我一直在阅读很多关于finalize()的Java新手问题,并发现没有人真正清楚地表明finalize()是一种不可靠的清理资源的方法,这有点令人困惑。我看到有人评论说他们用它来清理连接,这真的很可怕,因为唯一接近于保证连接关闭的方法是最后实现try (catch)。
在Java 7中,我们有try-with-resources语句,可以这样使用:
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(path))) {
// Processing and other logic here.
} catch (Exception e) {
// log exception
} finally {
// Just in case we need to do some stuff here.
它在异常/有bug的情况下提供了额外的安全性。并不是每个调用者每次都会执行正确的try {} finally{}。不幸的是,但在大多数环境中都是如此。
我看到从Java 9开始,Object.finalize()已弃用!它们将我们指向java.lang.ref.Cleaner和java.lang.ref.PhantomReference作为替代。
摘自Brian Goetz的一篇文章:
Objects with finalizers (those that
have a non-trivial finalize() method)
have significant overhead compared to
objects without finalizers, and should
be used sparingly. Finalizeable
objects are both slower to allocate
and slower to collect. At allocation
time, the JVM must register any
finalizeable objects with the garbage
collector, and (at least in the
HotSpot JVM implementation)
finalizeable objects must follow a
slower allocation path than most other
objects. Similarly, finalizeable
objects are slower to collect, too. It
takes at least two garbage collection
cycles (in the best case) before a
finalizeable object can be reclaimed,
and the garbage collector has to do
extra work to invoke the finalizer.
The result is more time spent
allocating and collecting objects and
more pressure on the garbage
collector, because the memory used by
unreachable finalizeable objects is
retained longer. Combine that with the
fact that finalizers are not
guaranteed to run in any predictable
timeframe, or even at all, and you can
see that there are relatively few
situations for which finalization is
the right tool to use.