
现代版本的PHP在PHP .ini中设置了output_buffering标志 如果启用了输出缓冲,则可以在输出HTML后设置HTTP报头和cookie,因为返回的代码不会立即发送到浏览器。

每一本好的实践书籍和维基都以这个“规则”开始,但没有人提供好的理由。 还有其他好的理由跳过PHP结束标记吗?



Eschewing ?> however solves just a trickle of the common headers already sent causes (raw output, BOM, notices, etc.) and their follow-up problems. PHP actually contains some magic to eat up single linebreaks after the ?> closing token. Albeit that has historic issues, and leaves newcomers still susceptible to flaky editors and unawarely shuffling in other whitespace after ?>. Stylistically some developers prefer to view <?php and ?> as SGML tags / XML processing instructions, implying the balance consistency of a trailing close token. (Which btw, is useful for dependency-conjoining class includes to supplant inefficient file-by-file autoloading.) Somewhat uncommonly the opening <?php is characterized as PHPs shebang (and fully feasible per binfmt_misc), thereby validating the redundancy of a corresponding close tag. There's an obvious advise discrepancy between classic PHP syntax guides mandating ?>\n and the more recent ones (PSR-2) agreeing on omission. (For the record: Zend Framework postulating one over the other does not imply its inherent superiority. It's a misconception that experts were drawn to / target audience of unwieldy APIs). SCMs and modern IDEs provide builtin solutions mostly alleviating close tag caretaking.



The regular ?> close tag is also known as T_CLOSE_TAG, or thus "close token". It comprises a few more incarnations, because of PHPs magic newline eating: ?>\n (Unix linefeed) ?>\r (Carriage return, classic MACs) ?>\r\n (CR/LF, on DOS/Win) PHP doesn't support the Unicode combo linebreak NEL (U+0085) however. Early PHP versions had IIRC compile-ins limiting platform-agnosticism somewhat (FI even just used > as close marker), which is the likely historic origin of the close-tag-avoidance. Often overlooked, but until PHP7 removes them, the regular <?php opening token can be validly paired with the rarely used </script> as odd closing token. The "hard close tag" isn't even one -- just made that term up for analogy. Conceptionally and usage-wise __halt_compiler should however be recognized as close token. __HALT_COMPILER(); ?> Which basically has the tokenizer discard any code or plain HTML sections thereafter. In particular PHAR stubs make use of that, or its redundant combination with ?> as depicted. Likewise does a void return; infrequently substitute in include scripts, rendering any ?> with trailing whitespace noneffective. Then there are all kinds of soft / faux close tag variations; lesser known and seldomly used, but usually per commented-out tokens: Simple spacing // ? > to evade detection by PHPs tokenizer. Or fancy Unicode substitutes // ﹖﹥ (U+FE56 SMALL QUESTION MARK, U+FE65 SMALL ANGLE BRACKET) which a regexp can grasp. Both mean nothing to PHP, but can have practical uses for PHP-unaware or semi-aware external toolkits. Again cat-joined scripts come to mind, with resulting // ? > <?php concatenations that inline-retain the former file sectioning.



Phptags标签更整洁 https://fossil.include-once.org/phptags/


Phptags——warn——whitespace *.php




具有完整的处理指令语法(<?php……?>) PHP源代码是有效的SGML文档,可以用SGML解析器毫无问题地解析和处理。在附加的限制下,它也可以是有效的XML/XHTML。


注意:还要注意,如果要在XML或XHTML中嵌入PHP,则需要使用< ? PHP ?>标记以保持与标准兼容。


At some point you may want to concatenate sources. This will be not as easy as simply doing cat source1.php source2.php if you have inconsistency introduced by omitting closing ?> tags. Without ?> it's harder to tell if document was left in PHP escape mode or PHP ignore mode (PI tag <?php may have been opened or not). Life is easier if you consistently leave your documents in PHP ignore mode. It's just like work with well formatted HTML documents compared to documents with unclosed, badly nested tags etc. It seems that some editors like Dreamweaver may have problems with PI left open [1].


