而不是创建自己的侦听器注册表(必须在各种$ destroyed上进行清理),您应该能够从相关服务进行$broadcast。
Broadcasts would make the most sense in "global" services that could impact countless other things in your app. A good example is a User service where there are a number of events that could take place such as login, logout, update, idle, etc. I believe this is where broadcasts make the most sense because any scope can listen for an event, without even injecting the service, and it doesn't need to evaluate any expressions or cache results to inspect for changes. It just fires and forgets (so make sure it's a fire-and-forget notification, not something that requires action)
.factory('UserService', [ '$rootScope', function($rootScope) {
var service = <whatever you do for the object>
service.save = function(data) {
.. validate data and update model ..
// notify listeners and provide the data that changed [optional]
// alternatively, create a callback function and $broadcast from there if making an ajax call
return service;
.controller('UserCtrl', [ 'UserService', '$scope', function(UserService, $scope) {
var user = UserService.getUser();
// if you don't want to expose the actual object in your scope you could expose just the values, or derive a value for your purposes
$scope.name = user.firstname + ' ' +user.lastname;
$scope.$on('user:updated', function(event,data) {
// you could inspect the data to see if what you care about changed, or just update your own scope
$scope.name = user.firstname + ' ' + user.lastname;
// different event names let you group your code and logic by what happened
$scope.$on('user:logout', function(event,data) {
.. do something differently entirely ..