我最近接触了一个大型代码库,并注意到所有字符串比较都使用string . equals()而不是==



字符串。Equals确实提供了重载来处理区分大小写和区域性的比较。如果您的代码没有使用这些,开发人员可能只是习惯于Java,在那里(正如Matthew所说),您必须使用. equals方法来进行内容比较。


这两种方法在功能上是相同的——它们比较值。 正如MSDN上写的那样:

关于字符串。Equals方法-确定该实例和 另一个指定的String对象具有相同的值。(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/858x0yyx.aspx) About ==—虽然string是引用类型,但相等操作符(==和 !=)的定义是为了比较字符串对象的值,而不是 参考文献这使得字符串相等性的测试更加直观。(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-en/library/362314fe.aspx)


string x = null;
string y = "qq";
if (x == y) // returns false

if (x.Equals(y)) // returns System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. - because x is null !!!

字符串。Equals确实提供了重载来处理区分大小写和区域性的比较。如果您的代码没有使用这些,开发人员可能只是习惯于Java,在那里(正如Matthew所说),您必须使用. equals方法来进行内容比较。


bool result = false;

object obj = "String";    
string str2 = "String";
string str3 = typeof(string).Name;
string str4 = "String";
object obj2 = str3;

// Comparision between object obj and string str2 -- Com 1
result = string.Equals(obj, str2);// true
result = String.ReferenceEquals(obj, str2); // true
result = (obj == str2);// true

// Comparision between object obj and string str3 -- Com 2
result = string.Equals(obj, str3);// true
result = String.ReferenceEquals(obj, str3); // false
result = (obj == str3);// false

// Comparision between object obj and string str4 -- Com 3
result = string.Equals(obj, str4);// true
result = String.ReferenceEquals(obj, str4); // true
result = (obj == str4);// true

// Comparision between string str2 and string str3 -- Com 4
result = string.Equals(str2, str3);// true
result = String.ReferenceEquals(str2, str3); // false
result = (str2 == str3);// true

// Comparision between string str2 and string str4 -- Com 5
result = string.Equals(str2, str4);// true
result = String.ReferenceEquals(str2, str4); // true
result = (str2 == str4);// true

// Comparision between string str3 and string str4 -- Com 6
result = string.Equals(str3, str4);// true
result = String.ReferenceEquals(str3, str4); // false
result = (str3 == str4);// true

// Comparision between object obj and object obj2 -- Com 7
result = String.Equals(obj, obj2);// true
result = String.ReferenceEquals(obj, obj2); // false
result = (obj == obj2);// false


obj     "String" {1#}   object {string}
str2    "String" {1#}   string
str3    "String" {5#}   string
str4    "String" {1#}   string
obj2    "String" {5#}   object {string}


Obj, str2, str4和obj2引用相同。



com1: result = (obj == str2);// true compares object and string so performs a reference equality check obj and str2 point to the same reference so the result is true com2: result = (obj == str3);// false compares object and string so performs a reference equality check obj and str3 point to the different references so the result is false com3: result = (obj == str4);// true compares object and string so performs a reference equality check obj and str4 point to the same reference so the result is true com4: result = (str2 == str3);// true compares string and string so performs a string value check str2 and str3 are both "String" so the result is true com5: result = (str2 == str4);// true compares string and string so performs a string value check str2 and str4 are both "String" so the result is true com6: result = (str3 == str4);// true compares string and string so performs a string value check str3 and str4 are both "String" so the result is true com7: result = (obj == obj2);// false  - compares object and object so performs a reference equality check      - obj and obj2 point to the different references so the result is false





Jon Skeet指出,实例Equals的性能“在字符串较短时略好——随着字符串长度的增加,这种差异变得完全不重要。”