




  define("OPTION_1", "1");
  define("OPTION_2", OPTION_1 + 1);
  define("OPTION_3", OPTION_2 + 1);

  // Some function...
    case OPTION_1:{ Perform_1();}break;
    case OPTION_2:{ Perform_2();}break;





edit: This only works in php >= 5.3, but it can probably be modified to work in older versions as well /** * A base class for enums. * * This class can be used as a base class for enums. * It can be used to create regular enums (incremental indices), but it can also be used to create binary flag values. * To create an enum class you can simply extend this class, and make a call to <yourEnumClass>::init() before you use the enum. * Preferably this call is made directly after the class declaration. * Example usages: * DaysOfTheWeek.class.php * abstract class DaysOfTheWeek extends Enum{ * static $MONDAY = 1; * static $TUESDAY; * static $WEDNESDAY; * static $THURSDAY; * static $FRIDAY; * static $SATURDAY; * static $SUNDAY; * } * DaysOfTheWeek::init(); * * example.php * require_once("DaysOfTheWeek.class.php"); * $today = date('N'); * if ($today == DaysOfTheWeek::$SUNDAY || $today == DaysOfTheWeek::$SATURDAY) * echo "It's weekend!"; * * Flags.class.php * abstract class Flags extends Enum{ * static $FLAG_1; * static $FLAG_2; * static $FLAG_3; * } * Flags::init(Enum::$BINARY_FLAG); * * example2.php * require_once("Flags.class.php"); * $flags = Flags::$FLAG_1 | Flags::$FLAG_2; * if ($flags & Flags::$FLAG_1) * echo "Flag_1 is set"; * * @author Tiddo Langerak */ abstract class Enum{ static $BINARY_FLAG = 1; /** * This function must be called to initialize the enumeration! * * @param bool $flags If the USE_BINARY flag is provided, the enum values will be binary flag values. Default: no flags set. */ public static function init($flags = 0){ //First, we want to get a list of all static properties of the enum class. We'll use the ReflectionClass for this. $enum = get_called_class(); $ref = new ReflectionClass($enum); $items = $ref->getStaticProperties(); //Now we can start assigning values to the items. if ($flags & self::$BINARY_FLAG){ //If we want binary flag values, our first value should be 1. $value = 1; //Now we can set the values for all items. foreach ($items as $key=>$item){ if (!isset($item)){ //If no value is set manually, we should set it. $enum::$$key = $value; //And we need to calculate the new value $value *= 2; } else { //If there was already a value set, we will continue starting from that value, but only if that was a valid binary flag value. //Otherwise, we will just skip this item. if ($key != 0 && ($key & ($key - 1) == 0)) $value = 2 * $item; } } } else { //If we want to use regular indices, we'll start with index 0. $value = 0; //Now we can set the values for all items. foreach ($items as $key=>$item){ if (!isset($item)){ //If no value is set manually, we should set it, and increment the value for the next item. $enum::$$key = $value; $value++; } else { //If a value was already set, we'll continue from that value. $value = $item+1; } } } } }


class DaysOfWeek{
 const Sunday = 0;
 const Monday = 1;
 // etc.

 private $intVal;
 private function __construct($intVal){
   $this->intVal = $intVal;

 //static instantiation methods
 public static function MONDAY(){
   return new self(self::Monday);

//function using type checking
function printDayOfWeek(DaysOfWeek $d){ //compiler can now use type checking
  // to something with $d...

//calling the function is safe!


printDayOfWeek(DaysOfWeek::Monday); //triggers a compiler error.


class DaysOfWeeks{

  private static $monday = 1;

  private $intVal;
  //private constructor
  private function __construct($intVal){
    $this->intVal = $intVal;

  //public instantiation methods
  public static function MONDAY(){
    return new self(self::$monday);

  //convert an instance to its integer value
  public function intVal(){
    return $this->intVal;






abstract class Enum {

    private $_value;

    protected function __construct($value) {
        $this->_value = $value;

    public function __toString() {
        return (string) $this->_value;

    public static function enumerate() {
        $class = get_called_class();
        $ref = new ReflectionClass($class);
        $statics = $ref->getStaticProperties();
        foreach ($statics as $name => $value) {
            $ref->setStaticPropertyValue($name, new $class($value));

class DaysOfWeek extends Enum {
    public static $MONDAY = 0;
    public static $SUNDAY = 1;
    // etc.

