div.title {
background-color: blue;
color: white;
text-align: center;
div.footer {
/* Styles Here */
div.body {
/* Styles Here */
/* And many more */
Write in SASS. You'd be insane to forego the advantages of variables, mixins, and so on.
Never use an HTML ID for styling; always use classes. HTML IDs, when used correctly, appear only once in the whole page, which is the
complete opposite of re-usability — one of the most basic goods in
sensible engineering. Moreover, it's really hard to override selectors
containing IDs and often the only way to overpower one HTML ID is to
create another ID, causing IDs to propagate in the codebase like the
pests they are. Better to leave the HTML IDs for unchanging Javascript
or integration test hooks.
Name your CSS classes by their visual function rather than by their application-specific function. For example, say ".highlight-box"
instead of ".bundle-product-discount-box". Coding in this way means
that you can re-use your existing style-sheets when you role out
side-businesses. For example, we started out selling law notes but
recently moved into law tutors. Our old CSS classes had names like
".download_document_box", a class name that makes sense when talking
about digital documents but would only confuse when applied to the new
domain of private tutors. A better name that fits both existing
services — and any future ones — would be ".pretty_callout_box".
Avoid naming CSS classes after specific grid information. There was (and still is) a dreadful anti-pattern in CSS communities whereby
designers and creators of CSS frameworks (cough Twitter Bootstrap)
believe that "span-2" or "cols-8" are reasonable names for CSS
classes. The point of CSS is to give you the possibility to modify
your design without affecting the markup (much). Hardcoding grids
sizes into the HTML thwarts this goal, so it is advised against in any
project expected to last longer than a weekend. More on how we avoided
grid classes later.
Split your CSS across files. Ideally you would split everything into "components"/"widgets" and then compose pages from these atoms of
design. Realistically though, you'll notice that some of your website
pages have idiosyncrasies (e.g. a special layout, or a weird photo
gallery that appears in just one article). In these cases you might
create a file related to that specific page, only refactoring into a
full-blown widget when it becomes clear that the element will be
re-used elsewhere. This is a tradeoff, one that is motivated by
practical budgetary concerns.
Minimise nesting. Introduce new classes instead of nesting selectors. The fact that SASS removes the pain of repeating selectors
when nesting doesn't mean that you have to nest five levels deep.
Never over-qualify a selector (e.g. don't use "ul.nav" where ".nav"
could do the same job.) And don't specify HTML elements alongside the
custom class name (e.g."h2.highlight"). Instead just use the class
name alone and drop the base selector (e.g. the previous example
should be ".highlight"). Over-qualifying selectors doesn't add any
Create styles for HTML elements (e.g. "h1") only when styling base components which should be consistent in the whole application.
Avoid broad selectors like "header ul" because it's likely that you
have to override them in some places anyway. As we keep saying, most
of the time you want to use a specific, well-named class whenever you
want a particular style.
Embrace the basics of Block-Element-Modifier. You can read about it for example on here. We used it quite lightly, but still it helped
us a lot in organising CSS styles.
最佳实践- CSS样式表格式
在所有4个问题上,我的回答都包含了下载并阅读Natalie Downe的PDF CSS系统的建议。(PDF包含了大量幻灯片上没有的注释,所以请阅读PDF!)注意她对组织的建议。
Use a CSS pre-processor and manage your files as partials (I personally prefer Sass with Compass, but Less is quite good as well and there are others)
Read up on concepts like OOCSS, SMACSS, and BEM or getbem.
Take a look at how popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Zurb Foundation are structured. And don't discount less popular frameworks - Inuit is an interesting one but there are plenty others.
Combine/minify your files with a build step on a continuous integration server and/or a task runner like Grunt or Gulp.
#page1 div.title, #page1 ul, #page1 span {
// rules
至于重量,请记住CSS轴从最一般/最轻到最特定/最重。也就是说,在CSS选择器中,一个元素说明符被一个类说明符取代,一个ID说明符取代。数字计数,因此具有两个元素说明符(ul li)的选择器将比只有一个说明符(li)的选择器具有更大的权重。