I keep seeing "bootstrapping" mentioned in discussions of application development. It seems both widespread and important, but I've yet to come across even a poor explanation of what bootstrapping actually is; rather, it seems as though everyone is just supposed to know what it means. I don't, though. Near as I can figure, it has something to do with initialization tasks required of an application upon launch, but I could be completely wrong about that. Can anyone help me to understand this idea?





在一些web框架中有一个引导的例子。你调用index.php (bootstrapper),然后它加载框架的助手、模型、配置,然后加载控制器并将控制权传递给它。


I belong to the generation who flipped switches to enter a boot program. In the early 1980s, I worked on a microcomputer called Micro-78, developed by Electronics Corporation of India Ltd (ECIL). It was a sort of clone of Altair 8800. I distinctly remember what happens when a small boot program was entered using the toggle switches and executed by pressing a button. The program reads a second boot program contained in the 1st track of the floppy disk and overwrites it on itself in such a way that the second boot program starts executing to load a disk operating system. I think the term "bootstrap" refers to this process of the first boot program reading and overwriting the second boot program on itself, in a way "pulling itself up" with the additional functionality of the second boot program. That may be the origin of the original meaning of "the bootstrap program".






"...是一种技术,通过一种简单的计算机程序激活一个更复杂的程序系统。” “自举一词的另一种用法是使用编译器来编译自己,首先用现有语言编写一种新编程语言的编译器的一小部分,然后用新语言编写更多的新编译器程序。”
