
尽管有上述特性,为什么不鼓励使用alloca() ?



返回值 函数的作用是:返回一个指向对象开头的指针 分配空间。如果 分配的原因 堆栈溢出,程序行为未定义。




char x;
char *y=malloc(1);
char *z=alloca(&x-y);
*z = 1;


几乎所有使用alloca和/或C99 vlas的代码都有严重的错误,这些错误会导致崩溃(如果你幸运的话)或特权损害(如果你不那么幸运的话)。




while (condition) {
    char buffer[0x100]; // Chill.
    /* ... */


while (condition) {
    char* buffer = _alloca(0x100); // Bad!
    /* ... */




C99 provides variable length arrays, which would often be used preferentially as the notation's more consistent with fixed-length arrays and intuitive overall many systems have less overall memory/address-space available for the stack than they do for the heap, which makes the program slightly more susceptible to memory exhaustion (through stack overflow): this may be seen as a good or a bad thing - one of the reasons the stack doesn't automatically grow the way heap does is to prevent out-of-control programs from having as much adverse impact on the entire machine when used in a more local scope (such as a while or for loop) or in several scopes, the memory accumulates per iteration/scope and is not released until the function exits: this contrasts with normal variables defined in the scope of a control structure (e.g. for {int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { X } would accumulate alloca-ed memory requested at X, but memory for a fixed-sized array would be recycled per iteration). modern compilers typically do not inline functions that call alloca, but if you force them then the alloca will happen in the callers' context (i.e. the stack won't be released until the caller returns) a long time ago alloca transitioned from a non-portable feature/hack to a Standardised extension, but some negative perception may persist the lifetime is bound to the function scope, which may or may not suit the programmer better than malloc's explicit control having to use malloc encourages thinking about the deallocation - if that's managed through a wrapper function (e.g. WonderfulObject_DestructorFree(ptr)), then the function provides a point for implementation clean up operations (like closing file descriptors, freeing internal pointers or doing some logging) without explicit changes to client code: sometimes it's a nice model to adopt consistently in this pseudo-OO style of programming, it's natural to want something like WonderfulObject* p = WonderfulObject_AllocConstructor(); - that's possible when the "constructor" is a function returning malloc-ed memory (as the memory remains allocated after the function returns the value to be stored in p), but not if the "constructor" uses alloca a macro version of WonderfulObject_AllocConstructor could achieve this, but "macros are evil" in that they can conflict with each other and non-macro code and create unintended substitutions and consequent difficult-to-diagnose problems missing free operations can be detected by ValGrind, Purify etc. but missing "destructor" calls can't always be detected at all - one very tenuous benefit in terms of enforcement of intended usage; some alloca() implementations (such as GCC's) use an inlined macro for alloca(), so runtime substitution of a memory-usage diagnostic library isn't possible the way it is for malloc/realloc/free (e.g. electric fence) some implementations have subtle issues: for example, from the Linux manpage:



#include <alloca.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

struct Base
    virtual ~Base() { }
    virtual int to_int() const = 0;

struct Integer : Base
    Integer(int n) : n_(n) { }
    int to_int() const { return n_; }
    int n_;

struct Double : Base
    Double(double n) : n_(n) { }
    int to_int() const { return -n_; }
    double n_;

inline Base* factory(double d) __attribute__((always_inline));

inline Base* factory(double d)
    if ((double)(int)d != d)
        return new (alloca(sizeof(Double))) Double(d);
        return new (alloca(sizeof(Integer))) Integer(d);

int main()
    std::vector<Base*> numbers;
    for (std::vector<Base*>::const_iterator i = numbers.begin();
         i != numbers.end(); ++i)
        std::cout << *i << ' ' << (*i)->to_int() << '\n';
        (*i)->~Base();   // optionally / else Undefined Behaviour iff the
                         // program depends on side effects of destructor

alloca() is very useful if you can't use a standard local variable because its size would need to be determined at runtime and you can absolutely guarantee that the pointer you get from alloca() will NEVER be used after this function returns. You can be fairly safe if you do not return the pointer, or anything that contains it. do not store the pointer in any structure allocated on the heap do not let any other thread use the pointer The real danger comes from the chance that someone else will violate these conditions sometime later. With that in mind it's great for passing buffers to functions that format text into them :)


当正确和小心使用时,alloca()的一致使用 (可能是整个应用程序)来处理小的可变长度分配 (或C99 VLAs,如果可用)会导致整体堆栈降低 增长比使用超大的等效实现要快 固定长度的本地数组。因此,如果您仔细使用alloca(),它可能对您的堆栈有好处。



I've worked on desktop/server environments and embedded systems. A lot of embedded systems don't use a heap at all (they don't even link in support for it), for reasons that include the perception that dynamically allocated memory is evil due to the risks of memory leaks on an application that never ever reboots for years at a time, or the more reasonable justification that dynamic memory is dangerous because it can't be known for certain that an application will never fragment its heap to the point of false memory exhaustion. So embedded programmers are left with few alternatives.


I've seen time & time again where a programmer makes a stack-allocated buffer "big enough to handle any possible case". In a deeply nested call tree, repeated use of that (anti-?)pattern leads to exaggerated stack use. (Imagine a call tree 20 levels deep, where at each level for different reasons, the function blindly over-allocates a buffer of 1024 bytes "just to be safe" when generally it will only use 16 or less of them, and only in very rare cases may use more.) An alternative is to use alloca() or VLAs and allocate only as much stack space as your function needs, to avoid unnecessarily burdening the stack. Hopefully when one function in the call tree needs a larger-than-normal allocation, others in the call tree are still using their normal small allocations, and the overall application stack usage is significantly less than if every function blindly over-allocated a local buffer.

