我试图使一个自定义授权属性在ASP。净的核心。在以前的版本中,可以重写bool AuthorizeCore(HttpContextBase httpContext)。但是这在AuthorizeAttribute中不再存在。




似乎ASP。NET Core 2,你可以继承AuthorizeAttribute,你只需要实现IAuthorizationFilter(或IAsyncAuthorizationFilter):

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true, Inherited = true)]
public class CustomAuthorizeAttribute : AuthorizeAttribute, IAuthorizationFilter
    private readonly string _someFilterParameter;

    public CustomAuthorizeAttribute(string someFilterParameter)
        _someFilterParameter = someFilterParameter;

    public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
        var user = context.HttpContext.User;

        if (!user.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
            // it isn't needed to set unauthorized result 
            // as the base class already requires the user to be authenticated
            // this also makes redirect to a login page work properly
            // context.Result = new UnauthorizedResult();

        // you can also use registered services
        var someService = context.HttpContext.RequestServices.GetService<ISomeService>();

        var isAuthorized = someService.IsUserAuthorized(user.Identity.Name, _someFilterParameter);
        if (!isAuthorized)
            context.Result = new StatusCodeResult((int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);


基于Derek Greer伟大的答案,我用枚举来做。


public enum PermissionItem

public enum PermissionAction

public class AuthorizeAttribute : TypeFilterAttribute
    public AuthorizeAttribute(PermissionItem item, PermissionAction action)
    : base(typeof(AuthorizeActionFilter))
        Arguments = new object[] { item, action };

public class AuthorizeActionFilter : IAuthorizationFilter
    private readonly PermissionItem _item;
    private readonly PermissionAction _action;
    public AuthorizeActionFilter(PermissionItem item, PermissionAction action)
        _item = item;
        _action = action;
    public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
        bool isAuthorized = MumboJumboFunction(context.HttpContext.User, _item, _action); // :)

        if (!isAuthorized)
            context.Result = new ForbidResult();

public class UserController : BaseController
    private readonly DbContext _context;

    public UserController( DbContext context) :
        _logger = logger;

    [Authorize(PermissionItem.User, PermissionAction.Read)]
    public async Task<IActionResult> Index()
        return View(await _context.User.ToListAsync());



    public class PatientAuthorizeAttribute : TypeFilterAttribute
    public PatientAuthorizeAttribute(params PatientAccessRights[] right) : base(typeof(AuthFilter)) //PatientAccessRights is an enum
        Arguments = new object[] { right };

    private class AuthFilter : IActionFilter
        PatientAccessRights[] right;

        IAuthService authService;

        public AuthFilter(IAuthService authService, PatientAccessRights[] right)
            this.right = right;
            this.authService = authService;

        public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)

        public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
            var allparameters = context.ActionArguments.Values;
            if (allparameters.Count() == 1)
                var param = allparameters.First();
                if (typeof(IPatientRequest).IsAssignableFrom(param.GetType()))
                    IPatientRequest patientRequestInfo = (IPatientRequest)param;
                    PatientAccessRequest userAccessRequest = new PatientAccessRequest();
                    userAccessRequest.Rights = right;
                    userAccessRequest.MemberID = patientRequestInfo.PatientID;
                    var result = authService.CheckUserPatientAccess(userAccessRequest).Result; //this calls DB service to check from DB
                    if (result.Status == ReturnType.Failure)
                        //TODO: return apirepsonse
                        context.Result = new StatusCodeResult((int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Forbidden);
                    throw new AppSystemException("PatientAuthorizeAttribute not supported");
                throw new AppSystemException("PatientAuthorizeAttribute not supported");


    [PatientAuthorize(PatientAccessRights.PATIENT_VIEW_APPOINTMENTS)] //this is enum, we can pass multiple
    public SomeReturnType ViewAppointments()


只是给@Shawn的回答补充了一点。如果你正在使用dotnet 5,你需要更新类为:

public abstract class AttributeAuthorizationHandler<TRequirement, TAttribute> : AuthorizationHandler<TRequirement> where TRequirement : IAuthorizationRequirement where TAttribute : Attribute
    protected override Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, TRequirement requirement)
        var attributes = new List<TAttribute>();
        if (context.Resource is HttpContext httpContext)
            var endPoint = httpContext.GetEndpoint();

            var action = endPoint?.Metadata.GetMetadata<ControllerActionDescriptor>();

            if(action != null)
        return HandleRequirementAsync(context, requirement, attributes);

    protected abstract Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, TRequirement requirement, IEnumerable<TAttribute> attributes);

    private static IEnumerable<TAttribute> GetAttributes(MemberInfo memberInfo) => memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(TAttribute), false).Cast<TAttribute>();



