我一直在阅读很多关于finalize()的Java新手问题,并发现没有人真正清楚地表明finalize()是一种不可靠的清理资源的方法,这有点令人困惑。我看到有人评论说他们用它来清理连接,这真的很可怕,因为唯一接近于保证连接关闭的方法是最后实现try (catch)。
If you think you need finalize(), sometimes what you really want is a phantom reference (which in the example given could hold a hard reference to a connection used by its referand, and close it after the phantom reference has been queued). This also has the property that it may mysteriously never run, but at least it can't call methods on or resurrect finalized objects. So it's just right for situations where you don't absolutely need to close that connection cleanly, but you'd quite like to, and the clients of your class can't or won't call close themselves (which is actually fair enough - what's the point of having a garbage collector at all if you design interfaces that require a specific action be taken prior to collection? That just puts us back in the days of malloc/free.)
Other times you need the resource you think you're managing to be more robust. For example, why do you need to close that connection? It must ultimately be based on some kind of I/O provided by the system (socket, file, whatever), so why can't you rely on the system to close it for you when the lowest level of resource is gced? If the server at the other end absolutely requires you to close the connection cleanly rather than just dropping the socket, then what's going to happen when someone trips over the power cable of the machine your code is running on, or the intervening network goes out?
public void finalize() throws Throwable {
if (destructiveFinalize) {
T item;
for (int i = 0, l = length(); i < l; i++) {
item = get(i);
if (item == null) {
if (item instanceof Window) {
((Window) get(i)).dispose();
if (item instanceof CompleteObject) {
((CompleteObject) get(i)).finalize();
set(i, null);
(CompleteObject是我做的一个接口,让你指定你已经实现了很少实现的对象方法,如#finalize(), #hashCode()和#clone()))
因此,使用姐妹方法# setdestructivelyfinalizer(布尔值),使用我的集合的程序可以(帮助)确保销毁对该集合的引用也会销毁对其内容的引用,并处理可能在无意中保持JVM活动的任何窗口。我也考虑过停止任何线程,但这打开了一个全新的蠕虫罐头。