简单来说,有人能解释一下OAuth 2和OAuth 1之间的区别吗?
OAuth 1现在过时了吗?我们应该实现OAuth 2吗?我没有看到很多OAuth 2的实现;大多数人仍在使用OAuth 1,这让我怀疑OAuth 2是否可以使用。是吗?
简单来说,有人能解释一下OAuth 2和OAuth 1之间的区别吗?
OAuth 1现在过时了吗?我们应该实现OAuth 2吗?我没有看到很多OAuth 2的实现;大多数人仍在使用OAuth 1,这让我怀疑OAuth 2是否可以使用。是吗?
我在这里看到了很好的答案,但我错过了一些图表,因为我必须使用Spring Framework,所以我看到了它们的解释。
OAuth 2
OAuth 1
在我看来,之前的解释都过于详细和复杂。简单地说,OAuth 2将安全性委托给HTTPS协议。OAuth 1不需要这样做,因此有替代方法来处理各种攻击。这些方法要求应用程序参与某些复杂且难以实现的安全协议。因此,仅仅依靠HTTPS来获得安全性会更简单,因此应用程序开发人员不需要担心它。
As to your other questions, the answer depends. Some services dont want to require the use of HTTPS, were developed before OAuth 2, or have some other requirement which may prevent them from using OAuth 2. Furthermore, there has been a lot of debate about the OAuth 2 protocol itself. As you can see, Facebook, Google, and a few others each have slightly varying versions of the protocols implemented. So some people stick with OAuth 1 because it is more uniform across the different platforms. Recently, the OAuth 2 protocol has been finalized but we have yet to see how its adoption will take.
OAuth 2显然是在浪费时间(来自一个参与其中的人):
...I can no longer be associated with the OAuth 2.0 standard. I resigned my role as lead author and editor, withdraw my name from the specification, and left the working group. Removing my name from a document I have painstakingly labored over for three years and over two dozen drafts was not easy. Deciding to move on from an effort I have led for over five years was agonizing. ...At the end, I reached the conclusion that OAuth 2.0 is a bad protocol. WS-* bad. It is bad enough that I no longer want to be associated with it. ...When compared with OAuth 1.0, the 2.0 specification is more complex, less interoperable, less useful, more incomplete, and most importantly, less secure. To be clear, OAuth 2.0 at the hand of a developer with deep understanding of web security will likely result is a secure implementation. However, at the hands of most developers – as has been the experience from the past two years – 2.0 is likely to produce insecure implementations.
从安全的角度来看,我选择OAuth 1。参见OAuth 2.0和地狱之路。
"If you are currently using 1.0 successfully, ignore 2.0. It offers no real value over 1.0 (I’m guessing your client developers have already figured out 1.0 signatures by now). If you are new to this space, and consider yourself a security expert, use 2.0 after careful examination of its features. If you are not an expert, either use 1.0 or copy the 2.0 implementation of a provider you trust to get it right (Facebook’s API documents are a good place to start). 2.0 is better for large scale, but if you are running a major operation, you probably have some security experts on site to figure it all out for you."
我在这里看到了很好的答案,但我错过了一些图表,因为我必须使用Spring Framework,所以我看到了它们的解释。
OAuth 2
OAuth 1
OAuth 1.0协议(RFC 5849)的安全性依赖于这样一个假设,即嵌入在客户端应用程序中的密钥可以被保密。然而,这种假设是天真的。
在OAuth 2.0 (RFC 6749)中,这样的简单客户机应用程序称为机密客户机。另一方面,在难以对密钥进行保密的环境中的客户端应用程序称为公共客户端。见2.1。客户类型的详细信息。
从这个意义上说,OAuth 1.0是一个仅针对机密客户机的规范。
"OAuth 2.0 and the Road to Hell" says that OAuth 2.0 is less secure, but there is no practical difference in security level between OAuth 1.0 clients and OAuth 2.0 confidential clients. OAuth 1.0 requires to compute signature, but it does not enhance security if it is already assured that a secret key on the client side can be kept confidential. Computing signature is just a cumbersome calculation without any practical security enhancement. I mean, compared to the simplicity that an OAuth 2.0 client connects to a server over TLS and just presents client_id and client_secret, it cannot be said that the cumbersome calculation is better in terms of security.
此外,RFC 5849 (OAuth 1.0)没有提到任何关于开放重定向器的内容,而RFC 6749 (OAuth 2.0)提到了。即OAuth 1.0的oauth_callback参数可能成为一个安全漏洞。
因此,我不认为OAuth 1.0比OAuth 2.0更安全。
OAuth 1.0的安全性依赖于签名计算。签名使用密钥计算,其中密钥是HMAC-SHA1的共享密钥(RFC 5849, 3.4.2)或RSA-SHA1的私钥(RFC 5849, 3.4.3)。任何知道密钥的人都可以计算签名。因此,如果密钥被泄露,再复杂的签名计算也没有意义。
这意味着OAuth 1.0的安全性不依赖于签名计算的复杂性和逻辑,而仅仅依赖于秘密密钥的保密性。换句话说,OAuth 1.0安全性所需要的仅仅是一个秘密密钥可以保密的条件。这听起来可能很极端,但是如果条件已经满足,签名计算不会增加安全性增强。
同样,OAuth 2.0机密客户机依赖于相同的条件。如果条件已经满足,那么使用TLS创建安全连接并通过安全连接将client_id和client_secret发送到授权服务器是否存在问题?如果OAuth 1.0和OAuth 2.0机密客户端依赖相同的条件,那么两者的安全级别是否有很大差异?
我找不到OAuth 1.0责怪OAuth 2.0的理由。事实很简单,(1)OAuth 1.0只是一个仅针对机密客户端的规范,(2)OAuth 2.0简化了机密客户端的协议,也支持公共客户端。不管是否众所周知,智能手机应用程序被归类为公共客户端(RFC 6749, 9),它们受益于OAuth 2.0。