Eschewing ?> however solves just a trickle of the common headers already sent causes (raw output, BOM, notices, etc.) and their follow-up problems. PHP actually contains some magic to eat up single linebreaks after the ?> closing token. Albeit that has historic issues, and leaves newcomers still susceptible to flaky editors and unawarely shuffling in other whitespace after ?>. Stylistically some developers prefer to view <?php and ?> as SGML tags / XML processing instructions, implying the balance consistency of a trailing close token. (Which btw, is useful for dependency-conjoining class includes to supplant inefficient file-by-file autoloading.) Somewhat uncommonly the opening <?php is characterized as PHPs shebang (and fully feasible per binfmt_misc), thereby validating the redundancy of a corresponding close tag. There's an obvious advise discrepancy between classic PHP syntax guides mandating ?>\n and the more recent ones (PSR-2) agreeing on omission. (For the record: Zend Framework postulating one over the other does not imply its inherent superiority. It's a misconception that experts were drawn to / target audience of unwieldy APIs). SCMs and modern IDEs provide builtin solutions mostly alleviating close tag caretaking.



The regular ?> close tag is also known as T_CLOSE_TAG, or thus "close token". It comprises a few more incarnations, because of PHPs magic newline eating: ?>\n (Unix linefeed) ?>\r (Carriage return, classic MACs) ?>\r\n (CR/LF, on DOS/Win) PHP doesn't support the Unicode combo linebreak NEL (U+0085) however. Early PHP versions had IIRC compile-ins limiting platform-agnosticism somewhat (FI even just used > as close marker), which is the likely historic origin of the close-tag-avoidance. Often overlooked, but until PHP7 removes them, the regular <?php opening token can be validly paired with the rarely used </script> as odd closing token. The "hard close tag" isn't even one -- just made that term up for analogy. Conceptionally and usage-wise __halt_compiler should however be recognized as close token. __HALT_COMPILER(); ?> Which basically has the tokenizer discard any code or plain HTML sections thereafter. In particular PHAR stubs make use of that, or its redundant combination with ?> as depicted. Likewise does a void return; infrequently substitute in include scripts, rendering any ?> with trailing whitespace noneffective. Then there are all kinds of soft / faux close tag variations; lesser known and seldomly used, but usually per commented-out tokens: Simple spacing // ? > to evade detection by PHPs tokenizer. Or fancy Unicode substitutes // ﹖﹥ (U+FE56 SMALL QUESTION MARK, U+FE65 SMALL ANGLE BRACKET) which a regexp can grasp. Both mean nothing to PHP, but can have practical uses for PHP-unaware or semi-aware external toolkits. Again cat-joined scripts come to mind, with resulting // ? > <?php concatenations that inline-retain the former file sectioning.



Phptags标签更整洁 https://fossil.include-once.org/phptags/


Phptags——warn——whitespace *.php











人们总是会犯错误,不管他们有多聪明。 坚持一种可以减少可能错误数量的做法(恕我直言)是一个好主意。 PHP不是XML。PHP不需要遵循xml的严格标准来编写良好并具有良好的功能。如果一个丢失的结束标签让你烦恼,你可以使用一个结束标签,这不是一个固定不变的规则。


像其他语言一样,关闭任何打开的标记是合乎逻辑的。不仅是X(HT)ML标签,还有花括号,括号… 对初学者来说更容易理解。


避免在结束标记后无意中添加空白,因为它破坏了header()函数的行为…一些编辑器或FTP客户端/服务器也会自动更改文件的结尾(至少,这是它们的默认配置) PHP手册说关闭标记是可选的,Zend甚至禁止它。


我想说,支持省略标记的论点看起来更强(有助于避免header() +它是PHP/Zend的“推荐”)。我承认,就语法一致性而言,这不是我见过的最“漂亮”的解决方案,但还有什么更好的呢?