function isMonday(DaysOfWeek $d) {
    if ($d == DaysOfWeek::$MONDAY) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false;

$day = DaysOfWeek::$MONDAY;
echo (isMonday($day) ? "bummer it's monday" : "Yay! it's not monday");



它是强类型的 它与IDE自动补全一起工作 枚举由代码和描述定义,其中代码可以是整数、二进制值、短字符串或基本上任何您想要的内容。可以很容易地扩展该模式以支持其他属性。 它支持值(==)和引用(===)比较,并在switch语句中工作。




abstract class AbstractEnum
    /** @var array cache of all enum instances by class name and integer value */
    private static $allEnumMembers = array();

    /** @var mixed */
    private $code;

    /** @var string */
    private $description;

     * Return an enum instance of the concrete type on which this static method is called, assuming an instance
     * exists for the passed in value.  Otherwise an exception is thrown.
     * @param $code
     * @return AbstractEnum
     * @throws Exception
    public static function getByCode($code)
        $concreteMembers = &self::getConcreteMembers();

        if (array_key_exists($code, $concreteMembers)) {
            return $concreteMembers[$code];

        throw new Exception("Value '$code' does not exist for enum '".get_called_class()."'");

    public static function getAllMembers()
        return self::getConcreteMembers();

     * Create, cache and return an instance of the concrete enum type for the supplied primitive value.
     * @param mixed $code code to uniquely identify this enum
     * @param string $description
     * @throws Exception
     * @return AbstractEnum
    protected static function enum($code, $description)
        $concreteMembers = &self::getConcreteMembers();

        if (array_key_exists($code, $concreteMembers)) {
            throw new Exception("Value '$code' has already been added to enum '".get_called_class()."'");

        $concreteMembers[$code] = $concreteEnumInstance = new static($code, $description);

        return $concreteEnumInstance;

     * @return AbstractEnum[]
    private static function &getConcreteMembers() {
        $thisClassName = get_called_class();

        if (!array_key_exists($thisClassName, self::$allEnumMembers)) {
            $concreteMembers = array();
            self::$allEnumMembers[$thisClassName] = $concreteMembers;

        return self::$allEnumMembers[$thisClassName];

    private function __construct($code, $description)
        $this->code = $code;
        $this->description = $description;

    public function getCode()
        return $this->code;

    public function getDescription()
        return $this->description;




class EMyEnum extends AbstractEnum
    /** @var EMyEnum */
    public static $MY_FIRST_VALUE;
    /** @var EMyEnum */
    public static $MY_SECOND_VALUE;
    /** @var EMyEnum */
    public static $MY_THIRD_VALUE;

    public static function _init()
        self::$MY_FIRST_VALUE = self::enum(1, 'My first value');
        self::$MY_SECOND_VALUE = self::enum(2, 'My second value');
        self::$MY_THIRD_VALUE = self::enum(3, 'My third value');





echo EMyEnum::$MY_FIRST_VALUE->getCode().' : '.EMyEnum::$MY_FIRST_VALUE->getDescription().PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL;


echo PHP_EOL.EMyEnum::getByCode(2)->getDescription().PHP_EOL;


1 : My first value array(3) { [1]=> object(EMyEnum)#1 (2) { ["code":"AbstractEnum":private]=> int(1) ["description":"AbstractEnum":private]=> string(14) "My first value" } [2]=> object(EMyEnum)#2 (2) { ["code":"AbstractEnum":private]=> int(2) ["description":"AbstractEnum":private]=> string(15) "My second value" } [3]=> object(EMyEnum)#3 (2) { ["code":"AbstractEnum":private]=> int(3) ["description":"AbstractEnum":private]=> string(14) "My third value" } } My second value

// My Enumeration Class
class Enum
    protected $m_actions = array();

    public function __construct($actions)

    public function init($actions)
        $this->m_actions = array();
        for($i = 0; $i < count($actions); ++$i)
            $this->m_actions[$actions[$i]] = ($i + 1); 
            define($actions[$i], ($i + 1));

    public function toString($index)
        $keys = array_keys($this->m_actions);
        for($i = 0; $i < count($keys); ++$i)
            if($this->m_actions[$keys[$i]] == $index)
                return $keys[$i];

        return "undefined";

    public function fromString($str)
        return $this->m_actions[$str];

// Enumeration creation
$actions = new Enum(array("CREATE", "READ", "UPDATE", "DELETE"));

// Examples

if($action_objects->fromString($_POST["myAction"]) == CREATE)