



在Java 7及以后的版本中,你可以简单地使用(与URI相比,它没有错误):




 * Computes the path for a file relative to a given base, or fails if the only shared 
 * directory is the root and the absolute form is better.
 * @param base File that is the base for the result
 * @param name File to be "relativized"
 * @return the relative name
 * @throws IOException if files have no common sub-directories, i.e. at best share the
 *                     root prefix "/" or "C:\"

public static String getRelativePath(File base, File name) throws IOException  {
    File parent = base.getParentFile();

    if (parent == null) {
        throw new IOException("No common directory");

    String bpath = base.getCanonicalPath();
    String fpath = name.getCanonicalPath();

    if (fpath.startsWith(bpath)) {
        return fpath.substring(bpath.length() + 1);
    } else {
        return (".." + File.separator + getRelativePath(parent, name));


 * Returns the path of one File relative to another.
 * @param target the target directory
 * @param base the base directory
 * @return target's path relative to the base directory
 * @throws IOException if an error occurs while resolving the files' canonical names
 public static File getRelativeFile(File target, File base) throws IOException
   String[] baseComponents = base.getCanonicalPath().split(Pattern.quote(File.separator));
   String[] targetComponents = target.getCanonicalPath().split(Pattern.quote(File.separator));

   // skip common components
   int index = 0;
   for (; index < targetComponents.length && index < baseComponents.length; ++index)
     if (!targetComponents[index].equals(baseComponents[index]))

   StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
   if (index != baseComponents.length)
     // backtrack to base directory
     for (int i = index; i < baseComponents.length; ++i)
       result.append(".." + File.separator);
   for (; index < targetComponents.length; ++index)
     result.append(targetComponents[index] + File.separator);
   if (!target.getPath().endsWith("/") && !target.getPath().endsWith("\\"))
     // remove final path separator
     result.delete(result.length() - File.separator.length(), result.length());
   return new File(result.toString());

在另一个答案中提到的错误是由Apache HttpComponents中的URIUtils解决的

public static URI resolve(URI baseURI,
                          String reference)

对象的URI引用 基本URI。解决bug的方法 java.net.URI ()


String s1 = "/var/data/stuff/xyz.dat";
String s2 = "/var/data";
String s3 = s1.substring(s2.length());


String s3 = ".".concat(s1.substring(s2.length()));


使用路径分隔符("/")拆分字符串 通过迭代拆分字符串的结果来找到最大的公共路径(因此在两个示例中,您最终会得到"/var/data"或"/a") 返回“。”+ whicheverPathIsLonger.substring (commonPath.length);