


div.title {
  background-color: blue;
  color: white;
  text-align: center;

div.footer {
  /* Styles Here */

div.body {
  /* Styles Here */

/* And many more */










Facebook聘请了OOCSS的创建者Nicole Sullivan,以节省大量的前端代码(HTML / CSS)。是的,你实际上可以得到节省,不仅在你的CSS,但在你的HTML太,这是由它的声音,是非常有可能为你,因为你提到转换一个基于表格的布局到很多div的

另一个很好的方法在某些方面与OOCSS类似,就是从一开始就计划和编写可伸缩和模块化的CSS。Jonathan Snook写了一本关于SMACSS的书/电子书——CSS的可伸缩和模块化架构

让我给你介绍一些链接: 海量CSS的5个错误-(视频) 海量CSS的5个错误(幻灯片) CSS膨胀-(幻灯片)


CSS约定/代码布局模型 在编写我的第一个样式表时,我应该遵循哪些CSS标准? 整理CSS的最佳方法是什么? 最佳实践- CSS样式表格式

在所有4个问题上,我的回答都包含了下载并阅读Natalie Downe的PDF CSS系统的建议。(PDF包含了大量幻灯片上没有的注释,所以请阅读PDF!)注意她对组织的建议。


Use a CSS pre-processor and manage your files as partials (I personally prefer Sass with Compass, but Less is quite good as well and there are others) Read up on concepts like OOCSS, SMACSS, and BEM or getbem. Take a look at how popular CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Zurb Foundation are structured. And don't discount less popular frameworks - Inuit is an interesting one but there are plenty others. Combine/minify your files with a build step on a continuous integration server and/or a task runner like Grunt or Gulp.




/* Headings and General Text */

.... stuff here for H1, etc..

/* Main page layout */

.... stuff here for layout page setup etc.



ALWAYS use External CSS via a <link> tag. External CSS is far superior to "embedded" <style> and "inline" element styles <span style="color:blue;">my text</span> simply because external styles downloaded to the browser are cached for every page in your website and affect all web pages, not just one. Consider moving all those styles sprinkled throughout your website to CSS classes in your sheets. Make sure you add selectors to increase their weight in cases where they might have cascaded over earlier inherited styles. Note: Many JavaScript API's like Angular and others use embedded CSS which means they are slower and have to reload CSS every refresh or revisit to the site. Bad design! ALWAYS use a "Reset" Style Sheet for all your basic HTML Elements. Most CSS packages like Bootstrap and others come with a reset or reboot sheet. These restyle all your HTML element selectors so they look decent across all browsers and user agents. This saves you the nightmare of having to restyle and customize design across basic elements like form controls, layouts, text, etc. I wrote my own "reset" sheet years ago. I am going to post it on GitHub under "Universal CSS Framework" soon if you would like mine. Works in all the old and new browsers. Remember, all text-based styles cascade and inherit naturally down through the sites elements! So, you should rarely need to repeat font styles, line-heights, etc. Most young developers forget this. Text-based styles are inherited down the HTML tree so only have to be written one time in a parent. Often the <body> element is the best placed to set basic font styles, etc. Because of #3 you do NOT need CSS precrocessors like SASS to reorganize or manage your style sheets. Stay away from these third-party dependencies. CSS can be written to inherit or cascade styles through the site so you do not have to repeat the same font styling or properties across CSS classes, etc. Group your Block Level/Layout styles that control design. Use ID selectors (#myid) on top level HTML blocks to separate sections and use those in CSS selectors to manage items specific to that page or website section (#main .someclass {...}). These have the advantage that they are easy to track and easy to segregate, but ID selectors have very high selectivity or weight. ID selectors have a 1-0-0 or 100 weight over class which has 0-1-0 or 10 weight. This prevents any later style shifts from damaging your previous custom styles in specific protected sections. Design all CSS around a Single CSS Class that can be Reused. Avoid attaching more element and chains of classes in CSS selectors until you absolutely need to override a common shared class with a custom one. Example: .articlelink{...} would be the shared universal style everyone can access. .block1 .area2 .articlelink{...} would allow you to create a custom version throughout a section without creating a new class or changing the HTML. Use CSS Comments! /* My New Styles */ ...followed by blocks of related CSS or just use comments to explain what is not intuitive in your code. If you have big projects, have each developer write their own custom CSS sheets for their sections, but inherit the main site style sheets. First, make sure all sections of the website link to your basic reset and base site sheets first. This allows basic element styles, font settings, layout, page design, forms, and colors to be enforced by the base sheets first so developers only add new styles needed rather than reinventing the same wheel. As you update the base sheets all developers inherit, those appear naturally across all sections of the project with no effort, and the teams can see those instantly.

Remember, you are working with cascading style sheets, not style sheets! That means most text-based styles are designed to inherit from all the parent elements, then cascade those same styles down into your trees of HTML across thousands of pages with no extra code. Most new web developers fail to grasp the simplicity of CSS, so struggle with SASS and other tools to fix it. It just is not needed. CSS was designed this way over 20 years ago by very smart people that solved all these issues for you.


  <body style="color:blue;">
              <p>hello blue world</p>
