


Online Tutorials Foundations of Programming By Karl Seguin - From Codebetter, its C# based but the ideas ring true across the board, can't believe no-one's posted this yet actually. How to Write Unmaintainable Code - An anti manual that teaches you how to write code in the most unmaintable way possible. It would be funny if a lot of these suggestions didn't ring so true. The Programming Section of Wiki Books - suggested by Jim Robert as having a large amount of books/tutorials on multiple languages in various stages of completion Just the Basics To get a feel for a language.

Books Code Complete - This book goes without saying, it is truely brilliant in too many ways to mention. The Pragmatic Programmer - The next best thing to working with a master coder, teaching you everything they know. Mastering Regular Expressions - Regular Expressions are an essential tool in every programmer's toolbox. This book, recommended by Patrick Lozzi is a great way to learn what they are capable of. Algorithms in C, C++, and Java - A great way to learn all the classic algorithms if you find Knuth's books a bit too in depth.


在线教程 本教程似乎相当简洁和彻底,看了材料,似乎是相当好的。但不确定它对新程序员是否友好。 书 《K&R C》绝对是经典。有人可能会说,所有程序员都应该阅读它。 C Primer Plus - Imran建议作为初级程序员的终极C书。 C:参考手册- Patrick Lozzi推荐的很好的参考资料。


在线教程 cplusplus.com上的教程似乎是最完整的。我在这里找到了另一个教程,但它不包括多态性等主题,我认为这是必不可少的。如果您来自C语言,本教程可能最适合您。

另一个有用的教程,c++ Annotation。在Ubuntu系列中,您可以通过从Synaptic安装c++-annotation包来获得多种格式(pdf, txt, Postscript和LaTex)的电子书(安装包可以在/usr/share/doc/c++-annotation/中找到)。

Books The C++ Programming Language - crucial for any C++ programmer. C++ Primer Plus - Orginally added as a typo, but the amazon reviews are so good, I am going to keep it here until someone says it is a dud. Effective C++ - Ways to improve your C++ programs. More Effective C++ - Continuation of Effective C++. Effective STL - Ways to improve your use of the STL. Thinking in C++ - Great book, both volumes. Written by Bruce Eckel and Chuck Ellison. Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ - Stroustrup's introduction to C++. Accelerated C++ - Andy Koenig and Barbara Moo - An excellent introduction to C++ that doesn't treat C++ as "C with extra bits bolted on", in fact you dive straight in and start using STL early on.


书 第四,文本和参考资料。马伦·g·凯利和尼古拉斯 间谍。Isbn 0-13-326349-5 / Isbn 0-13-326331-2。1986 新世纪。里奥·布罗迪的书很好,但是这本书 就更好了。例如,它涵盖了定义单词和 口译员深入讲解。


Online Tutorials Sun's Java Tutorials - An official tutorial that seems thourough, but I am not a java expert. You guys know of any better ones? Books Head First Java - Recommended as a great introductory text by Patrick Lozzi. Effective Java - Recommended by pek as a great intermediate text. Core Java Volume 1 and Core Java Volume 2 - Suggested by FreeMemory as some of the best java references available. Java Concurrency in Practice - Recommended by MDC as great resource for concurrent programming in Java.



在线教程 Python.org——这门语言的在线文档非常好。如果你知道更好的办法,请告诉我。 潜入Python -由Nickola建议。网上好像有本python书。


Online Tutorials perldoc perl - This is how I personally got started with the language, and I don't think you will be able to beat it. Books Learning Perl - a great way to introduce yourself to the language. Programming Perl - greatly referred to as the Perl Bible. Essential reference for any serious perl programmer. Perl Cookbook - A great book that has solutions to many common problems. Modern Perl Programming - newly released, contains the latest wisdom on modern techniques and tools, including Moose and DBIx::Class.