[ClaimRequirement(MyClaimTypes.Permission, "CanReadResource")] 
[ClaimRequirement(MyClaimTypes.AnotherPermision, "AnotherClaimVaue")]
//and etc. on a single action.



services.AddAuthorization(authorizationOptions =>
            foreach (var policyString in Enum.GetNames(typeof(Enumerations.Security.Policy)))
                    authorizationPolicyBuilder => authorizationPolicyBuilder.Requirements.Add(new DefaultAuthorizationRequirement((Enumerations.Security.Policy)Enum.Parse(typeof(Enumerations.Security.Policy), policyWrtString), DateTime.UtcNow)));

      /* Note that thisn does not stop you from 
          configuring policies directly against a username, claims, roles, etc. You can do the usual.


public class DefaultAuthorizationRequirement : IAuthorizationRequirement
    public Enumerations.Security.Policy Policy {get; set;} //This is a mere enumeration whose code is not shown.
    public DateTime DateTimeOfSetup {get; set;} //Just in case you have to know when the app started up. And you may want to log out a user if their profile was modified after this date-time, etc.

public class DefaultAuthorizationHandler : AuthorizationHandler<DefaultAuthorizationRequirement>
    private IAServiceToUse _aServiceToUse;

    public DefaultAuthorizationHandler(
        IAServiceToUse aServiceToUse
        _aServiceToUse = aServiceToUse;

    protected async override Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, DefaultAuthorizationRequirement requirement)
        /*Here, you can quickly check a data source or Web API or etc. 
           to know the latest date-time of the user's profile modification...
        if (_aServiceToUse.GetDateTimeOfLatestUserProfileModication > requirement.DateTimeOfSetup)
            context.Fail(); /*Because any modifications to user information, 
            e.g. if the user used another browser or if by Admin modification, 
            the claims of the user in this session cannot be guaranteed to be reliable.

        bool shouldSucceed = false; //This should first be false, because context.Succeed(...) has to only be called if the requirement specifically succeeds.

        bool shouldFail = false; /*This should first be false, because context.Fail() 
        doesn't have to be called if there's no security breach.

        // You can do anything.
        await doAnythingAsync();

       /*You can get the user's claims... 
          ALSO, note that if you have a way to priorly map users or users with certain claims 
          to particular policies, add those policies as claims of the user for the sake of ease. 
          BUT policies that require dynamic code (e.g. checking for age range) would have to be 
          coded in the switch-case below to determine stuff.

        var claims = context.User.Claims;

        // You can, of course, get the policy that was hit...
        var policy = requirement.Policy

        //You can use a switch case to determine what policy to deal with here...
        switch (policy)
            case Enumerations.Security.Policy.CanReadResource:
                 /*Do stuff with the claims and change the 
                     value of shouldSucceed and/or shouldFail.
            case Enumerations.Security.Policy.AnotherPolicy:
                 /*Do stuff with the claims and change the 
                    value of shouldSucceed and/or shouldFail.
                // Other policies too.

                 throw new NotImplementedException();

        /* Note that the following conditions are 
            so because failure and success in a requirement handler 
            are not mutually exclusive. They demand certainty.

        if (shouldFail)
            context.Fail(); /*Check the docs on this method to 
            see its implications.

        if (shouldSucceed)

Note that the code above can also enable pre-mapping of a user to a policy in your data store. So, when composing claims for the user, you basically retrieve the policies that had been pre-mapped to the user directly or indirectly (e.g. because the user has a certain claim value and that claim value had been identified and mapped to a policy, such that it provides automatic mapping for users who have that claim value too), and enlist the policies as claims, such that in the authorization handler, you can simply check if the user's claims contain requirement.Policy as a Value of a Claim item in their claims. That is for a static way of satisfying a policy requirement, e.g. "First name" requirement is quite static in nature. So, for the example above (which I had forgotten to give example on Authorize attribute in my earlier updates to this answer), using the policy with Authorize attribute is like as follows, where ViewRecord is an enum member:

[Authorize(Policy = nameof(Enumerations.Security.Policy.ViewRecord))] 


一个动态策略索赔检查的例子(例如,检查用户是否超过18岁)已经在@blowdart (https://stackoverflow.com/a/31465227/4974715)给出的答案中。




public class Startup
    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.Configure<AuthorizationOptions>(options =>
            options.AddPolicy("ManageStore", policy => policy.RequireClaim("Action", "ManageStore"));

public class StoreController : Controller
    [Authorize(Policy = "ManageStore"), HttpGet]
    public async Task<IActionResult> Manage() { ... }

