
vboxmanage modifyhd Machine-disk1.vmdk --resize 30720


Progress state: VBOX_E_NOT_SUPPORTED
VBoxManage: error: Resize hard disk operation for this format is not implemented yet!






Open a terminal window. On Windows: Open the command prompt cmd. Go to the directory with the virtual disk you want to resize. For example: cd "My VMs" Create a new VirtualBox disk with your desired filename, size (in megabytes) and format (either Standard (dynamic) or Fixed). For example, to create a 50 GB fixed-format disk called MyNewDisk.vdi: VBoxManage createmedium --filename "MyNewDisk.vdi" --size 50000 --variant Fixed If VBoxManage is not recognized as a command, specify the full path to it. It can be found in the VirtualBox installation directory. On Windows the above command would become: "C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe" createmedium --filename "MyNewDisk.vdi" --size 50000 --variant Fixed Copy the original disk to the new disk. VBoxManage clonemedium "MyOriginalDisk.vdi" "MyNewDisk.vdi" --existing The resize is done! You can check the properties of the new disk if you want: VBoxManage showmediuminfo "MyNewDisk.vdi" Change the virtual machine to use the new disk instead.




vboxmanage clonehd "virtualdisk.vmdk" "new-virtualdisk.vdi" --format vdi
vboxmanage modifyhd "new-virtualdisk.vdi" --resize 30720


VBoxManage clonemedium "source.vmdk" "cloned.vdi" --format vdi
VBoxManage modifymedium "cloned.vdi" --resize 51200
VBoxManage clonemedium "cloned.vdi" "resized.vmdk" --format vmdk

以上将调整硬盘大小至50GB (50 * 1024MB)。 要完成事情,你也需要调整驱动器的大小!要实现这一点,您可能需要下载gparted iso,并从该iso引导来调整驱动器的大小(从virtualbox设置中选择iso)。



单击File ->虚拟媒体播放器



我有一个Mac主机上的Windows 7客户端,这篇文章非常有帮助。谢谢。


启动新的放大的vmdk映像。 转到开始,右键单击计算机,选择管理。 单击磁盘管理 你应该在你的C盘上看到一些灰色的空间(在我的情况下) 右键单击C驱动器并选择扩展卷。 选择尺寸然后出发



这里所有的办法都试过了,但似乎都不管用。经过几个小时的挖掘,我发现了这篇博客文章,就像魔法一样,一切都起作用了。我需要做一些调整,所以这是修改后的版本。使用Docker 17.06.0-ce版本测试,构建02c1d87。


Download GParted Live CD/USB/HD/PXE Bootable Image. Stop the Docker virtual machine docker-machine stop default. Boot2Docker package installer ships with a VMDK volume, which VirtualBox’s native tools cannot resize. In order to resize the Docker disk volume, first clone the VDI volume from the default VMDK volume vboxmanage clonehd /full/path/to/disk.vmdk /full/path/to/disk_resized.vdi --format VDI --variant Standard. Resize the newly cloned VDI volume to the desired capacity. We recommend at least 64GB vboxmanage modifyhd /full/path/to/disk_resized.vdi --resize <size in MB>. Launch the VirtualBox application, select default VM and click on the “Settings” gear on top. Click on the “Storage” icon. Remove the default VMDK volume. Add a new IDE controller. Mount the GParted ISO via the “Add CD/DVD Device” option. Mount the cloned VDI volume via the “Add CD/DVD Device” option. If you are running Docker on a computer with a solid-state hard drive, please make sure the “Solid-state Drive” option is selected for the cloned VDI volume. Click on the “Start” icon to boot up the Docker virtual machine, which will launch the GParted ISO. Select “GParted Live (Default settings)”. Set the policy for handling keymaps to “Don’t touch keymap”. Set language preference to option “33”, which maps to “US English”. Select option “1” to run “Forcevideo” and configure X manually. Keep the default resolution of “1024×760” by selecting option “2”. Keep the default “vesa” as the VGA card. Keep the default colour depth of “24” by selecting option “0”. Once GParted launches, click on the “Resize/Move” icon. Set the new disk volume size to desired size by dragging the slider. In this example, the maximum size is 127,035MB. Click on the “Resize/Move” button to start the process. Confirm the resizing operation by clicking on the “Apply” button. Power off the machine after the resizing operation finishes. Remove the GParted ISO. Log into the Docker virtual machine to verify that the volume resizing was successful by starting machine docker-machine start default If you experience network issues, restart the docker-machine