在线教程 Adam Mika推荐了《Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby》,但在看了之后,我不知道它是否适合每个人。 找到了这个网站,似乎提供了一些Ruby on Rails的教程。 书 Ruby编程-建议作为所有Ruby的很好的参考。

Visual Basic

在线教程 发现这个网站,似乎致力于可视化基本教程。但不确定它们有多好。


在线教程 主要的PHP站点——一个简单的教程,允许用户对每个页面进行评论,我非常喜欢。 PHPFreaks教程-不同难度长度的各种教程。 Quakenet/PHP教程- PHP教程将指导你从头开始。


在线教程 在这里找到了一个适合非程序员的教程。在这里找到了另一个更高级的。Nickolay建议在这里重新介绍javascript。

书 头部优先JavaScript JavaScript:好的部分(作者的谷歌Tech Talk视频)


在线教程 c#站点教程——似乎是我挖出来的一个不错的教程,但我不是一个c#的人。 c#语言规范-由tamberg建议。算不上真正的教程,但它是关于c#所有元素的很好的参考 书 c#的要点-由tamberg建议作为一个简短的文本,以惊人的深度解释语言


书 Nlucaroni建议如下: 科学家OCaml ocaml简介 运用理解和阐释ocaml:实践到理论,反之亦然 使用Ocaml - O'Reilly开发应用程序 目标Caml系统-官方Manua


在线教程 Nlucaroni建议如下: 探索用Haskell进行函数式编程 书 真实世界Haskell 全面函数式编程

LISP /计划

Books wfarr suggested the following: The Little Schemer - Introduction to Scheme and functional programming in general The Seasoned Schemer - Followup to Little Schemer. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - The definitive book on Lisp (also available online). Practical Common Lisp - A good introduction to Lisp with several examples of practical use. On Lisp - Advanced Topics in Lisp How to Design Programs - An Introduction to Computing and Programming Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp - an approach to high quality Lisp programming



对于PHP,我推荐George Schlossnagle的《高级PHP编程》。如果您刚刚开始学习PHP,那么这本书可能不是最好的入门读物,但是在您对正在做的事情有了大致的了解之后,这本书(在我看来)会告诉您许多您可能会错过的最佳实践和技巧。

为了学习Lisp,我被推荐阅读Peter Seibel的Practical Common Lisp。这个可以在http://www.gigamonkeys.com/book/上找到。

对于Lua,我推荐Roberto Ierusalimschy的《Programming in Lua》。这本书不是最好的编程书,但在目前的Lua书籍中,这将是最好的。这本书的第一版也可以在http://www.lua.org/pil/上找到。正如书的封底所提到的,这本书是面向那些已经在另一种语言中有一些编程经验的人。


我支持Real World Haskell。在访问#stackoverflow IRC频道(irc.freenode.net)之后,到目前为止,我已经与两位作者交谈过,一位在Reddit上,另一位在与SO频道同一服务器上的#haskell频道,他们在我学习haskell的过程中除了帮助什么都没有。这是我第一次向任何人强烈推荐一本关于编程的书。

您列出的Ruby参考是Ruby on Rails的参考。虽然在内心深处仍然是ruby,但对于想要学习ruby的人来说,这绝对不是一个开始的地方。

对于Ruby教程,我建议对Ruby语言感兴趣的人可以从Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby入手。

如果你想了解更多的细节,我推荐《Programming Ruby》这本书,它已经成为Ruby的所有东西的标准。第三版目前正在编写中,重点介绍了Ruby 1.9的特性,所以如果有人考虑买这本书,我会先等一等。


Javascript:权威指南 专业Javascript技术




面向对象软件结构(一本圣经,也许Head First OO会很好,我不知道) Head First设计模式(我非常喜欢这本书) 设计模式


重构:改进现有代码的设计 有效地使用遗留代码


Joe Celko: SQL中的树和层次结构(仅针对特定主题,但我发现它很有趣) 箴MySQL

C - The C Programming Language - Obviously I had to reference K&R, one of the best programming books out there full stop. C++ - Accelerated C++ - This clear, well written introduction to C++ goes straight to using the STL and gives nice, clear, practical examples. Lives up to its name. C# - Pro C# 2008 and the .NET 3.5 Platform - Bit of a mouthful but wonderfully written and huge depth. F# - Expert F# - Designed to take experienced programmers from zero to expert in F#. Very well written, one of the author's invented F# so you can't go far wrong! Scheme - The Little Schemer - Really unique approach to teaching a programming language done really well. Ruby - Programming Ruby - Affectionately known as the 'pick axe' book, this is THE defacto introduction to Ruby. Very well written, clear and detailed.

对于J2EE,你有一个非常全面的教程: http://java.sun.com/javaee/5/docs/tutorial/doc/