I've noticed if internal class has an internal constructor we are not able to create instance using Activator.CreateInstance in the unit test assembly for some reason. But if we change the constructor to public but class is still internal, it works fine. But I guess this is a very rare case (Like Eric said in the original post: Reflection).